Meeting Type: Executive Committee
Attendees: / Walt Moleski, Matt DeLand, Kenny Dearth, John Anders, Jon Landisattended by telecon.
Discussion Items:
1. Common Bat Rule. The EC discussed the proposed common bat rule for the fall league, which would establish a set of common bats (up to 6 from each team) for use during each game. There was general agreement that it would be worthwhile to test the concept, but numerous questions were raised about the implementation of the rule. For example:
- Should the bats be placed inside the backstop (and thus in the field of play) or outside the backstop (making it easier to try to switch a bat during the game)?
- Should the eligible bats be marked (e.g. with a piece of colored tape) during that game?
The EC decided to work on addressing such issues, with the goal of putting a rule in place for the games scheduled for Thursday 9/18.
2, Capital Improvements. John brought up a number of facility repair items for the EC to consider. This list included the following examples:
- New bases for the fields, and revising the alignment of bases and pitching rubber on many fields.
- Adding a door and wall inside the Beer Shack to provide a separate place for umpires to sit.
- Replacing the floor and cabinets in the food preparation area.
- Replacing the oven.
John suggested that a small committee be established to prioritize the list of possible items and establish an approximate cost for each one. It was proposed that, depending on the amount of items considered to be important, that a “capital improvement” tax could be applied to each team for the 2015 season.
3. Budget Status. In response to a question about the current financial status, Walt stated that GSPSA currently has about $6000 in the bank, with $2500 in checks to be deposited and money yet to come from CAN. Approximately $1700 is still owed to the NSA umpires.
Action Items:
Other Information:
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