/ The YBC
Registered Charity No.1146300 / §¨©ª
No.8 June 2013

Thank you everybody who attended the AGMs of the Company and The Club. Last year was a successful year for the club and provided a good platform to move forward with a program of improvements to our premises. Help with managing this would be welcome. Subs are now overdue so if you have not yet paid please let Keith Sowerbutts have your £20 as soon as possible. If you are able, this should be gift aided: this would help the Club financially and gift aid forms are available at the Club. Stuart Kay.

The Trustees of The Company are Stuart Kay, Chairman.

Keith Sowerbutts, Finance Director.

Phil Godfrey, YCBA representative and children’s officer.

The new management committee members with their special responsibilities are:

Derek Horsley, secretary.

Margaret Stainer, treasurer and in charge of houskeeping.

Stuart Coggrave, adviser concerning property.

Piers Percival, newsletter editor and competitions secretary.

Barry O’Connor, in charge of IT, dealers and scorers.

Mark Bratley, bar manager.

Meg Jenkins, in charge of tea ladies.

Ant Edwards

Barrie Weatherall, help with new members and Monday practice sessions.

Internal Teams League: results this Winter were again very close and greatly enjoyed by all. The scratch competition, which acts as a heat for the Waddington Cup, was won by Annette Jackson, Roger Brooke, Elaine Hulley, Ray Lyall & Mike Jackson. We wish them luck in the Waddington final on July 14th. Our handicapped event for the Tony Richardson shield was won by Stuart Kay, James Carpenter, Richard Ingram, John Goodrich, Peter Gibbons & Michael Sturge.

The Wendy Horsley Rose Bowl (ladies pairs event) was won by Jenni and Audrey Bartram.

The Yorkshire Congress held at Harrogate found a strong field with at least 8 internationals playing. In the Championship Pairs, Barry O’Connor and Piers Percival were the best ‘local pair’ and came 15th (out of 88); Tom Cohen with Adam Dickinson came 14th. In the Championship teams event, James Thrower and Rob Myers with Paul and Jason Hackett did extremely well to come 2nd (45 tables).

Congratulations also to Ray Hutchinson and Martin Craven who won the Open Pairs contest at the Bridlington Congress.

Best Practice: Most of us know that most bids over 3NT are not alertable, however it is wrong to assume that you know their meaning, for example whether a 4C bid is Gerber, splinter, cue bid or something else. It is therefore good practice at the end of the auction to ask for the meaning of bids that may not be natural. The following calls over 3NT are alertable: lead directing passes, lead directing doubles that ask for a different suit to the one bid and any opening bid that is artificial (OB 5E4).

New Members: A big welcome to Xiaocheng Ge, Arnie Mander, Rachel O’Brian and Jason Levesley and we hope you will enjoy making many new friends at the club. Please go to <yorkbridgeclub.com> to view our various activities, which include the many competitions that are designed to suit players of differing abilities and experience.

Malton Cup: This is a multiple teams event held at the York club on Sunday 30th June. Entries to P Mason at Amboy House, Old Malton YO17 7HD, £18 per player, cheques payable to Malton Bridge Club. Just turn up with 3 others and enjoy a fun afternoon, it starts at 1.00pm.

Volunteers please: we are in need of additional Scorers, Dealers and TDs as well as decorators; if you feel you can help in any of these roles, please contact Keith Sowerbutts or a member of the committee. Appropriate training will be provided.