Instructional Quality Commission

IQC-001 (03/2012)

State of California


Instructional Quality Commission

AGENDA ITEM memorandum

Date: / January5, 2017
VIA: /

Members, Science Subject Matter Committee

Cliff Rudnick, Administrator
Instructional Resources Unit
FROM: / Bryan Boyd, Consultant
Instructional Resources Unit
SUBJECT: / ScienceSubject Matter Committee Agenda Items
Item 4: Science Subject Matter Committee
A. Election of Vice Chair (Action)
B. Establish Goals for 2017 (Information/Action)
Review of Goals for 2016
  1. Continue the revision of the 2016 Science Framework for California PublicSchools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Science Framework).
  2. Recommend to the State Board of Education the final draft of the 2016 Science Framework.
  3. Continue to provide guidance and support for the implementation of the 2016 Science Framework, including the final edits and revisions, and publication.
  4. Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a roll out plan for the 2016 Science Framework.
  5. Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional learning, and instructional materials in science education, including the CA NGSS, the CCSS strand for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, and the Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI).
Proposed Goals for 2017
  1. Begin work on the 2018 Science Instructional Materials Adoption.
  2. Continue to support the CA NGSS rollout meetings.Phase 4focuses on the 2016 CA Science Framework.
  3. Support the publication the CA Science Framework.
  4. Remain informed on issues that affect curriculum, assessment, professional learning, and instructional materials in science education, including the CA NGSS, the CCSS strand for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects, and the Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI).
C. 2018 Science Instructional Materials Adoption
  1. Schedule of Significant Events (Information/Action)
The committee will review the Schedule of Significant Events for the 2018 Science Instructional Materials Adoption (Attachment 1) and then take action to recommend the timeline to the full IQC. The IQC will then take action to recommend the timeline to the SBE.
  1. Online Instructional Materials Reviewer Application (Information/Action)
The committee will review the online instructional materials reviewer application (Attachment 2) and take action to recommend the application to the full IQC. The IQC will then take action to recommend the application to the SBE.
D. Other Matters/Public Comment
© California Department of Education, January 2017