IdahoRecreation and ParkAssociation

Meeting Minutes

September 19th, 2011

Owyhee Plaza Hotel Board Room

Boise, ID

4:30PM Start Time


Meeting was called to order at 4:34pm.


Present: Colin Moss, Tim Barker, Josh Oakes, Dave Keir, Doug Eastwood, Ken Knoch, Dennis Coyle, Jerry Sepich, Connie Vaughn, Brandon Lytle, Karolyn McCarty-Child, Sara Skinner, Brendan Myers, Jason Wiley, Lynn Welch, Suzie Cano

Absent: Rod Bitsoi, Rick Shaffer, Sarah Wilkerson



Connie moved, Jason 2nd, agenda approved as presented.


May 13th, 2011

Fix misspelling the names of Dave Keir, Sara Skinner, and Brendan Myers.

Josh moved, Jerry 2nd, minutes approved with changes



Most of the conference revenue has been received, but not much of the expenses.

Suzie will e-mail updated budget once all conference expenses have been accounted for.

Hershey Track revenue and expense line items will be removed.

Nobody submitted for the GreatWesternPark and Playground scholarship.

Jason moved, Colin 2nd, updated FY2011 budget approved as presented.

Reduced newsletter revenue to $700 from $1,400.

Reduced Friends of IRPA revenue since there have been so few.

Remove Cash Reserve expense line item since it’s the same as Contingency/Misc

Webpage maintenance expense line item reduced to $750 since cost has come down.

Dave moved, Josh 2nd, proposed FY2012 budget approved.


  1. Student Representative Appointments
  2. Liam Brown is no longer the student rep
  3. New reps can be appointed by the board without an election.
  4. Sara Skinner and Brendan Myers gave brief descriptions of their experience and desire to be the new student representatives.
  5. Brandon moved, Karolyn 2nd, Sara and Brendan approved as new student representatives.
  6. 2011 IRPA Conference Update
  7. Schedule
  8. Everything is on schedule so far. No speaker cancellations.
  9. Silent Auction
  10. We have several silent auction items. District Reps should bring District baskets to Tim’s suite to store.
  11. Awards
  12. All categories had nominations and some had multiple.
  13. Annual Meeting/Installation of Officers
  14. Wednesday lunch
  15. Tim will go through District reports, by-law changes and upcoming conferences.
  16. Swear in newly elected officers.
  17. Doug Eastwood will provide final comments.
  18. Social Media Update
  19. Facebook
  20. Tim brought up that Sarah Wilkerson, who will be the new Secretary, may be able to take on the role of managing our Facebook page.
  21. We need to decide what the function of the page is going to be. It needs to be a resource for professionals and not a tool to advertise what’s going on in different cities.
  22. Suggestions for posts included job listings, program ideas, post event reports, survey and study results, STORE updates.
  23. District Reps will be responsible for developing a unified message for what benefits can be expected by liking IRPA on Facebook and then contacting cities in their district to deliver that message to try and increase the number of likes.
  24. Doug would like to fast-track this idea and be able to report on the results by the next board meeting.
  25. Website Management
  26. Sarah Wilkerson will take over the management of the website.
  27. Identify District Rep and IRPA Board Involvement
  28. Elections
  29. All positions had candidates, but none were contested.
  30. Board Committee Reports


  1. Vacancies on various committees and boards
  2. Idaho Recreation and Tourism Initiative – we do have a signed MOU now and they would like the President to serve on the board.
  3. Credit Card Transactions
  4. We would like to be able to offer payment for dues, conference, etc with a credit card.
  5. Connie presented the “Square Up” which plugs in to a SmartPhone.
  6. The cost per month is nothing as long as you use it once every two years. There’s just a 2.75% fee on each transaction. Card numbers can be entered manually but the transaction fee is a little more.
  7. Connie will look into a possible PC plug-in so we don’t have to get a smart phone.
  8. 2012 Conference: Best Western Inn – Moscow September 16th-19th
  9. Someone from the conference committee this year should be on the committee next year.
  10. Suzie suggested we try to push back our conference by one week because this week always conflicts with the start of fall sports.
  11. STORE and Potential Funding
  12. Doug provided a history of the STORE program.
  13. The State of Idaho is back in the black so now may be a good time to bring it back up with legislators.
  14. Doug asked the board if we should present the license plate idea again or should be look at other ideas that would generate a larger amount of money.
  15. This will be tabled until the first part of next year.
  16. 2013 Expanded Conference
  17. Doug proposed the idea of combining conferences with Montana every year, alternating the host state.
  18. Many people may not be able to go every other year because some agencies don’t allow out of state conferences.
  19. We could try to present this idea to those in charge who don’t allow out of state travel to change their policies for this conference.
  20. Montana is planning on taking the idea to their membership
  21. Tim will add this topic to bring before our membership at the Wednesday business meeting and then we’ll plan to send out a survey.
  22. There was discussion about potentially starting this program next year at Montana’s 2012 conference in Missoula.
  23. We would have to work out financial details.


District 1 – Josh Oakes

District 2 – Brandon Lytle

District 3 – VACANT

District 4 – David Keir

District 5 – Jerry Sepich

District 6 – Connie Vaughn


Student – Liam Brown

There are two new professors in the Recreation Dept. Dr. Tami Goetz and Dr. Susan Houge Mackenzie.

Citizen – Rod Bitsoi

Therapeutic – Karolyn McCarty-Child

Tourism – Rick Shaffer

PNWRC- Tim Barker


Moscow, IDConference site for 2012Date TBD

Tentatively set for the third Friday in January, 10:00am PST

Doug will e-mail the board about video conference versus in person meeting


Suzie moved, Jason 2nd, meeting adjourned at 6:43pm.