6.4 The Wave Behavior of Matter

Louis de Broglie (1892-1987)

•  proposed if radiant energy (under appropriate conditions) could behave as a stream of particles and exhibit properties of waveà


h = Planck’s constant 6.626 x 10-34 J/s m = mass v = velocity mv = momentum

PRACTICE: What is the wavelength of an electron moving with a speed of 5.97 x 106 m/s? mass of e- =9.11 x 10-31 kg. 1 J =1 kg m2/s2

Wave properties of e- demonstrated experimentally…

Electron diffractionà

•  as electrons are passed though a ______they are diffracted

•  stream of electrons exhibits similar kind of ______behavior as EM radiation

•  technique used in ______microscope to obtain images at atomic scale (3,000,000 x magnification)

The Uncertainty Principle

•  If an e- exhibits wave properties, can we calculate the position, direction of motion, and speed at any time???

•  Werner Heisenberg (1901- 1976)

•  Uncertainty Principleà


De Broglie’s hypo and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle set stage for new approach to atomic structureà model that describes ______of e- while describing probabilities of ______

6.5 Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals

Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961)

•  Austrian physicist

•  ______à incorporates wave and particle behavior of e- = quantum mechanics or wave mechanics

u  Solving equation lead toà Wave functions- def.

u  ex: Ψ Greek letter psi

u  Ψ2 à provides info about e- location when in allowed energy state =

Orbitals def:

Quantum Numbers

1.  Principle Quantum Number (n)

·  Indicates

·  as n increases = orbital becomes ______à e- spend more time farther from nucleus

·  as n increases =

·  n determines the number of ______within the principle energy level

2.  Angular Momentum Number (l)

·  l =


3.  Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)

·  describes

·  equal to

·  ex: l = 3; then ml =

•  Electron shell:

•  Subshell:

Ground State:

Excited State:

6.6 Representation of Orbitals

S orbital:

Radial Probability Densityà


p Orbital

d= four leaf clover shape orbitals


•  ml=

f= complicated shape


•  ml =