FRIDAY, October 11, 2013
9:00-10:30 AM
FAC 228D
In Attendance: Fred Jeziorkowski, Cam Beasley, Greg Baker, Huapei Chen, James Coombes, Julienne VanDerZiel, Kamran Ziai, Mark Gunn, Randy Rife, Rich Brendahl, Rich Janes, Roy Ruiz, Sandra Germenis, Steven Boren, Tim Fackler, Tod Maxwell, William Green
Not in Attendance: Brad Englert, Graham Chapman, Ladd Hanson, Michael Caldwell
I. 9:00-9:15 Administrative Systems—Update (Mary Knight)
Mary Knight updated the committee on the Administrative Systems Master Plan. Included in the meeting packed is a draft working timeline of the revised Enterprise Roadmap. HR/Payroll is the first to go into implementation, with the planning phase to begin in early 2014. Vendor and implementation partner selections and contracts will be finalized in December.
The committee inquired about integration with other UT systems. Mary ensured that there is collaboration and transparency to create an integration environment.
II. 9:15-9:35 Priorities Finalization—Endorse
With changes discussed in the previous meeting, the committee unanimously endorsed the 2013-2014 AIC Priorities.
Both the Priorities and AIC Spider Graph are included in the meeting packet.
III. 9:35-9:50 Retirement of Web Space-Communication Plan—Endorse (Dave Moss)
Information Technology Services, and the Information Security Office sought approval from the committee to retire WebSpace the week of May 19, 2014. Dave Moss presented the plan and updated the committee on the alternatives to WebSpace and the communication plan to currently WebSpace account holders.
The proposed plan and Green Output update are included in the meeting packet.
The committee unanimously endorsed the Proposed WebSpace Retirement Plan.
IV. 9:50-10:05 Web Infrastructure Project—Endorse (Dave Moss)
Dave Moss presented the UT Web Infrastructure Project program and planned timeline. A handout detailing the project and timeline is included in the meeting packet.
The committee unanimously endorsed the high-level design and moving forward with the project and proof of concept. Dave will continue to update the committee on the timeline and will return once the proof of concept is finalized.
V. 10:05-10:30 Shared Services—Update and Input (Achim Welter and Heather Hanna)
Achim Welter and Heather Hanna updated the committee on the current planning for Shared Services and the next steps.
The committee inquired about where ITS fits into the proposed IT SSO. Achim stated that the draft recommendations would be released next week.
IT Shared Services’ next step is to develop a transition strategy. In order to do so, they will be holding workshops with representatives from campus IT and ITS. An outline of this phase in the planning process is included in the meeting packet.
AIC Meeting Notes, October 2013