License Exams, Locally: As you will read later on in the club minutes for August, several members of the club, who are accredited ARRL-VE’s; want to start having testing sessions several times a year, locally. The VE team hopes to hold its first test session on Saturday, October 12th at the Red Cross Office at 9:00 AM. There are still details that need to be worked out. The team will be known as the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team, or WWVARC-VE Team. The accredited VE’s thus far, that are on the team, are: Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY, Don Cook, K9GT, Janet Marker, N9KL, Kenny Marker, N9KM, Herb McAdams, N9XC, Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, Steve Shank, KB9HQX, John Strain, W9MIU, Larry Toschlog, K9VD & Buster Webb, KG9ND.If I missed anyone, who is a VE and would like to be a part of the team, by all means, let us know. This will be one way that the club can help our fellow amateurs and perhaps, also, to help our club to grow.
Dry Run: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team will hold a practice test session on Tuesday, September 3, 2002 at 6:00 PM, at the American Red Cross Office, 1417 North A Street. Club members are invited to attend this session, which will help the VE Team to iron out any bugs, before the real thing on October 12th. For those who would like to, we will be meeting at J’s, for a little dinner around 5:00 PM.
1. Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, brought up the desire to start holding testing sessions as one way the club could serve the amateur community, and perhaps help our club to grow. The club has ten accredited VE’s who are willing to work on putting on the testing sessions. The club voted in favor of forming a VE testing team and voted to “loan” the testing team $150.00, to set up a checking account and to obtain the needed supplies to start holding test sessions. The money will be paid back out of test fees. The VE’s plan on attending various test sessions in the area, to gain insight and would like to hold a test session locally, on October 12th. A lot of discussion followed, with those interested, deciding to hold a special VE meeting, to iron out various details. For the time being, Charles Philhower, WA9KZC & Herb McAdams, N9XC, will head up the group, with Janet Marker, N9KL, serving as the “contact” person. Herb, N9XC, will contact Larry Toschlog, K9VD, to see if he would still like to be the liaison.
Results of the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club Test Session: The test session was held on Saturday, October 12, 2002, at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street in Richmond. We had one candidate take the Element 2, Technician Class test. The person passed the exam. We now have a “NEW”, licensed, Technician Class Ham Radio Operator. The test session ran smoothly, for our first time. Those VE’s on hand to help with the test session, were: Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY, Janet Marker, N9KL, Kenny Marker, N9KM, Herb McAdams, N9XC, Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, Steve Shank, KB9HQX, Ron Stier, W9ICZ, John Strain, W9MIU, & Buster Webb, KG9ND, doing the wrap up.
Congratulations & Welcome: To our newest ham and full member in the club, Joylene (Joy) A. Hinshaw, KC9COS. If you happen to hear Joy on the air, give her a hearty “Well Done”!
Results Of The March 1st Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team, held a test session on Saturday, March 1st, 2003 at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street in Richmond. We had 7 candidates show up for testing and we gave a total of 9 exams. 2 of the candidates had failed their initial exam and wanted to retake the test. Sorry to say, but they didn’t pass the second time around, either. They will get it, next time, after studying a little more. We had 1 person who wanted to take the Element 1, 5 W-P-M code test. They tried twice, but just couldn’t make it. We had 3 people to take the Element 2, Technician exam, with 2 passing and 1 failing. The person who failed their test wanted to try again, but no luck, this time either. We had 3 candidates take the Element 3, General Exam, with all 3 passing. Two of the three already had their code, so they made the upgrade to General. The 3rd person now has a year to get his code, to make the upgrade to General.
Congratulations: Tammy M. Johnson, KC8VXV, from Fairborn, Ohio, became a ham by passing her Technician Class Exam at our test session.
Congratulations: Kelly L. Ramsey, KC9DJA, for passing her Technician Class Exam at our test session. She was a student in the recent Technician Class, classes. Many of you know her husband, Dave Ramsey, AA9S.
Congratulations: James A. Scott, KB9SJZ, was able to upgrade to General.
Congratulations: Jerry N. Weddle, WD9AHP, for his upgrade to General.
Congrat: (Only half, Bob!) Robert A. Hinshaw, KB9MYL, passed the written exam for General, but still needs to get his code, before he can make the upgrade to General.
