Name of the project: Introduction oftechnological line forproductioncholeretic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, drugslipovitol, limoneol, karviol, holelitolandferusinola.
The name of enterprise:SSI "Research Institute of Nutrition"
Address: 734025Dushanbe, Tursunzoda str. 25
Tel.: (992) 37-880-09-69, 93-537-07-77,

Field of activity: Production of medicine (drugs)

The purpose of the project: The use of new technologies in the development and introduction of new low-toxic and highly effective drugs lipovitol, limoneol, holelitol, karviol and ferusinola. Possessing hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties.
The brief description of the project: Relevance to the beginning of the XX century, the main danger to public health and public health problem have become a non-communicable diseases, gepotobiliarnoy system, toxic hepatitis, liver and steaztozy primarily cardiovascular morbidity disease morbidity and mortality of the adult population.
Overall costs of the project: 73000 US Dollars
(million. US dollars) - ,
Documentary ground of the project: Business plan is developed

Name of the project: Create a plant for production of rock phosphate as a fertilizer and the main raw material production of phosphate fertilizers.
The name of enterprise:SSI "Research Institute of Industry"
Address: 734029DushanbeAyni str, 259.
Tel.Fax:(+992) 901 112 701, (+992 37)226-25-01
The purpose of the project: Usedindustrydevelopedtechnology ofrock phosphatemineral reservesofTajikistantodevelop an industrialproduction plantand, based onthe introduction ofthe technology ofphosphate fertilizersfor agriculturein Tajikistan
The brief description of the project: Projectdevelopment of technology ofrock phosphatemineralsofTajikistan.
Overall costs of the project: U.S.$892,770
(million. US dollars) - ,
Documentary ground of the project:Businessplan is developed

Name of the project: Development of a field of amethyst Selbur.
The name of enterprise:State Unitary Enterprise "Chamast" Ministry of Energy andIndustry of the Republicof Tajikistan.
Address: 734000, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Borbad str, 52/1,
Tel.Fax:(+992 37)239-05-02

Field of activity: Miningof semiprecious raw.
The purpose of the project: Attraction of investment means for development of a field of Selbur amethyst.
The brief description of the project: The Selbur field is in the territory of the Hissar province of the Republic of Tajikistan. The main mineral - amethyst raw, amethyst high-quality used as production of jewelry. Term of coverage raw 17 years, amethyst raw 76028 tons, amethyst varietal 7297kg. The main components of the project: Development of a field of marble Selbur amethyst
Overall costs of the project: 2, 9-(mln USD)
(million. US dollars) - 2, 9,
from them:
own means:0.4
the external investments: 2.5
payback time (year) 7.4 years
The proposal to the investors: Possible forms of cooperation. Creation of joint ventureon mutually beneficial terms.
Documentary ground of the project:Technical-economicindicators ofindustrial development ofamethystdeposit "Selbur."

Name of the project: Creatinga coal-chemicalcomplex for the productionof synthetic motorfuels (1350 barrels perday)andelectricity productionusingcoal gasification(52MWT)in Tajikistan.
The name of enterprise:SSI "Research Institute of Industry"
Address: 734029Dushanbe, Ayni str, 259
Tel.Fax: (+992) 901 112 701, (+992 37)226-25-01

Field of activity: Industryand fueland energy complex
The purpose of the project: Is to increasethe energy potential ofthe country,involvementin foreign direct investmentforthe introduction of newadvancedcoal technologiesforelectricity productionand thecreation of experimentalindustrialproduction.
The brief description of the project: Creatinga coal-chemicalcomplex for the productionof synthetic motoroil.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - , 13.8 millionU.S.$

Name of the project: Skilled test of technology of processing of aluminum-containing raw materials of a field Kurgovad of Tajikistan for the purpose of receiving alumina for aluminum production.
The name of enterprise:SSI "Research Institute of Industry"
Address: 734029Dushanbe,Ayni str, 259
Tel.: (+992) 901 112 701, (+992 37)226-25-01

Field of activity: Aluminum industry.
The purpose of the project: For achievement of a goal in the project the following problems are solved.
Overall costs of the project: 7380400U.S. dollars
(million. US dollars) - ,

