YEAR:2015 - 2016
Physical education is a yearlong course which emphasizes the teaching and development of basic fundamentals, rules, and strategies of individual and team sports and activities. The Michigan Model Health Curriculum will be followed for Health.
1) A physically educated person demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement
patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
2) A physically educated person demonstrates understanding of movement concepts,
principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical
3) A physically educated person participates regularly in lifelong physical activities.
4) A physically educated person achieves and maintains a health-enhanced level of physical
5) A physically educated person exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that shows
respect for self and others in physical activity settings.
6) A physically educated person values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-
expression, and/or social interaction.
Students earn their grades. The harder a student works, the better his/her grade will be. Every student has the potential to receive high grades regardless of his or her talents, skills, or limitations.
Student’s grades will be determined by:
1) Proper Dress for class
2) Participation and effort during class activities
3) Participation and effort during daily exercise and Personal Conditioning
4) Completion of make-up assignments when absent
5) Tests (written and skill)
6) Class Assignments (IPad, written etc.)
The following grading scale will be used:
A = 92 to 100A- = 90 to 91B+ = 88 to 89B = 82 to 87
B- = 80 to 81C+ = 78 to 79C = 72 to 77C- = 70 to 71
D+ = 68 to 69D = 62 to 67D- = 60 to 61E = below 60%
Students will start each marking period with 100%. They will be given 5 points for every day of the marking period on the first day for Proper Dress and 5 points for every day of the marking period for Participation and effort in stretches and personal conditioning. Each no dress or no participation will result in a loss of 5 points. Test grades and other assignments grades will be added in to calculate final marking period grade.
- If you are inactive or not participating during class, you will be given a warning and be encouraged to participate. If we have to encourage you to participate a second time you will lose points.
Citizenship grades are based on behavior, attitude and sportsmanship in the gym and the locker room.
The attendance policy in the student/parent handbook will be followed:
For ten (10) or more non-exempt absences per semester will result in failure. In order for the student to receive a passing grade excused absences between 11 and 15 shall be made up at the rate of 1 hour for each class missed. Any non-exempt absences beyond 15 will result in a failing grade for the semester course.
When a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get a make-up assignment from their teacher upon their return. For extended absences or injury the student must obtain a current event paper or internet research paper to complete. In order to receive points for the day(s) missed all criteria of the assignment(s) must be followed.
School dress code will be followed for class. Every student is required to change into proper physical education clothing in order to keep their points for the day. Appropriate attire includes t-shirt, sweatshirt, shorts, sweatpants, or jogging pants. Your P.E. clothes must be different than the clothes you wore to school. Jeans are not P.E. attire. Gym shoes must be worn and tied.
-No clothing with inappropriate language, logos etc.
-All shirts must have sleeves
-Jewelry is not to be worn during class
Examples of clothing not acceptable for class include but not limited to:
- Boots
- Sandals, flip-flops, slippers, bare feet, socks (no shoes)
- Hats/Head coverings of any kind
- Shorts or pants that hang below the hips (sagging)
-Each student will be given a locker to use during the school year. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the locker clean and maintained during the year. Damage to lockers will be paid for by the student.
-I am not responsible for your belongings!
-You are expected to keep the locker rooms clean. Throw all paper towels away and clean up after yourself.
-The locker rooms will be locked during class and students will not be permitted in once they are locked until the end of the class period.
-If you are sick or injured during class, notify me immediately.
-To be excused from participation: 1-3 days a parental note with phone number (limit 3 notes per semester). 4 or more days you will need to provide a doctor’s note. If you are well enough to be in school, you are expected to participate in P.E. (excluding physical injuries).
-Equipment is to be used for its intended purpose. Intentional misuse of equipment will result in losing privilege to use it. THIS INCLUDES THROWING BASKETBALLS OR SHOOTING THEM FROM FURTHER THAN 5 FEET PAST THE THREE POINT LINE.
-Report any broken equipment as soon as it happens. Intentional breaking of equipment will result in being fined the cost to replace it.
-Equipment and gym space should be shared by all. If a ball comes into your area, simply pick it up and return it to those using it.
-Please include anyone who wants to play and encourage others to participate and do their best.
-The most important rule is to respect others and their abilities.
-The bleachers are off limits unless you are instructed to use them. All possessions (backpacks, books etc.) must be kept in the locker room.
-Abusive / profane language will not be tolerated.
-Students are not allowed to possess food or drink in the gym at any time. The exception is a clear bottle of water.
-Students are not allowed to leave class for any reason without permission from the teacher and a pass.
-Students will line up in their assigned stretching/attendance lines after changing before the bell rings for dismissal.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.
Please tear off this sheet and return by Friday, September 11th.