
204 Hot Topics for “How to” books, courses and information products based on highly searched key words on the internet

(from Matt Furey, Global Information Summit, Sydney, Nov 2004)

  1. spiritual / new age
  2. political / religious
  3. Kabbalah
  4. witchcraft
  5. prosperity—religious, spiritual or practical
  6. fitness
  7. weight training
  8. yoga
  9. pilates
  10. running
  11. walking
  12. breathing
  13. swimming, fitness
  14. tri-athlete
  15. aerobics
  16. women’s fitness
  17. golf
  18. tennis
  19. grappling
  20. baseball
  21. football
  22. soccer
  23. basketball
  24. cycling
  25. paintball
  26. pro wrestling
  27. old-time strength training
  28. anti-aging
  29. arthritis
  30. carpal tunnel
  31. knee pain
  32. shoulder pain
  33. back pain
  34. prostate
  35. cancer
  36. heart disease
  37. skin care
  38. obesity
  39. chronic fatigue
  40. sleep apnoea
  41. hormones
  42. premature ejaculation
  43. suicide
  44. Alzheimer’s
  45. how to have better sex more often
  46. porn
  47. babies
  48. teens
  49. how to make money in…
  50. how to pick up women
  51. famous quotes
  52. how to get out of debt
  53. how to travel the world
  54. weddings
  55. relationships
  56. China
  57. diet and weight loss
  58. how to stretch your dollars while travelling
  59. salary negotiation
  60. scrapbooking
  61. how to create a website
  62. martial arts
  63. horoscopes
  64. speed reading
  65. handwriting analysis
  66. magic
  67. hypnosis
  68. depression
  69. marketing
  70. advertising
  71. anxiety
  72. stress management
  73. herbs
  74. motivation and inspiration
  75. terrorism
  76. self-defense
  77. sales training
  78. how to speak foreign languages
  79. mail order brides
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  82. online dating
  83. real estate
  84. gold
  85. military
  86. gardening
  87. fishing
  88. hunting
  89. do it yourself home improvement
  90. how to tell if someone’s lying
  91. how to write a resume
  92. how to be a graphic artist
  93. mail order riches
  94. how to speak in public
  95. how to get pregnant
  96. dirty divorce secrets
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  99. cats
  100. birds
  101. pet horoscopes
  102. boating
  103. auto repair
  104. snoring
  105. chi kung
  106. meditation
  107. prayer
  108. feng shui
  109. aerial photography
  110. photography
  111. computer training
  112. sauna
  113. tai chi
  114. jiu jitsu
  115. karate
  116. acupuncture
  117. massage
  118. reflexology
  119. reiki
  120. aromatherapy
  121. selling on ebay
  122. camping
  123. cooking
  124. penis enlargement
  125. snow boarding
  126. surfing
  127. scuba diving
  128. sign language
  129. persuasive speeches
  130. Ronald Reagan
  131. fasting / colonics
  132. gambling
  133. vitamins and minerals
  134. wine
  135. quit smoking
  136. tobacco
  137. beer
  138. recipes
  139. crafts
  140. gift baskets
  141. chocolate
  142. sewing and patterns
  143. quilting
  144. jokes
  145. humor
  146. vocabulary
  147. hooked on phonics
  148. tutoring
  149. math
  150. dream interpretation
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  153. car buying advice
  154. alternative medicine
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  157. coin collecting
  158. genealogy
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  160. legal forms
  161. how to forma corporation
  162. credit resolution
  163. fibromyalgia
  164. Hainan Island
  165. how to be a millionaire
  166. how to pay off your mortgage
  167. asset protection
  168. copywriting
  169. tantric sex
  170. credit card consolidation
  171. bankruptcy
  172. hemp and marijuana
  173. addiction
  174. tattoos
  175. recovery
  176. clip art
  177. how to achieve goals
  178. house plans
  179. time management
  180. how to find a job
  181. boxing
  182. guns
  183. breast implants
  184. Chinese writing
  185. spelling improvement
  186. memory improvement
  187. sex toys
  188. how to masturbate
  189. bondage
  190. India
  191. how to get a scholarship
  192. loans
  193. how to choose a college
  194. leadership
  195. marines
  196. Vietnam
  197. collectibles
  198. personality and IQ tests
  199. dog training
  200. consulting
  201. how to study
  202. how to write an e-book
  203. free publicity
  204. impotence

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