Publications order form /
Our core information materials
We supply orders of up to four items of our core leaflets, factsheets and resource sheets completely free of charge. For orders of between five and 20 items in total we only charge for postage and packaging.
Orders of more than 20 items in total will incur an additional 20p unit price for each item over the first 20. Please see page four for more information on the charges for our core information materials.
Where we have been able to secure corporate sponsorship to cover the print costs of individual publications, we do not charge the 20p unit price. These items have been indicated on the order form by (sponsored).
Please note that all of these publications can be downloaded for free from our website at, where you can also order copies online.
Core leafletsquantity / quantity
A01L01 / We are the Stroke Association 20p / A01L10 / When you have a Stroke 20p
A01L11 / Supporting a Stroke Survivor 20p / A01L12 / Next Steps after a Stroke 20p
A01L14 / How to reduce your risk of a Stroke 20p / A01L15W / Finding help after a Stroke (Welsh)
A01L15 / Finding help after a Stroke Free / A01L08 / We are the Stroke Association in Scotland
Factsheets quantity / quantity
A01F01 / Transient ischaemic attack
20p / A01F17 / Occupational therapy after stroke 20p
A01F02 / Driving after stroke
20p / A01F18 / Fatigue after stroke
A01F03 / Helping someone with communication problems 20p / A01F19 / Smoking and the risk of stroke 20p
A01F04 / Stroke: A carer’s guide
20p / A01F20 / Accommodation after
stroke 20p
A01F05 / Dealing with swallowing problems(sponsored- Free) / A01F21 / Stroke in African-Caribbean people 20p
A01F06 / High blood pressure and
Stroke (sponsored- Free) / A01F22 / Balance problems after stroke 20p
A01F07 / Problems with memory, and thinking 20p / A01F23 / Bereavement and stroke
A01F08 / Healthy eating and stroke
(sponsored- Free) / A01F24 / Epilepsy after stroke
A01F09 / Stroke in younger adults
20p / A01F25 / Haemorrhagic stroke
A01F10 / Depression and other emotional changes20p / A01F26 / Atrial fibrillation (AF) and stroke20p
A01F11 / Blood-thinning medication after stroke20p / A01F27 / Holiday information
A01F12 / Continence problems after stroke 20p / A01F28 / Migraine and stroke
A01F13 / Alcohol and stroke
20p / A01F29 / Vascular dementia 20p
A01F15 / Diabetes and stroke
20p / A01F30 / Pain after stroke 20p
A01F16 / Physiotherapy after stroke
20p / A01F34 / Childhood Stroke 20p
A01F31 / Sex after stroke 20p / A01F36 / Emotional changes after stroke20p
A01F32 / Stroke in South Asian people 20p / A01F37 / Visual problems after stroke (sponsored- Free)
A01F33 / Physical effects of stroke 20p / A01F38 / Women and stroke 20p
A01F35 / Ischaemic stroke 20p / A01F39 / Rare effects of stroke20p
A01F40 / Carotid artery disease 20p
Resource sheets
(available as photocopies only) quantity quantity
A01R01 / Benefits and financial assistance 20p / A01R07 / Exercise and stroke20p
A01R03 / Aids and equipment for independent living 20p / A01R09 / Leisure activities
after stroke20p
A01R06 / All about stroke: information for children (aged 9+) 20p / A01R10 / Private treatment 20p
Access to information in other languages
Stroke Association subscribes to Language Line, a telephone interpreting service which covers 170 languages. This enables callers to get information and talk to our Helpline operators in their own language.
For details, call the Stroke Helpline: 0303 3033 100 or order our language line flyer, which explains the service in 12 different languages (see page 5).
Charges for the core information materials listed on pages 1-3
Number of items / Unit cost / Postage and packing
Up to 4 items / FREE / FREE
5 – 20 items / FREE / £3.00
21 – 50 items / First 20 units free then 20p price per additional unit / £5.50
51 – 100 items / First 20 units free then 20p price per additional unit / £8.00
101 – 250 items / First 20 units free then 20p price per additional unit / £10.50
251 – 500 items / First 20 units free then 20p price per additional unit / £15.50
Over 500 items / First 20 units free then 20p price per additional unit / Please call01604 687 724 for information on the relevant p+p charge for the size of your order
If you order a total of 200 items including12(sponsored)items the calculation would be as follows: 200 items less 20 free items = 180 items less 12(sponsored) items = 168 units @ 20p per unit = £25.20plus £10.50 (p+p charge for 200 items ) = £44.10
If you place your order online at correct charge will be automatically calculated for you.
If you would prefer to place a paper order and would like help with calculating the cost of your order, please call 01604 687 724.