Results Of The March 11th Test Session: During the March 11th, 2003 Meeting/Open House, the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team held a test session. We had one candidate who wanted to take the Element 2, Technician Exam. The person passed their test.
Congratulations: Audrey E. Wilson, KC9DKG, as a result of passing the Technician Class Exam at our March 11th Meeting/Open House. Audrey, like her mother Kelly Ramsey, KC9DJA, mentioned above, also attended the recent class conducted by Ron Stier, W9ICZ.
Results Of The May 24th, 2003 Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club – VE Team held a Test Session on Saturday, May 24th at the American Red Cross. We had two candidates wishing to take the exams. One, wanting to take the Element 2, Technician Class Exam, and the other, the Element 3, General Class Exam. Both candidates passed their respective exams, resulting in one new Amateur Radio Operator, gaining the Technician Class License. The other candidate, having passed the written portion of the General Class Exam, now has one year to take and pass the Element 1, 5 Word-Per-Minute Morse Code Exam, to obtain their General Class License. VE’s on hand at the Test Session were: Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY; Don Cook, K9GT; Herb McAdams, N9XC; Charles Philhower, WA9KZC; Steve Shank, KB9HQX & John Strain, W9MIU. Buster Webb, KG9ND, came in after work to get the paperwork in order and to send it on its way to the ARRL VEC. Those on hand lending moral support were Lloyd Fox, K9KY, Bob Hinshaw, KB9MYL & Jim Scott, KB9SJZ.
Congratulations: Anthony White, KI4AOO, on becoming a new ham. Anthony drove all the way from Fort Thomas, Kentucky to test at our May 24th Test Session.
Congrat: (Just like Bob, you only get half, Joy.) Joy Hinshaw, KC9COS, passed the written Element 3, General Class Exam. She now has a year to pass the Element 1, 5 Word-Per-Minute Morse Code Exam, to obtain her General Class License.
Results Of The VE Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team, held a test session on Saturday, August 16th, 2003 at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street. We had two candidates come in for testing. One for the Element 1, 5 W-P-M code test and the other, to take the Element 4, Extra written exam. The person who came in for the code test was from Centerville, Ohio. Sorry to say, he didn’t pass. The other person, who took the Extra faired better, and passed. VE’s on hand at the test session were: W9PBY, Fred Adelsperger; W1IDX, Mike Chambers; K9GT, Don Cook; WA9KZC, Charles Philhower; KB9SJZ, Jim Scott; KB9HQX, Steve Shank; W9ICZ, Ron Stier; W9MIU, John Strain & taking care of all the loose ends, KG9ND, Buster Webb. Lending moral support were K9KY, Lloyd Fox & NN9V, Dick Sears.
Congratulations: James E. Szymanowski, N9JRJ, passed the Element 4, Extra written exam at our most recent test session. Our congratulations to Wayne County’s newest Extra.
Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club- VE Team held a Test Session on Saturday, December 6th, 2003 at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street, in Richmond. There were two candidates who came in for testing. One, to take the Element 3, General Class exam and the other, the Element 4, Extra Class exam. Sorry to report that the person trying to upgrade to General Class did not pass the exam. The candidate who took the Element 4, Extra Class exam, passed. Volunteer Examiner’s on hand for the Test Session were: Fred J. Adelsperger, W9PBY; Mike Chambers, W1IDX; Donald A. Cook, K9GT; Herbert McAdams, N9XC; Charles M. Philhower, WA9KZC; Stephen M. Shank, KB9HQX; Ronald L. Stier, W9ICZ; John Strain, W9MIU; Larry J. Toschlog, K9VD & Daryll (Buster) D. Webb, KG9ND. Lending moral support was Shannon (Joe) J. Davis, KB9WNM.
Congratulations: Congratulations to fellow club member Jerry N. Weddle, WD9AHP, who upgraded to Extra Class, by passing the Element 4, Extra Class exam at the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team Test Session, on December 6th, 2003. Way to go, Jerry!
Results Of The March 27th, 2004 Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team, held a Test Session on Saturday, March 27th at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street in Richmond. We had one candidate show up to take the Element 3, General Class Exam. Sorry to say, he didn’t pass. VE’s on hand at the Test Session were: Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY; Herb McAdams, N9XC; Charles Philhower, WA9KZC; Steve Shank, KB9HQX; Ron Stier, W9ICZ; Larry Toschlog, K9VD & Buster Webb, KG9ND. Lending moral support was Jeff Norris, KB9ZJV. Making a quick appearance because he was on duty was fellow VE Mike Chambers, W1IDX.
