August 2009

To:Registered Student Organizations

From:Campus Activities Center

Welcome Back to PSU! Thank you for taking the time to register your organization for the 2009-2010 academic year.

Registration is a yearly process to help us keep accurate records of active student organizations and the contact people/officers for each group. If officers or other information changes during the year, please let us know so we can update our database if we receive an inquiry. You can obtain a Student Organization Information Update Form available at the Campus Activities Center to change organization information at any time during the year.

Each organizational President is encouraged to attend a short Organizational President’s Training session. Each organization represented will have the opportunity to schedule their rooms for the following semester one week before the normal opening date

The dates for this training are: September 3, 8, 10, 14, 17, and October 5, 2009. All sessions will be held in the Overman Student Center (Inaugural or Sunflower Room) from 4 pm-5:30 pm. Organizational Presidents should sign-up for the date that best suits their schedule. Sign-up will take place when your completed Registration form is returned to the Campus Activities Center.

As a reminder, you must check your mailbox on a weekly basis. Many informative flyers and other information are distributed through the mailboxes. This is an easy way to keep your membership informed about what other activities are happening across campus.

If you have any questions throughout the year, please feel free to contact the Campus Activities Center (x-4795) or via e-mail at . We will be happy to help you!

Have a great year and good luck!


Travis Smith

Program Coordinator for Campus Activities

Pittsburg State University

Table of Contents

University Guidelines, Policies, and Regulations...... Yellow

Privileges of Organization Registration

Guidelines for Registration

University Alcohol & Cereal Malt Beverage Policy

Hazing and Pre-Initiation Activities Policy

Student Organization Web Page Guidelines

Overman Student Center Policies

Poster Guidelines - SGA

University Housing Poster/Solicitation Guidelines

Sidewalk Chalking Guidelines - SGA

Raffles and Drawings

Policy on Usage of Carpool Vehicles

Organization Mailbox Policies

Pittsburg State University Licensing Program Guidelines

Licensed Merchandise Vendors/Manufacturers

Allocation Procedures...... Green

Student Government Association Allocation Guidelines

Organization Information...... Blue

Basic Organizational Recommendations

Constitution and By-Laws

Parliamentary Procedure

Sample Order of Business

Benefits of Being an Advisor

Organization Advisors

Responsibilities of Organizations to Their Advisors

Responsibilities of Advisors to Their Organizations

Campus Contact Information

Academic Programming Calendar...... White


Privileges of Organization Registration

University recognition provides student groups the opportunity to enjoy the privileges listed below:

1.The use of the name of the University in the title of the Organization (following all related licensing guidelines).

2.The use of meeting rooms in the Student Center, bulletin boards, Quick Print Services, and other University facilities.

3.Request for allocations from the Student Government Association.

4.The use of the Business Office for financial advising and banking services.

5.To request approval of posters by the Student Government Association and University Housing.

6.Assistance from University staff members.

7.Organizational mailbox at the Campus Activities Center.

8.Inclusion in the online Directory of Student Organizations.

9.Permission for maintenance of a web page attached to the University’s web page

(Following all related guidelines).

Guidelines for Registration of Student Organizations

1.The established policy of the Board of Regents of the State of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, religious faith, national origin, age or physical handicap within the institution under its jurisdiction. All fraternal and campus related organizations shall follow this policy in the selection of their members, except the prohibition against sex discrimination shall not apply to social fraternities or sororities which are excluded from the application of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (2 U.S.C. Sec. 1681 et seq.). The responsibility for compliance lies with each organization. In discharge of this responsibility, each organization shall acknowledge its understanding of this policy.

2.Registration will not be granted to any organization whether national or local in origin, whose stated purpose, intent or likely consequence of activities is anarchistic, subversive, or disruptive to University activities.

3.Officers of organizations must have earned a minimum of 2.0 GPA during the semester preceding their election to office and for the semester(s) during their term of office.

4.Organizations must register annually with the University, providing at least a contact person/officers, advisor, and a purpose.

5.All organizations recognized by Pittsburg State University must abide by the policies contained in the Student Organization Handbook, the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities and all local, state and federal laws.

University Alcohol & Cereal Malt Beverage Policy

Board of Regents’ policy permits the service and consumption of cereal malt beverages (3.2% beer or wine coolers) under authorized and appropriately controlled conditions and regulations to be determined by the chief executive officer of each university. The President of Pittsburg State University has adopted the following policies on the sale and consumption of cereal malt beverages at Pittsburg State University:

1.The consumption of cereal malt beverages will be prohibited in all public areas of the University except for designated food service areas and the areas listed in the PSU Alcohol Policy, Section IV.

2.No one under the age of twenty-one (21) shall be allowed to purchase, possess, or consume cereal malt beverages on the campus of Pittsburg State University.

