Village of Millstadt

Village Hall

July 3, 2006


The meeting was called to order by President Bruce Nowak with the following Trustees answering to roll call: Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, Joel Mueth, Mike O’Donnell, Larry Toenjes and Milton Touchette. The Pledge of the Allegiance was recited.

A motion was made by O’Donnell and seconded by Linda Lehr to approve of the June 19, 2006 minutes. The motion carried unanimously.



Toenjes stated that the bills have been reviewed. A motion was made by Toenjes and seconded by Mueth to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Toenjes announced that there would be an Executive Session to discuss personnel and litigation after Citizen’s Input and Comments.


Al Lehr reported a representative from Bio Solutions, Retha Daugherty, would present at the next meeting.

Al Lehr reported that a gear was going bad on the digester. The cost would be $10,000 for a new one, but Brian Bowmann said he could do it for about $1,000 if he can find the parts. Al Lehr also reported an animal got into the lift station, the alarm went off, and as a result, the power company had to come out.

Al Lehr added that the fire hydrant report would be ready next week and trash would be delayed a day due to the holiday.


O’Donnell reported on the request of the Civic Club to solicit funds for Old Newsboys Day outside designated businesses. The event will take place on November 16, 2006 from 6:00am – 9:00am. A motion was made by O’Donnell and seconded by Linda Lehr to allow the Civic Club to solicit donations on Old Newsboys Day. The motion carried unanimously

O’Donnell stated that more oiling and chipping days have been scheduled in addition to repairs of cul-de-sacs where the roads are deteriorating.


O’Donnell reported that a new tractor, side mount mower and chipper were purchased.



Linda Lehr reported that the cable service was moved from E. Madison to the permanent location. The question was raised of who would move the remaining pole? Nowak stated he would talk to Stan Jarvis about repairing the culvert before the pole is removed.


Touchette report on Ordinance 947 (Variance 116 Oldfield). Touchette summarized the minutes from the hearing. The variances requested by Russell and Kelly Oldfield of 509 W. White Street were denied by the Zoning Board. Steve Muskopf stated that he has no personal issues with the Oldfields. O’Donnell asked whether a plan was submitted for the existing concrete pad. Muskopf stated that Kelly Oldfield had called and asked whether a permit was needed for the slab and Muskopf replied that none was needed for ground level concrete. The slab is raised, however. Muskopf noted that the request was to erect a building 1ft. from the property line, where 5 ft. is required. Kelly Oldfield shared photos of the alley behind their house and other sheds and outbuildings not meeting code in their neighborhood. Linda Lehr asked whether they planned to build on the existing slab now. Russell responded yes, but the slab had been poured a couple of years ago. Muskopf noted that at that time there was no plan of putting a building on it. Muskopf stated that the Oldfields would still need to request a variance if the building was 5ft off of the side or rear. Muskopf stated that the Oldfields could be granted the variance request by the Zoning Board and not build immediately. Al Lehr noted that the ordinance was written for “a variance” not three variances. A motion was made by Touchette and seconded by Mueth to deny the variance request as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Linda Lehr reported that the annexation committee met two weeks ago to set guidelines of what the committee would like to do. The committee agreed to look at areas adjacent to the village and invite the property owners to an educational meeting in September.

Linda Lehr stated that annexation would not mean farmland would no longer be such.


Joel Mueth reported the pool is fine. Attendance is good. Mueth had a new to-do list for the Nature Park and Elm Street Parks. Mueth will get with Stan Jarvis to discuss the list.

Mary Lou Holshouser, who funded the memorial at Elm Street Park, would like to add a bench. Holshouser is going to order it and have it shipped here.


Al Lehr reported the flags would go up at 7:00am on July 4th weather permitting.


Linda Lehr reported that Millstadt Family Dental would hold a free oral cancer screening on July 14th from 8:00-10:00am. Linda Lehr also reported that the senior police academy would be held on Tuesday nights. Alan Hucke is coordinating the program.


Reservations for the class are necessary. Age requirements are flexible. Contact 476-3731 for more information.

The golf ball drop will take place at 5:00pm on Saturday. Tickets are $3.00 each or 2 for $5.00. The grand prize is a weekend at Rend Lake Resort. Other prizes include a handmade quilt. Linda Lehr thanked the fire department for assisting with the drop.


Nowak appointed Doreen Baltz to the Planning Commission. Mike French presented the revised comprehensive plan maps. French noted the primary focus was the move of annexation concentration areas from the north to the south side of town based on the potential corridor. French also noted changes in traffic distribution based on data collected. French added that the board has 90 days to approve of the plan. Other maps included a traffic flow, topography and wetland/floodplain maps. Mueth complimented the Planning Commission on the work that they put into the plan.


Kurt Pellman asked the board whether they have moved forward with the merger. Nowak stated he had talked at length with Butch Hettenhausen and had changed his mind. Nowak stated that in the long run many rural areas would be annexed so he now agreed with the merger. O’Donnell stated he had talked with some people from Waterloo and they have had no problems with their merger. Linda Lehr asked whether Nowak was advocating the original plan. Nowak responded yes. Nowak asked that the new district wait a couple of years before requesting a tax hike. Nowak stated he had a meeting with a tax representative on July 17th and would know more information on potential tax increases after the meeting. Tracy Holmes stated that the census results were in with the population totaling 3,594, which would mean a 3:2 (rural: village) representation on the new fire district board. On the point of whether the board should be elected or appointed, Pellman stated he prefer appointed. Pellman believes appointed representatives are more conscientious and less politically motivated. A motion was made by O’Donnell and seconded by Linda Lehr to approve of the merger. The motion carried unanimously.


Steve Muskopf reported the following permits were submitted since the June 19, 2006 meeting:

·  13 Josiah Lane- Single Family Residence

·  14 W. White Street- Fence

·  509 W. White Street- Fence



Nowak asked the trustees to review the information provided by Bio Solutions. An initial survey could be completed for $1,800.


A motion was made by Mueth and seconded by Touchette to grant the release of funds for payment from the letter of credit of Hershel Johnson for the second addition of Parkview Manor. The motion carried unanimously.


Kurt Pellman thanked the board for approving the merger agreement.

A motion was made by Toenjes and seconded by O’Donnell to go into Executive Session. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Toenjes and seconded by Linda Lehr to adjourn Executive Session. The motion carried unanimously.


A motion was made by O’Donnell and seconded by Al Lehr to adjourn the board meeting. The motion carried unanimously.


Laura W. Schaefer, Clerk Bruce Nowak, President