(April 13, 2004) Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, presented the club with a check for $150.00 from the White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team, to pay back the original loan with which to use to set up and operate our VE Testing, locally. Charlie also gave a re-cap of our last Test Session, which was held on March 27th.
Results of the June 12th, 2004 Test Session: We had 4 people come in for testing. 1 person took the Element 1, 5 WPM code test. This person did not pass. We had one candidate take the Element 2 Technician test and he succeeded in becoming a new ham. We had 2 people take the Element 3 General test, with one passing and the other failing. The person, who passed, now has a year to get the Element 1, 5-WPM code test, to gain the upgrade to General. VE’s on hand at the Test Session were: Mike Chambers, W1IDX; Charles Philhower, WA9KZC; Steve Shank, KB9HQX; Ron Stier, W9ICZ; Larry Toschlog, K9VD & Buster Webb, KG9ND. Lending moral support were Joe Davis, KB9WNM and Lee Jones, WT9G.
Congratulations: William V. Yorke, III, who passed the Technician Test at our most recent Test Session. He is now a Ham with the call of KC8ZXJ.
Congratulations: Jeffrey A. Norris, KB9ZJV, passed the written theory for General Class. Jeff now has a year to pass the Element 1, 5-WPM code test, to become a full-fledged General Class Operator.
Results Of The September 18, 2004 Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team held a Test Session on Saturday, September 18th, from 9:00 AM until 10:30 AM at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street. No one came in for testing. Those on hand were Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY, Mike Chambers, W1IDX, Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, Steve Shank, KB9HQX, Buster Webb, KG9ND & Jerry Weddle, WD9AHP. Lending moral support was Kathi Weddle.
Results of the January 8th, 2005 Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE’s held a Test Session on Saturday, January 8th at the American Red Cross, located at 1417 North A Street, Richmond, Indiana. We had 5 candidates come in for testing. Four for the Element 2 Technician Exam and one for the Element 4 Extra Exam.
Happy to say that all 5 passed their respective exams.
1. James A. Hamilton, KD8AIE, from Dayton, Ohio, upgraded from General to Extra.
2. Tairen J. Jester, KC9GZZ, from Richmond, became a new ham by passing the Technician Exam.
3. James S. Keener, KC9HAB, also hails from Richmond and passed the Element 2, Technician Exam.
4. Kevin Mayl, KD8AVH, from Dayton, Ohio, passed the Technician Exam.
5. Matthew D. Parker, KC9HAA, from New Castle, passed the Technician Exam, as well.
VE’s on hand for the Test Session were: Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY; Mike Chambers, W1IDX; Herb McAdams, N9XC; Charles Philhower, WA9KZC; Steve Shank, KB9HQX & Buster Webb, KG9ND.
Lending moral support was Leila Webb.
The next Test Session will be on Saturday, April 2nd from 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon, at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street, Richmond, Indiana.
Results Of The Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team conducted a Test Session on Saturday, April 2, 2005 at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street, 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. We had one candidate come in to test for the Element Two, Technician Exam. Happy to report that this candidate passed the exam, without missing any! Those on hand at the Test Session were Fred Adelsperger, W9PBY, Mike Chambers, W1IDX, Herb McAdams, N9XC, Charles Philhower, WA9KZC, Steve Shank, KB9HQX, Ron Stier, W9ICZ & Buster Webb, KG9ND. Lending moral support, Leon Jobe, KD8BO.
Congratulations: Dr. Marcus S. Teng, KC9HKF, is Richmond’s newest ham. Please make Dr. Teng feel welcome.
Results of the June 11th Test Session: The White Water Valley Amateur Radio Club-VE Team held a Test Session on Saturday, June 11th at the American Red Cross, 1417 North A Street. We had one candidate come in for testing. He took the Element 2, Technician Test and passed. He was talked into trying the Element 1, Morse Code Test, but he didn’t pass that. Tracy A. Nash, KC9HTV, is our newest Ham. He lives in Union City, Indiana and works at EarlHAM College. He plans on becoming a member of our club.