Fill the Social GRACES handout (do not fill out the poem on page 2) that is provided by instructor for their selected character and identify times in the movie where each identity is prominently displayed (visible/invisible or voiced/unvoiced). Completed handout will help to create a profile for selected character from the movie. Once profile is created student needs to identify the prominent concern that can bring selected character to social worker and support their arguments with information from the movie. This part of portfolio should be no less than 900 words. Once the Social GRACES profile and prominent concern is identified student should select one theory that was covered in fall term and that will help inform social work practitioner to work with the selected character with the identified prominent concern from the selected movie. For the selected theory students should find the most applicable 2 academic resources (journal articles or books) that provides the strongest connection between theory and practice and will be useful in working with selected character to deal with the prominent concern. Students can substitute one academic resource with non-academic if the resource is instrumental for connecting theory to practice with selected character. The theory application part of the fall term portfolio should include a brief overview (no less than 200 words) of how selected theory from chapters covered in fall term can inform practice with selected character from the selected movie (reference to textbook is required) and then list at least two academic resources that can enhance the social work practice that is informed by selected social work theory with selected character from selected movie. Each resource should include correct APA reference and concise summary (no less than 200 words each) on how selected academic resource can be beneficial in working with selected character. Emphasis in selecting relevant literature sources should be on analysis of oppressions and how distributions of power and resources in community impact social work theory and practice as well as how theories that are described in selected chapters can affect how social workers engage in practice activities. Students are also encouraged to consider dimensions of the ways in which social workers struggle against oppression and at the same time contribute to domination using theoretical perspectives that are highlighted in the selected chapters. This is an opportunity to be reflective in looking at approaches to practice as well as to understand, apply and critique theoretical applications to a particular area of practice using available literature resources. The recommended length of this paper should be no less than 1600 words.

Movie I chose:Mundhra, Jag (Director). (2006). Provoked (Private Moments Ltd) United Kingdom.

Theories studied from these two books:

1) Payne, M. (2013). Modern social work theory (4thed). Chicago: Lyceum Books, Inc. (chapters 3-10 covered)

2) Robbins, S., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. (Eds.) (2011). Contemporary humanbehavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Boston:Allyn & Bacon(chapters 1-10 covered)