3.Sale of 3.2% cereal malt beverages by the food service contractor recognized by the University will be allowed in the Jack H. Overman Student Center of Pittsburg State University who shall be responsible for compliance with state and local ordinances.

4.Cereal malt beverages in individual containers greater than twelve (12) ounces shall not be allowed on the campus of Pittsburg State University.

5.Cereal malt beverage possession and consumption is permitted during home football game fundraising. Please see the PSU Alcohol Policy for complete policies and regulations.

6.Student groups are encouraged to obtain legal opinion concerning their status as hosts at private locations as it relates to the potential liabilities involved in serving alcohol to minor and intoxicated persons. The groups shall adopt self-governing procedures, appropriate mechanisms to ensure protection against individual or group liability as a result of the irresponsible use of alcohol.

5.Games which emphasize drinking alcohol or which place some kind of social approbation on one’s capacity to “hold liquor” or to display certain talents with respect to the consumption of alcohol will be prohibited at social functions.

6.All organizations will refrain from emphasizing alcohol in advertisements. Posters and flyers that contain alcohol related advertisements are not to be displayed or distributed on the PSU campus.

7.Persons who violate these policies or other policies will be subject to disciplinary action whether or not they are under the influence of alcohol.

8.Each registered University organization must submit a statement signed by the organization president indicating intent to abide by the University Alcohol & Cereal Malt Beverage Policy.

For a complete listing of the Pittsburg State University’s Alcohol Policy, please check online at


P.S.U. prohibits student organizations, fraternities or sororities from engaging in hazing of another person for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation within any organization operating under the sanction of the University. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any action, activity or situation that recklessly, negligently or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health, welfare or safety of a person or exposes a person to extreme embarrassment. It is presumed that hazing is a forced activity regardless of the apparent willingness of an individual to participate in the activity.

Such activities and situations include paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; ingestion of unusual liquids or solids or the ingestion of liquids or solids of unusual quantities; physical and psychological shocks, scavenger hunts, road trips, or any other such activities carried on outside the confines of the house; wearing apparel in public which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading and/or humiliating games and activities; late work sessions which interfere with scholastic activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of Pittsburg State University and Kansas statutes on hazing.

Student Organization Web Page Guidelines

All registered PSU Student Organizations are entitled to have a World Wide Web page on the PSU server. It is the responsibility of each organization to create and maintain this page with the assistance of the Overman Student Center Webmaster. The Overman Student Center Webmaster will not create web pages for an organization, nor will the Overman Student Center Webmaster monitor and/or update any organization’s web page.

Basic Rules for Organization Web Pages:

  • Web pages cannot be larger than 1MB (this includes all images and additional files).
  • All web file names need to be in lowercase letters with no spaces. Each file should also end in a code that describes the file (i.e. index.html, logo.tif, picture.jpg).
  • Web pages may not contain links to inappropriate or offensive sites.
  • Web pages may not be used to sell merchandise or solicit information that is not pertinent to the mission of Pittsburg State University.

How to Get Your WWW Page Uploaded onto the Server:

Once you have created your organization’s web page, bring it on CD or USB drive to the Campus Activities Center, lower level of the student Center between the hours of 8:00 am -4:30 pm. The Overman Student Center Webmaster will upload the page onto the University server. The Overman Student Center Webmaster and PSU reserve the right to refuse to publish any web page(s) for reasons including but not limited to: inappropriate images or links, discriminatory images or poor taste. If you are ever in doubt about the content of your page, please use common sense, respect and discretion as your guide. After the Overman Student Center Webmaster uploads your page, the Program Coordinator for Campus Activities will review your page for any errors, technical problems and for inappropriate content. Please be certain you leave a contact name and number of the person responsible for your WWW page so we may contact them if needed.

Making Changes to Your WWW Page:

Any future changes or corrections need to be taken to CAC during business hours where they will be uploaded on the 15th of each month. All organizations that wish to have changes/corrections/modifications made to their pages should submit them on CD. Any CD received after the 15th of the month will be uploaded on the 15th of the following month.

Suggestions for Student Organization Web Pages to help increase interest and membership in your organization:

  • The World Wide Web is a great place to advertise your organization’s upcoming events.
  • A schedule of events and other important news about your organization is great material for WWW pages.
  • List contact people and how interested students can reach your organization.

Overman Student Center Policies

Student Center - Reservation Procedures

Reservations are taken from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. To make a reservation e-mail Barbara Barto at , call (620) 235-4791 or stop by the Overman Student Center Administrative Office, Room 211. If your reservation is a major event, please schedule an appointment with the Scheduling Coordinator and the Catering Manager to discuss your needs.

