BAMITAcademy Support Team Minutes

Monday, March 21, 2016

4:15 p.m.

Jefferson High School, Library – Moved to classroom

I.Welcome and Call to Order4:15 p.m.

II. Welcome to new members and/or guests

III.Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda

A.Move Item V. A to this point in the meeting (Approved)

1.Nicole Frazer: Shark Tank

a.Her economics class will be divided into teams to create a business plan, etc. The requirements are that the business must be based in Rockford, Il

b.5 topics to be covered April 11-15 with the help of guest speakers (volunteers needed, periods 1,3, and 7)

  • Monday, 4/11: Business Plan
  • Tuesday, 4/12: Market / Industry / Competitive Analysis
  • Wednesday, 4/13: Financing
  • Thursday, 4/14: Marketing / Advertising
  • Friday, 4/15: Operations

c.Shark Tank presentations will be April 26 – 29. Sharks needed periods 1,3,7

d.Times of periods: all days but Thursdays:

1: 8:30-9:20


7: 2:00-2;50


1: 9:25-10:09

3: 11:02-11:45

7: 2:14-2:57

***Please e-mail Judy if you are able to present on any of these topics and/or if your are willing to be a shark (assessor of projects).

e.Nicole will email Judy with confirmation on times and dates

IV.Follow-Up on Previous Items

A.Graphic Design, IT (hardware / coding) representative: still seeking potential AST member

B.BAMIT AST Questionnaire: If you haven’t yet completed your questionnaire, see attachment to this e-mail and send completed to BAMIT AST Chair, Jessica Hendon.

  1. Include web link

V.Teacher Reports and Requests (Outcome: Requests met or referred to CCRC)

  1. Nicole Frazer – Shark Tank
  2. Notes above
  3. Senior English Teachers: Adulting 101April 13, April 20, April 27, May 4
  4. Teachers are finding a lack of understanding / maturity from graduating Seniors – want to offer Adulting 101 to help the students transfer into adulthood
  5. Topics to include: Digital identity (April 13), personal credit (April 27), long-term planning (May 4), professional career attainment (April 20)
  6. Classes would take 4 weeks to complete (1 week for each topic)
  7. Teachers are looking for professionals to be guest speakers for the students – each class is about 50 minutes long
  8. 1st period: 8:30-9:20

No 2nd period

3rd period: 10:20-11:10

4th period: 11:15-12:05

5th period: 12:10-1:00

6th period: 1:05-1:55

7th period: 2:00 2:50

8th period: 2:55-3:45

***Please contact Judy to volunteer to present one or more periods.

  1. Judy Gustafson: Mock Interviews (Junior class: 4/27/16; Freshman class: 5/4/16)
  2. Sign-up sheet passed at meeting, but email will be sent out to others to sign up as well
  3. Individuals can sign up for as many or as few classes as possible on these dates
  4. Questions are “scripted”, making the process simple for the interviewer
  5. Junior interviewees can choose from a school / scholarship or a job interview format

****Please contact Judy to volunteer to serve as a mock interviewer one or both days for as many class periods as you are able.

VI. Action Items

A.National Standards of Practice– Handout given to attending members

B.Meeting date and time proposal (every month for the first 3 months of the school year)

VIII. Data Report

  1. Marcus: PARCC exam (Assessment for college readiness) make-ups being completed
  2. Truancy and drop letters are way down for BAMIT
  3. Mary Beth: Supply store opening after spring break
  4. Lynn: Visual Art dept. has done well in “juried competitions”
  5. Several students exhibits have been shown and placed on state and federal levels including some “Best in Show” and “Gold” awards
  6. Several students receiving scholarships
  7. Lynn: BAMIT Assembly will be April 15 at 9:25 am
  8. BAMIT t-shirts will be handed out to students that day
  9. Professionals and AST members asked to attend
  10. Matt: Class has been able to take some field trips / site visits to WTVO and TREK
  11. Steve: Several class projects / videos completed
  12. Midtown Strong Neighborhoods video
  13. Sports highlight video for banquet
  14. HS Academy applying for Ford Grant for a fitness program – specifically around heath education of students and public. The plan is to create a health “station” per year along a walking path that can be used by the general public and by students to improve their health as well as their knowledge of health. Sergio will send “green initiatives” to Judy.
  15. Gale: Digital Arts Festival will be held 5/2/16

IX. Adjournment (5:20 pm)

The BAMIT Academy prepares students to communicate, collaborate, and create successfully within a global society.

Next Meeting: May 16, 4:15 p.m.