Name of the project: Free Economic Zone"Danghara"
The name of enterprise:State Unitary Enterprise "Taj Invest"
Address: Khatlon provinceDangaradistrict.
Tel.Fax: (+992 37) 2214717|2214718

Field of activity: construction of the plantfacing ceramicplates.
The purpose of the project: Ceramic tile productionannual capacity of3million square meters
The brief description of the project: FEZ "Dang" is located in the south ofthe Republicof Tajikistan inKhatlon,Dangara district. Organizovovanafor 50 years, with a total areaof landplots521ga.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - $ 10.0 million,

Name of the project: "Developmentmemtorozhdeniyamarble onyx" Patra"
The name of enterprise:State Unitary Enterprise "Chamast" Ministry of Energy andIndustry of the Republicof Tajikistan
Address: 734000, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Borbad str, 52/1
Tel.Fax: (+992 37)239-05-02

Field of activity: Miningof semiprecious raw
The purpose of the project: Getting fundsfor thedevelopment of the fieldof marble onyx"Patra"
The brief description of the project: Deposit "Patry" within the territory ofthe Republic of TajikistanShahrinavdistrict. Main fossilmarble onyxused asan ornamental stoneforprizvodstvaproducts.Termof coverageraw17 years, onyx raw808.6tons, 471.5tons ofornamentalonyx.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - 1,2 -(mln USD),
from them:
own means:0.1
the external investments: 1,1
payback time (year): 7.4 years
The proposal to the investors: Possible forms of cooperation. Creation of joint ventureon mutually beneficial terms.
Documentary ground of the project:Techniquedevelopedeconomicindicators of industrialdevelopment of marbleonyxdeposit "Patry."

Name of the project: Organization of production ofenergy-efficient LEDlamps inChkalovsk, Sughdprovince of Tajikistan.
Address: 735735, Republic of Tajikistan, Sughd region,Chkalovsk,Krasnoarmeyskaya str. 2

Field of activity: The organization of productionof energy-savingLED lampsag.
The purpose of the project: In this project,"CompanySomone" is planning the production of LEDlighting productswiththe main strategic goal:
-increase in Tajikistanenergy efficiency in allsectors, in all cities andregionsin the country asa whole, in conjunction with the State.
Transitiontonew safefor humans andthe environment,energy-saving technologies.
- Business highly profitable productionof LEDlighting products.
- to promote sustainable development of the energysector in Tajikistan, on the basis ofenergy efficiencyrecommendationsemanating from the"Master Plan for energy efficiencyin Tajikistan"
United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)
The brief description of the project:
Principal components of the project:
Overall costs of the project: 2 448 616, 00
(million. US dollars) - 2 448 616, 00
payback time: 5 (year)

Name of the project:
Address: 734033Dushanbe. Leningradskaya str.35,
Tel.Fax: 992 (37) 233-12-16

Field of activity: stone processing production
The purpose of the project: On the organization ofstone processing productioninAshtSughdprovince of Tajikistan
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - , 6,210 000(U.S. $ million)
payback time: 5 years

Name of the project: "Creating ascientific experimentalplant for production ofcoagulantfor water purificationand industrial wastewater"
The name of enterprise: SSI "Research Institute of Industry"
Address: 734029Dushanbe, Ayni str. 259
Tel.Fax: (+992) 901 112 701, (+992 37)226-25-01

The purpose of the project: Creation of shopgettingcoagulantfor use inthe treatment of drinkingwater and sewageon a national scale.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - U.S.$415,000,

Name of the project: Production of drying oil
The name of enterprise:Limited Liability Company"Ranginkamon -Ravshan".
Address: 734017, Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaki str. 205
Tel.: (+992) 918-61-43-01 909-99-38-89 985-38-70-34
The purpose of the project: Production of consumer goods.
• Organization ofsupply of raw materials.
• Storein designated areas.
• Preparation ofraw material for processing.
• Production ofvarnish.
• Storageproduct.
• Implementation of theproduct.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - 425000,
payback time: 5 years
The proposal to the investors: Possible forms of cooperation;
Distribution of profits50/50.

