Truro & Kenwyn Neighbourhood Plan

Meeting of the Health & Wellbeing Working Group

Wednesday11 January 2012

at 6.00 pm in the Municipal Buildings, Truro


ATTENDEES:Councillor R Bowyer – Truro City Council

Councillor Miss C E Fozzard – Truro City Council

Mr Roger Gazzard – Town Clerk, Truro City Council


1 Election of Chair
It was agreed to defer this with RG chairing this meeting.
2 Health & Wellbeing Community Network Profile
This document is prepared by Cornwall Council and provides statistics regarding certain performance indicators relating to the health of the community. The figures for this networkarea are compared with others in the County. Overall this area performs well against other areas and is in the best third for all indicators. However, there are certain worrying figures.
  • Obesity
  • Teenage pregnancy
It was also pleasing to note that our area is in the lower quartile for the majority of the chronic diseases.
It was note that many of the profile figures are a few years old and also that they do not display a trend over a period of years. It was agreed that RG ask Cornwall Council when the figures will be updated.
It was also agreed that we need to discuss with Cornwall Council and the Primary Care Trust their plan of action to improve the health of the community. / RG
3 Action Plan
It was agreed that the group will need to review the following ; -
  • The current adequacy of GP services and facilities in the Plan area, and the ability to increase capacity in line with increasing population.
  • The plans of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust
  • The benefits and issues from the current policy of creating health and social care hubs.
  • The benefits and issues arising from the closing of the primary care trust with transfer of work to both GP’s for commissioning, and Cornwall Council for public health.
  • The adequacy of mental health provision.
  • The adequacy of social care provision
  • The importance of the provision of community beds in the area.
  • The issue of delayed discharges from Treliske hospital.
  • The adequacy of community support for patients who remain at home during or after illness.
It was agreed to invite representatives of the Primary Care Trust and Cornwall Council to the next meeting to discuss the subjects relevant to their portfolios. Also to identify a representative from the GP practices in the Plan area who could advise on GP services. / RG
4 Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 1st February at 6.00

The Meeting closed at 7.15 pm
