Fall 2005
V. Matos
True-False Questions
1.The purpose of a database is to help people keep track of things.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 4
2.In a database, each table stores data about a different type of thing.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 4
3.In a database, each row in a spreadsheet has data about a particular instance.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 4
4.In every database, not just the databases discussed in this book, table names are capitalized.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 4
5.A database shows data in tables and the relationships among the rows those tables.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 4
6.Data is recorded facts and figure; information is knowledge derived from data.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 5
7.Databases record data in such a way that they can produce information.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 5
8.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an example of a data mining application.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 7
9.Small databases typically have simple structures.
Answer: FalseLevel: hard
Page: 7
10.Microsoft Access is a low-end product intended for individuals and small workgroups.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 8
11.Applications are computer programs used directly by users.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 8
12.Sequenced Query Language (SQL) is an internationally recognized standard language that is understood by all commercial database management system products.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 8
13.A database management system (DBMS) creates, processes and administers databases.
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 9
14.Microsoft Access is just a DBMS.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 9
15.The DBMS engine in Microsoft Access is called Jet.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 9
16.In Microsoft Access, you can use the Oracle DBMS in place of the Jet DBMS by using the appropriate "File" command.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 10
17.In an Enterprise-class database system, a database application interacts with the DBMS.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 10-11 [And see Figure 1-7]
18.In an Enterprise-class database system, a database application accesses the database data.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 10-11 [And see Figure 1-7]
19.In an Enterprise-class database system, business users interact directly with the DBMS, which directly accesses the database data.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 10-11 [And see Figure 1-7]
20.A database is called "self-describing" because it reduces data duplication.
Answer: FalseLevel: moderate
Page: 11
21.The description of a database's structure that is stored within the database itself is called the "metadata."
Answer: TrueLevel: easy
Page: 11-13 [And see Figure 1-10]
22.In a database processing system, stored procedures are held by the database management system (DBMS).
Answer: FalseLevel: hard
Page: 13 [And see Figure 1-10]
23.Information systems that stored groups of records in separate files were called file processing systems.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 18-19 [And see Figure 1-18]
24.The relational model was first proposed in 1970 by E. F. Codd at IBM.
Answer: TrueLevel: moderate
Page: 20
25.Business organizations have resisted adopting object-oriented database systems because the cost of purchasing OODBMS packages is prohibitively high.
Answer: FalseLevel: hard
Page: 21
Part 2. Phrasing queries with SQL.
In this example we assume familiarity with the COMPANY database, sketched below:
EMPLOYEE (fname, minit, lname, ssn, bdate, address, sex, salary, superssn, dno) KEY: ssn
DEPARTMENT (dname, dnumber, mgrssn, mgrstartdate)KEY: dnumber.
PROJECT (pname, pnumber, plocation, dnum) KEY: pnumber.
WORKS_ON (essn, pno, hours) KEY: (essn, pno)
DEPENDENT (essn, dependent-name, sex, bdate, relationship)KEY: (essn, dependent-name)
Write a SQL query to answer the following two requests.
1. Give the SSN of each female employee working for dept 4 whose salary is no less than $50,000.00
2. Give the Fisrt Name, Last Name, and SSN of each female manager