To ensure first choices and equipment needs, make your reservation early. Reservations are subject to space, room and equipment availability. Whenever possible, observe the following guidelines:

1. Minor room set-up is 2 working days / need all information

2. Food Service requires all information 10 working days before event

3. Guarantees - 2 working days / must be before noon

4. Ballroom(s) or Major portions of the building - 10 working days

5. Beyond stated operating time 2 weeks

If you must cancel, please let us know as soon as possible. Cancellations within 48 hours of the event may result in a fee to the user, or denial of use at the discretion of the Director of the Student Center.

  • The organization and /or its officer(s) shall be held financially responsible for any damages resulting from their event.
  • No candles, open flame or the burning of any substance is allowed. This includes smoking or tobacco products of any kind. (Candles in globes may be approved.)
  • No fog machines, dry ice or smoke machines are allowed.
  • The contracted Food Service (Sodexo) is the exclusive vendor of all beverages and food items served in the building.
  • The Student Center does not assume responsibility for damages to or loss of any materials or equipment left by groups.
  • Groups who abuse their usage of the facilities may be denied future use.

Oval / Plaza / Village - Reservation Procedures

Events that will take place at these areas will need to be scheduled through the Overman Student Center Scheduling Office, (620) 235-4791.

Timmons / Gazebo

Timmons Chapel will be open from 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, and closed Saturday and Sunday, unless a special event is scheduled, or by appointment

  • Reserving the Timmons Chapel for special events shall be scheduled through the Overman Student Center Office.
  • Only current or former students of the University, faculty and staff may schedule special events in the Chapel unless special permission is obtained.
  • Group use on a regular basis will not be allowed. (No continuous scheduling)

Overman Student Center Policies (cont.)

  • Scheduled events will be permitted during vacations.
  • A specific person must be designated as the responsible individual when a group schedules an event.
  • No Food or Drinks will be permitted in the Chapel for any events.
  • Rice cannot be thrown or used in the Chapel.
  • No charge for the use of the Chapel will be made unless clean up of the Chapel is required after the event.
  • Decorations may not be affixed to any area of the Chapel or Gazebo in any manner that will mar the finish of the walls, structure etc. This includes the use of nails, staples, tacks and some tapes. The person responsible for scheduling the event will be responsible for removing any and all decorations and a fee will be charged for any damages or repairs that need to be made.

Display Case - Reservation Procedures

Two types of display cases are provided by the Overman Student Center. A description of the display cases and the process to schedule these cases are as follows. Scheduling of the display cases will be through the Overman Student Center Scheduling Office (ext-4791).

General Usage of Display Cases

  • Nine (9) enclosed wall display cases, with either wood-slat or tackable background, are provided for scheduling by recognized student organizations or University departments. These display cases are not intended for the display of an individual. There is a one week time limit on scheduling unless pre-approved by the Scheduling Coordinator.
  • No display cases will be approved if it promotes profanity, discrimination, alcohol or drug abuse, or illegal activities.
  • Unauthorized or inappropriate displays will be removed without notification.
  • There will be no tacking done in the wood-slat display cases. The appropriate hardware will be provided.

Damage to Display Cases

If an organization or University department damages the display cases, the Overman Student Center will have the unit repaired and the organization or department will be charged to reimburse the Overman Student Center for any costs incurred.

Poster Guidelines

All posters must meet the following criteria.

  1. Posters must follow the guidelines of the building in which they are displayed.
  2. Posters must be placed inside the buildings. They may only be hung on bulletins boards. This means they may not be taped on the paved portions of the Oval, on glass, marble, or painted and/or varnished surfaces. Note: some bulletin boards are for departmental use only. Posters may not be displayed on these boards unless approved by the department.
  3. Posters must be sponsored by a registered student organization or a currently enrolled student. Poster’s content must include sponsoring organization’s or student’s name and phone number or email address.
  4. Posters larger than 16” x 20” must be approved by a SGA cabinet member, a member of the Campus Affairs Committee, or the SGA administrative assistant.
  5. All posters with non-English language, words, phrases, writing or symbols must provide the English translation on the same poster.
  6. Posters may not be displayed for more than 60 days.
  7. Posters must be taken down by sponsoring student or organization within 24 hours after the date stamped on the poster.
  8. All posters must be approved by a member of SGA.
  9. No more than 40 of the same poster will be stamped by the SGA. Any more than this will have to be used as fliers. All 40 posters must be stamped individually.
  10. Any posters that are to be hung in the residence halls must be taken over to the University Housing Office in Horace Mann. See Resident Hall Poster Guidelines.
  11. Posters submitted by the following groups do not have to be stamped: RHA, SAC, SGA, PALS, Kanza, Collegio, departmental organizations, and University departments.

If in the case that any of the above guidelines are not strictly followed, the SGA Campus Affairs Committee reserves the right to penalize the sponsoring student or organization in the following manner: