Tallahassee Parrot Head Club

Not So Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, May 18, 2017

6:30 pm at Milano Pizzeria

Not So Board Members in Attendance:

Ron Crolla, Captain

Pam Denton, Member at Large (arrived but did not attend due to illness)

Jason Causseaux, Member at Large

Paula Lluveras, Purser

Sherri Wilson, Scribe

Club Members in Attendance:

Phyllis Causseaux

Gary Gray


1.  Meeting called to order at 6:37 pm

2.  Semi-Annual PHIP Report – Due June 30

3.  Financials

a.) Checking $4,161.83

b.) Savings $ 3023.51

4.  Bylaws

Ron to check with Hal on report for the June 16th deadline

5.  Storage Trailer and Float Trailer

a.)  Ron to check with Scott about using his trailer for Fall

Need a Chair for the Christmas Parade and Christmas Connection (Ron to send out email to members)

Aly Lluveras stepped up to Chair Toys-for-Tots

b.)  Storage Trailer – Gary Gray to check into having it fixed (wood rot and door)

c.)  Ron gave the trailer registration to Paula for renewal

d.)  Glen has General Liability Policy – Ron voted yes, Paula second 3 yes voted to pass. Sherri to get policy from Glenn

6.  Direction of Board and Club

a.) Sherri to get poster from trailer and have membership sign, frame and present to Doc Myers Bar as a thank you for sponsorship at the chili cook-off.

b.) Ron to send out survey – Board agreed to send out twice a year.

7. Miscellaneous/New Business

a.) Board Members to receive emails from Simple list and approve on others behalf.

b.) Vacant Member at Large Position – Gary Gray was nominated.

c.) Paint and Sip Party proposed by Pam Denton was mentioned but tabled due to her absence.

Gary mentioned having a pork butt cook-off with proceeds to go to Red Hills Wounded Warriors and he will check on this.

8. Upcoming Events

a.) 5th Wednesday on Fridays – Ron to send out email to members on where they want to go with a deadline of Monday 22.

b.) Parrot-Athlon – Gayle Brett informed Captain Ron she decided to put off until the fall.

c.) 1st Wednesday Social in June will be at Brass Tap

9. Next Meeting to be Tuesday, July 11th with place TBA

10. Adjourn – 8:03 pm

Motion by Ron, Second by Paula and Third by Gary