Other publications

In addition to any unit price indicated for the following items, there is a sliding scale of charges for bulk orders and for overseas orders to cover postage and packing costs. These are shown at the end of this form. For order enquiries, call 01604 687 724.

Other materials quantity quantity
A02AC / Communication card
(85x55mm) / A07M22W / My stroke victory (Welsh)
A02CA / Communication aid for stroke survivors with aphasia £2.50 / A07M22 / My stroke victory
A02C1 / Ask First to help prevent a stroke later(A5 leaflet on atrial fibrillation) English FREE
A02C3 / Ask Firstto help prevent a stroke later(A5 leaflet on atrial fibrillation) Welsh FREE / A07M56 / ‘You’re not alone’ leaflet (English) FREE
A02NHS1 / Swap it Don’t Stop it
(NHS booklet) FREE / A07M56W / ‘You’re not alone’ leaflet (Welsh) FREE
A07M58 / Stroke Helpline Card FREE / A07M60 / Aphasia Etiquette postcard FREE
A07M68 / Ask.Wait.Listen
Aphasia postcard for shops / A03SP / Supporter pin badge
Suggested donation £1
A06W12 / Celebration fund leaflet FREE / A12SSO1 / Stroke solidarity string £2.00
A07M06 / What you can expect from us FREE / A03W / TWCCS wristband
Suggested donation £1
Campaign materials quantity
A08C25 / Scotland Services after stroke FREE
A08C15 / Agenda for Action – Scotland FREE
A07M61 / Getting the support you need – Scotland FREE
A07M65 / Taking Action on Stroke Fundraising Poster FREE
A03POS / Give on your Mobile A3 Poster FREE
A09MS18 / Helpline laminated (A4 size) FREE
A09MS15 / Helpline posters (A3 size) FREE
FAST materials – Stroke is a Medical Emergency quantity
A02P11 / Fast A5 Leaflet FREE
A02P09 / Fast Test page FREE
A08FA03 / Fast A4 Poster Free
A02P10 / Fast Wallet Cards FREE
A08FA06 / Fast A5 Leaflet – Scotland FREE
FAST publications can also be downloaded from our website
Know Your Blood Pressure materials
To order Know Your Blood Pressure campaign materials, please contact, 01527 908 914 or email .
Stroke News magazine
FREE subscription to our magazine (three issues per year)tick below
Please tick the following box if you would like to have Stroke News magazine posted to you three times a year.
Stroke News is also available in a CD. Please tick the following box if you would like to receive the magazine in this format

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Publications Distribution
Stroke Association
1 Sterling Business Park
Salthouse Road
Northampton NN4 7EX

Tel: 01604 687724 Fax: 0844 4176391 Email:

Please do not send cash. We invoice with an official purchase order only.

Up to 4 items / Free of charge / 51–100 items / £8.00
5–20 items / £3.00 / 101–250 items / £10.50
21–50 items / £5.50 / 251–500 items / £15.50
Note: For orders of over 500 items, please telephone 01604 687724 for a quotation.
Overseas postage rates
Europe £5.50 / Asia & Oceania £10.50 / Americas & Africa £8.00
YOUR ORDER / Publication costs (where applicable)
Postage & packing

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Stroke Helpline 0303 3033 100Website:

The Stroke Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (No 61274).Registered office:
Stroke Association House, 240 City Road, London EC1V 2PR. Registered as a charity in England and Wales (No 211015)
and in Scotland (SC037789). Also registered in Northern Ireland (XT33805) Isle of Man (No 945)and Jersey (NPO 369).

Stroke Association – Publications order form (updated July 2017)1