Registration Form For
To be held in Gisborne October 23 – 25 2010
Please use this form to forward a $50.00 deposit for each person attending this Reunion.
Total Fee is $150, the balance of $100 can be paid at the Registration desk at The Bushmere Arms on the Saturday of the Reunion.
Please note, full names are required to assist with name tags that will be required to enter all venues.
NAME {First} ……………………………………{Surname}………......
PARTNER {First} ………………………………{Surname}………………………………………………………
OTHER {First}…………………………………..{Surname}………………………………………………………
OTHER {First}…………………………………..{Surname}………………………………………………………
PHONES{Work} ...... ……………….. {Home} …………………...... {Fax}……………………………
Numbers attending …………………………………
Total Deposit payment $......
Please make cheque payable to “Lawson Field Reunion”. Alternatively, deposit payment intoa Westpac Bank - Account number - 03-0638-0554360-000 - using your surname and initial as a reference
Return Form and Payment to:
Tony Field
c/o Tony Field Jewellers
153 Gladstone Road
Or e-mail this form with confirmation:
Phone (06) 863 3840
The organizing committee would like to extend an invitation to attend The Lawson Field Reunion.This event is to be held in Gisborne on October 23, 24, 25 2010
The full Registration fee is set at $150 per person. This encompasses entry into the Museum on Sunday for the displays, the formal dinner, fuel costs for visiting aircraft and a donation to the GAPS Museum. We are still working on sponsorship from outside interests to help with the event.
Saturday October 23 2010
Meet & Greet and Registrationfrom 11.00am until approx. 4pm
Venue: The Bushmere Arms Hotel SH2 Waerenga-a-hika. (Approx. 8km North from Makaraka on the Gisborne to Opotiki Main Highway SH2)Refreshments will be available.
Sunday October 24 2010
Static Aircraft Display and Aerial Display Demo from 9.00am
Venue: Gisborne Airport Chalmers Road Gisborne
A sausage sizzle style lunch will be provided
The Aerial Display will commence at 10.30am then all aircraft will be available for the static display. Some aircraft will also be involved in scenic flights, including the DC3.
Formal Dinner at 5.30pm
Venue: The Bushmere Arms Hotel
Dinner and speeches to commence at 6.30pm sharp.
Monday October 25 2010
Monday October 25: A farewell morning teawill be held back at the GAPS Museum at the Airport from 9.30am.
Please note that the registration cost does not include accommodation during the event.
Special rates have been organized for accommodation at the Portside Hotel.
2 Reads Quay, PO Box 177, Gisborne
DDI: 06 869 1000 Fax: 06 869 1020
Reservations: 0800 767 874
Please direct any questions to:
Graeme Mills……………… Ph: +612-4931-9266
Tony Field…………………… Ph: 06-863-3840
Paul Corrin………………… Ph: 06-867-7118
Neville Worsley……………Ph: 07-345-5776
Please be on time for the Sunday’s 2 events as we have a lot to get through. The Aerial Display will start around 10am before the wind gets up. Please contact any of the people above if you have any questions or require further information. We are looking at about 280 people attending so far.
If you can think of anybody involved in the industry who would also like to attend, please contact one of the people listed above. The event is not restricted to Fieldair employees, it is open to anyone who has a connection with the industry.
We require a $50 deposit at this stage to help with venues, Security and other items and the balance of the fee can be paid at the Registration desk at The Bushmere Arms on the Saturday. The form with the details accompanies this e-mail.
On the Monday, everyone is welcome to call on Wayne Greaves to view the progress on Lawson’s first Tiger ZK-AQC, which Wayne is restoring.
Map 1 – The Bushmere Arms
Map 2 – Airport – Hotel & Wayne Greaves