3 on 3 Fast-break Basketball League
Boys Grades 6, 7, 8, 9
Girls Grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
This league monitored and officiated by Assistant HS Girls Basketball Coach Brook Begeman. Athletes will be assigned to a team to maximize balance. Teams play two games per night; the league ends with a playoff.
- This is a summer recreational league providing involvement among a wide variety of skill levels
- There are 4 divisions: Girls entering 5th 6th; Girls 7th, 8th, 9th; Boys entering 6th 7th; Boys 8th 9th
- The league will promote and focus on fundamentals with some added regulations that prompt teammates to work together (ex: dribble limit)
- The league is run on a 70-foot court, which allows many possessions on a full court venue
- If both teams have 4 players present, the option of playing 4 on 4 may be allowed
Game Regulations:
- Two 12-minute running halves; clock will stop the last minute
- All non-shooting fouls are worth 1 point with play restarting at the location of the ball
- All shooting fouls are 1 point and a free-throw; a made shot results in 2 points and a merited free-throw
- No pressing unless 2:00 left in the 2nd half
- 5-dribble limit in the half-court per catch
- Any swearing or fighting will result in dismissal from that night of participation and the week after
Dates: May 23 and 30; June 6, 13, 20,and 27
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 pm each Wednesday
Cost: $50(or $60 if a new jersey is needed – checks payable to SFC 3 on 3 League)
Location:SF Christian Elementary & Middle School Gyms
Player Name______Male/ Female Grade in 2018-19______
If a new jersey is needed indicate Adult T-Shirt size & include in payment - Circle one: S M L XL XXL
Complete the Activity Participation Agreement Below
Registration Deadline: May 4, 2018
Activity ParticipationAgreement
Participant Information (To be completed by participant or authorized guardian)
Nameofparents/guardians: Address: phone:
Name ofemergencycontact:
Emergencyphone(Day):______Emergency phone(evening):
List allergies or medical conditions: ______
Is sponsor (SFC) authorized to approve medical treatment? _____ YES _____ NO
Is participant covered by personal/family medical insurance? _____ YES _____NO
If YES, name of insurer: ______
Policy or group number: ______
Participation Agreement
I acknowledge that participation in the activity described above involves risk to the Participant (and to Participant’s parents or guardians, if Participant is a minor), and may result in various types of injury including, but not limited to, the following: sickness, bodily injury, death, emotional injury, personal injury, property damage and financial damage.
In consideration for the opportunity to participate in the activity described above (the “Activity”), the Participant (or parent/guardian if Participant is a minor) acknowledges and accepts the risks of injury associated with participation in and transportation to and from the Activity. The Participant (or parent/guardian) accepts personal financial responsibility for any injury or other loss sustained during the Activity or during transportation to and from the activity, as well as for any medical treatment rendered to the Participant that is authorized by the Sponsor or its agents, employees,volunteers,oranyotherrepresentatives(collectivelyreferredtohereinafterasthe“ActivitySponsor”).
Further, the Participant (or parent/guardian) releases and promises to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the ActivitySponsorforanyinjuryarisingdirectlyorindirectlyoutofthedescribedActivityortransportationtoandfrom theActivity,whethersuchinjuryarisesoutofthenegligenceoftheActivitySponsor,theParticipant,orotherwise.
Ifadisputeoverthisagreementoranyclaimfordamagesarises,theParticipant(orparent/guardian)agreestoresolve thematterthroughamutuallyacceptablealternativedisputeresolutionprocess.IftheParticipant(orparent/guardian) andtheActivitySponsorcannotagreeuponsuchaprocess,thedisputewillbesubmittedtoathree-memberarbitration panelforresolutionpursuanttotherulesoftheAmericanArbitrationAssociation.
Signature:Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date:
(Participant and/or ALL parent/guardians if participant is a minor)