May 25, 2011 – August 31, 2011
Property Address(s) (location of project)
Name / Company
Company Address
Phone Number(s) – Please include cell phone if available
Authorized to operate on the beach
Date(s) ______Time______
The equipment operator must have a copy of this permit on his person when conducting this activity and be familiar with all of the conditions associated with this permit.Conditions on back
Authorized Signature ______Date ______
In accordance with Section 8-86 of the Town Code of Ordinances, the Town Manager grants permission for the holder of this permit to operate vehicles on the beach for the purpose of sandbag removal. This permit is granted to support compliance with CAMA regulations and to facilitate the beach re-nourishment project with the following conditions:
1.You must contact the Division of Coastal Management at (252) 264-3901 prior to commencing work to verify all sandbag and debris removal and to arrange all required DCM inspections.
2.You must contact the Town Planning and Development Department the day of work commencement and the day work is completed at (252) 449-6046 for initial and final inspections (office hours 8:30am – 5:00pm, M-F).
3.Equipment must be loaded/unloaded at nearest authorized vehicular beach accesson the sand beach. DO NOT run equipment on turf-stone or asphalt surface of any public beach access or across existing dunes, berms or unauthorized private property.
4.After sandbag removal, work area shall be cleaned and smoothed out to an even plane, so that there are no piles of debris and/or sand, berms, holes or sandbag remnants or other litter as a result of the project, prior to final inspection.
5.Vehicle and equipment authorized by this permit shall only be operated Monday – Saturday, 7:00 am to 7:00pm.
6.The activity must not exceed the lateral bounds of the project location and must not increase erosion or otherwise damage neighboring properties, dunes or rights-of-way.
7.No activity shall take place within work perimeter of the beach nourishment project as established by the Town’s contractor.
Noncompliance with these conditions may result in a stop work order or civil penalties.
*SIGNATURE: ______DATE: ______
(Permittee/ Authorized Agent)
* By signing I signify that I understand, and agree to comply with, all conditions noted on this permit.