Application form for the Wellcome Library Open Access Fund

The Wellcome Library has made funds available to pay the open access publishing costs for research papers, monographs and book chapters which result from research based on the Wellcome Library’s collections.

To be eligible to apply to the Open Access Fund:

  • the Wellcome Library’s collections must substantively inform the work
  • the research article, monograph or book chapter must have been peer-reviewed
    and acceptedfor publication
  • the researcher must not already be in receipt of funding which could be used
    to pay the open access publishing costs.

If you wish to apply to the Open Access Fund please complete the form below.

First name
Library card number
Email address
Telephone number
Alternative contact
This section is optional. Please complete it if you would like an administrative colleague to assist with later steps in the process.
Email address
Telephone number
Your research
Which Wellcome Library collection(s) did you use for the research publication for which you are seeking open access funding?
Please list ten of the most relevant items
Please describe how the Wellcome Library’s collections facilitated your research
(500 words maximum)
Your funding
Have you received any funding in support of this research?
If you received funding, from which organisation did you receive it?
Your publication
Publication type
Publication title
Manuscript ID (if appropriate)
Publication date
Other authors (name and affiliation)
If applicable, have the other authors given approval for this work to be made open access?
If your application is successful, the Library will reimburse you or your institution for the open access publishing costs.
If this is not possible and you will require the Library to pay the publishing costs directly, please tick this box.
The terms under which a publisher will make a work open access vary. The details are usually made available on the publisher’s site, or in the contract.
Please give information about (or a link to) the terms of your publisher’s open access option.
Please confirm that your publication has been accepted for publication.

Please email the completed form to Diego Baptista ().