FORENAME AND SURNAME [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; aligned left]

Company/Institution name, City [Times New Roman 12, regular; aligned left]

[Times New Roman 12, regular; aligned left]

[If there are several authors, and summary is 15 lines long, names, company/institution name and e-mail should be written one after another on the appropriate line, separated by commas]

PAPER TITLE [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 14, bold; centred]

PAPER SUBTITLE [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; centred, optional]

Summary [Times New Roman 12, bold, sentence case, aligned left]

[Line spacing: single, Times New Roman 12, regular; aligned left]

[Text: Times New Roman 12 regular; justified; indentation 0 cm; spacing 0 cm; line spacing: single; page setup: paper size A4, margins: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm; paragraph spacing: one line between §.]

Keywords [Times New Roman 12, bold, sentence case, justified]: keyword 1, keyword 2, etc. [Times New Roman 12, italic; lower case; justified]

[Three to five keywords are allowed. Concept expressions like "Total Qua1ity Management" or “Quality Management Systems” counts like оnе keyword and should always bе written in full.]

1.  INTRODUCTION [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; numbered; indentation 1,2 cm; aligned left]

[Text: Times New Roman 12, regular; justified; indentation 0 cm, spacing 0 cm; line spacing: single; page setup: paper size A4, margins: top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm; no line spacing between paragraphs.]

[Paper must not exceed a maximum of 10 pages of single-spaced text, including all images, tables, appendices, references, etc.]

[Pages must not be numbered, and the use of header and footer is not allowed]

2.  SECTION TITLE [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; numbered; indentation 1.2 cm; aligned left]

[Text as above]

2.1 Section subtitle [Times New Roman 12, regular, sentence case; numbered; indentation 1.2 cm; aligned left]

[Text as above]

2.2 Section subtitle [Times New Roman 12, regular, sentence case; numbered; indentation 1.2 cm; aligned left]

[Text as above]

Placement of figures and tables in text:

Figure 1 – Title/description of figure [Times New Roman 12, regular; aligned left, above the figure)]

[Figure, centred; .jpg or .gif format]

[Text as above]

Table 1: Title/description of table figure [Times New Roman 12, regular; aligned left, above the figure)]

[Table, centred]

[Text as above]

3.  CONCLUSION [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; numbered; indentation 1.2 cm; aligned left]

[Text as above]

REFERENCES [All in capital letters, Times New Roman 12, bold; indentation 1.2 cm; aligned left]

[1] M. Agnič, Proces nabave od predloga do plačila, PowerPoint prezentacija, Oracle, 1996

[2].T.J. Clark, PMI Standards Cometee, Success Through Quality, ASQ Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1999, p. 11 – 14

[3] B. Hatchl,, 2005

[4] HRN EN ISO 9001:2000

[5] F. Rocco, Marketinško upravljanje, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2000, p. 38 – 149, 241 - 253

[Text as shown above: Times New Roman 10, regular, aligned left, title of the work in italics]

(See next page)

Blank lines as indicated in template, as follows:

- none between authors and affiliations

- two before title

- none between title and subtitle

- two between title/subtitle, and “Summary“

- one between “Summary“ title and the summary text

- one between summary text and“ Keywords“

- two between keywords text and “INTRODUCTION” title

- one between “INTRODUCTION“ title and introduction text

- two before section title

- one between section title and text

- none between paragraph text and the next paragraph

- one between text and section subtitle

- one before figure caption

- one between figure caption and figure

- one after figure

- one before table caption

- one between table caption and table

- one after table

- two before “CONCLUSION” title

- one between “CONCLUSION” title and text

- two before “REFERENCES” title

- one between “REFERENCES” title and the list of references