Name of the project: Investmentproject onproduction of constructionglass.
The name of enterprise:FREE ECONOMIC ZONE"Dangara"
Address: KhatlonDangara district
Tel.Fax: (+992 37) 2214717, 2214718
The brief description of the project: The project envisages theconstruction of a plantfor the productioncapacity of 1.0million square meters ofglassthicknessesfrom 2 mm to14 mmand5mt. piecesof glass.
Implementationof this project willproduce high-qualityimport substituting and exportproductsare in high demand, both domesticand global markets.
Currentlyglass marketand productsbased on it-oneof the fastest growingand promising. Building complex andcanningindustry is a majorconsumer of flatglassin Tajikistan.
The main producer ofglassin the republicis LLC "Bread Baking company" Kayrakkumthat producedin 2012,215thousand square metersglassjarsand3.32million. Annual growthneeds of the constructionindustryin the materialsfor glazing(glazing, flat,laminated, laminated glass) is more than 10%. Accordingly, thisrequirementwill be met byincreasing the output offlat glass.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - 10 million(U.S. $ million),

Name of the project: Construction of the plantfor deepprocessing ofmechanicalcocoonandraw silkyieldof finishedend productsof silksatin fabricandsilk fabricin Dushanbe, Tajikistan on siteGrenzavodaMinistry of Industryand New Technologiesof the Republicof Tajikistan.
The name of enterprise:COMBINEManufacture of finishedsilk satinand silk fabricsFABRICSLTD "Ohrmazd engineering"
Address: Dushanbe, FotehNiezov str. 37/218
The purpose of the project: The mainproducts of the projectwill bethe recipient ofReconstructionDushanbefactorcotton)in Dushanbe and theproduction of silkmaterials.Buyequipment forsilk reeling, materials and sewing machines.
The brief description of the project: ReconstructionDushanbecotton factoryin Dushanbe andproductionof silk fabrics. Purchaseof equipment forsilk reeling, materials and sewing machines.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - 2,000,000USD
Documentary ground of the project:International standardbusiness plan,

Name of the project: Acquisition ofinnovative technologies and equipmentfor the production anddesign of digitalset-top boxstandardDVB-T2,adapted to therequirements of domesticconsumers
The name of enterprise:Limited Liability CompanyJoint Venture"SAMO"
Address: Tajikistan, Sughd, Khujand. Leninabadskayastr. 23/1.
Tel.: + (992) 3422-4-36-94
fax: + (992) 3422-6-42-64,
The purpose of the project: The project aims atthe acquisition ofthe production technology andthe calculationof digitalset-top boxstandardDVB-T2,adapted to therequirements of domesticconsumers, licenses, equipment and staff training, the development of information and telecommunication infrastructure, the introduction of digital television.
The brief description of the project: The projectinvolves the production ofelectronic devices based onmultimedia processorsbytechnological standards.The project contributes tothe Government of Tajikistansetthe goal ofnationwideaccessto digital televisionin the coming yearsand is aimed atthe organization ofthe sale of equipmentfor digital television(TVset-top box, digital broadcastingstudio), manufactured by our company.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) -5.0 million,
payback time: 5 years


Name of the project: Manufacturing technology ofLED modulesforlamps and fixturesfrom3Wto300W.
The name of enterprise:Limited Liability CompanyJoint Venture"SAMO"
Address: Tajikistan, Sughd, Khujand. Leninabadskayastr. 23/1.
Tel.: + (992) 3422-4-36-94
fax: + (992) 3422-6-42-64,
The purpose of the project: The project aims atthe acquisition ofthe production technology andthe calculationprocess equipmentfor the manufacture ofLED modules.
The brief description of the project: The projectinvolves the production ofelectronic devices based onmultimedia processorsbytechnological standards.The project contributes tothe Government of Tajikistansetthe goal ofthe country's marketenergy-efficient LEDand lighting equipmentin the coming yearsand is aimed atthe organization ofthe sale of theseproducts manufacturedat our plantinthe Republic of Tajikistan.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) -1.00million,
payback time: 2.5 years

Name of the project:Create a Limited Liability Company "Восе Salt" was aimed at the organization and establishment of a plant for processing and production of salt, which became the basis for the development of the project under the "Construction of the plant for processing and production of salt."
The name of enterprise:Limited Liability Company "Восе Salt"
Address:Republic of Tajikistan, Khatlon district, Vоsе, Rohiohan 44 st.
Tel.:+992918880008, 992907810808

