February 14, 2011 minutes

Ajay – website re-write

2/28 MEETING several administrative guests – get Lilly’s total

No SAO announces

Proposals –

w/c Justin Bain approved. Drews Bixby
who has used - a few senators

citations/esl/professors tell that they’re missing elements, w/c helps students on these points.
learn to express the profession via writing

Qualifications (get powerpoint from Justin) – post if get power point from all) of WC staff
all have taught courses at UCD or local comm. Coll
fee approved – satellite will continue – 30 hours/week. (clarify) All the students have access to the UCDenver location.
real time, online services. 7 days/week 6-10 pm

Grant is contingent upon continuation of AMC writing center – no fee = no grant work
variety of workshops.
60-80 on vitae workshops

Humanities degrees translate to helping technical writing of AMC student – prof development and research to get the w/c staff prepared. Writging is for a professional , educated audience.

Are AMC faculty ready to take this on without the w/c? assess argumentative writing? ARGUMENT ISargument/analysis is analysis.

Breakdown by schools? jb have to run the numbers.
post-docs/faculty workshops…can attend but can’t get individual help since don’t pay the fee.
currently putting together a sliding scale of $35/hour up to $80
LM and cag to work on education piece and nwill include more examples
Mental Health Center – Lynne Fenton – presenter/author
hx – and offer now – how we’re asking a fee
1 year in current center. 4 clinicians, in building 500. AMC students have access – LCSW and psychologist could work with some students (limited time)..bulk of students were sent off campus to other providers.
decision to ‘beef up’ psych services – to include psychiatrist for medication management.
Dr. Fenton is the medical director of the Center. LCSW and clinical psychologist – 3 provders can provide meds. From 90% being sent out. 80% are now managed by on campus one of the 4 providers.
On campus availability is more important now that in aurora, 9CO was more accessible to the providers who were off campus.
current clinicians are experts in AMC.
Safety net…lose student status? Can’t get to Kaiser doc.
Q: if a student does not have student health, are they safety net for non-U insurance as well? If they DO have the U sponsored insurance, the center is listed as one of their providers.
Based on campus – liaison for other service offices. (see proposal) also can provide the mandated counseling for drug/alcohol disciplinary actions.

Margaret and Deb saw 120 new evaluations – first year 2009-2010 center saw 188.
24/7 coverage with department of psychiatry…is difficult to find psychiatrist using provider lists – takes time, center can help find providers for students.
significant additional service compared to previous model.
Service will not go away…will be something like the old model, a few clinicians based on what the Deans can contribute.
Q&A – regarding sustainability of center if not charging
remove first visit charge to encourage mentally ill patients to come in free (vs. incur any charge)…remove all barriers possible.

Career Center -
Jonne Kraning – Director of the Career Center
no powerpoint 1.0 FTE for the Career Center
CRM survey – customer relations management tool…at the beginning of this academic year.
first 2 years have had a graduate assistant – now going for a professional 1.0 FTE position vs. graduate students. Jessie was first GA – 2 days a week, here for 1 year. Ellen trained by Jessie – quicker learning curve now Ellen moving on..need new model. AMC will always get someone in training. CPCE program in the Education school is being discontinued – so will lose the ‘feeder program’ for graduate assistants. JK sent the packet of marketing materials around the senators to see the marketing materials the CC has been using this year wit Ellen.
Just ASK – trademark for Career Center. Help students find ‘what they are’ – skills, interest, personality. MBTI, SII, strengthsquest, etc. hit the ground running in needing to compete – better articulate who you are when competing for the jobs out there. Higher level of assistance needed – not doing well in their program, they are in program but for the wrong reasons, and now realize this isn’t where they want/need to be. Fine tune, or are failing out…need to retool and find another direction.

ASK -= S = Search…getting career collaterals together. Another assistance for the job search. Write personal statements (AMC students need work). CC has asked employees how our students do in the personal statement – students think they’re doing great…employers think ‘not so much’.
Navigate virtual job search, etc.

ASK = K = Knocking on doors. Work with students one-one practicing mock interviews, technology to AMC - interactive software so that students can practice interviewing online at home/wherever.
More Assess for AMC – for those students who need more personalized help.
hope to hire a seasoned professional who has experience with health care professionals. Online requests have decreased, in personal appointments are increasing. 2 days a week part time will not provide the service that AMC is beginning to demand timewise as well as level of service wise.
Exact services for health professionals – residency packets for resident programs? Interview assistance. Haven’t gone into the assessment piece. Ellen was available for career fairs for networking with recruiters, etc. CC is still in growth/evolve phase. Have done mock interviews for students – CC had to say ‘no’ b/c the 40 students would have been beyond the other students who use the regular career center hours.
funding from grants? No federal program grants sought.
New recruiter relationships – job search/best practices – what is that? How does career center help wit those recruiter contacts? CC can what are the buzzwords, what are the keywords, etc.

Difference between WCandCC with resumes/cvs…lots of time – really find that both providers are necessary b/c of sheer volume.
Some redundancy between services on campus…if offices are putting together services, are the services of the CC needed, etc. ?