Field of activity:
The purpose of the project:The aim of the project is the organization of production and processing of salt through the construction of the plant, on the land owned by the founder Mr. ShaykhovSheraliKhamidovich as well as to maximize profits.
The brief description of the project:Under the strategy takes into account the essence of a comprehensive study of the issues on the project:

Construction of the plant;

Placement of equipment for processing, cleaning and packing of salt;

The use of salt deposits;

Creation of new jobs;

Recruitment and training of workers;

Rental equipment for the processing and delivery of raw materials to the destination;

Delivery of salt to the railway track;

Salt export to the Russian Federation and other CIS countries;

The implementation of the wholesale market of neighboring countries.

Exports of salt will be provided for its technological purification and processing of relevant approved standards, as well as its packaging in cans of 500 gr. and 1000 grams. and in sacks of 50 kg. It is planned to use a different tare weight of various packaging for the convenience of buyers appropriate appearance.
Overall costs of the project:
(million. US dollars) - 5 075,0mln,
payback time (5 - years)
Documentary ground of the project:BUSINESS - PLAN

The name of enterprise:Open Joint Stock Company "Dushanbe tobacco factory"
The purpose of the project:The main objective of the project is the creation of a joint venture with a foreign investor, on the basis of which the organization using local raw materials for manufacturing tobacco products competitive in the world market.

Objectives of the project:

- Improvement of plant production, reaching the level of the 80s and above;

- Meeting the needs of (full) of the internal market in tobacco products;

- Creation of production kokurentnosposobnoy products (tobacco) on the world market and increase the export potential of the Republic of Tajikistan;

- Effective use of local raw materials and material resources through the introduction of advanced technology;

- Creation of new jobs that will effectively utilize local labor and to suspend outflow from the country of skilled labor;

- Improvement of the social and industrial infrastructure in the area of ​​the enterprise;

- Improving the living standards of employees.

- The acquisition of high-quality skeletal varieties of tobacco abroad.
The brief description of the project:Currently, the company is staffed by qualified personnel. At the beginning of 2013 the average annual number of production staff of 80 people (compare to 1990g.-312 people). During the project implementation problems with the staff will not. In addition, it should be noted that the positive factor of the project is cheap labor. Thus the average monthly wage in 2013 the enterprise was 700 Tajik rubles (about USD 145), which in product costing will have a very small proportion.
Overall costs of the project: (46.83 million. US dollars),

Name of the project:Construction of livestock complex.
The name of enterprise:Council of Russian Compatriots Kulob region of Tajikistan
Address:Republic of Tajikistan, Kulob city. Borbad 21/95
Tel.: 8 53 22) 02/04/95, 918,333,879
The purpose of the project:For example, expansion of existing production capacity, improving the quality of existing products, introduction of new products on the market, the introduction of new facilities, etc.

This project provides for charitable activities to economic activity. Provides for the allocation of land for construction of the house, turkey breeding, livestock center mini-workshop for the production of dairy products, as well as part of the land is used for growing crops. Implementation of the project is aimed at ensuring food pensioners and enable autonomous existence of association.
The brief description of the project:The project involves the construction of cattle-breeding complex with the release of meat and dairy products. Also provides for the establishment of fisheries and crop production with their further processing.

Special conditions for project implementation: The project involves the construction of cattle-breeding complex with the release of meat and dairy products. Also provides for the establishment of fisheries and crop production with their further processing.

For example, tax rates, tax breaks / holidays, losses reallocated to future period, subsidies, profit repatriation, ownership, export-import restrictions and privileges, and others.


Product Description Nominal capacity

Product 1: Fish carp, carp to 60 tons per month

Product 2: Turkey meat 30 tons per month

Product 3: Eggs, turkey 500 pcs. per month

Product 4: Dairy produce 10 tons

Product 5: Lamb meat 3 tons per month

Product 6: Beef 15 tons per month
Overall costs of the project: - 10.0 million. Euros.
The proposal to the investors:The joint venture

Partnerships on mutually beneficial terms, joint development.
Documentary ground of the project:There is a ready technical documentation