Educational Qualifications

(Degree, Specialization, Institution, year)

1. Ph.D.DurhamUniversity, Durham, England, UK.

(Theoretical Particle Physics) October 1967.

2. M. Sc. (Physics) with thesis inPunjabUniversity, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan,

Theoretical Astrophysics, 1964.

3. B. Sc. (Hon's in Physics), IslamiaCollege, University of the Punjab,

(with Mathematics as minor)Lahore,1963,First Position in the University

Also attended a year long Post-Graduate Diploma Course (D.I.C), in Theoretical

Physics at the ImperialCollegeOf Science & Technology, London, UK,

(Nov 64-June 65).

Work Experience

Oct. 2006 – presentProfessor

Lahore School of Economics, Lahore

Teaching & research

March 2004- June 2005Director – Dean, Ali Institute of Education, Lahore.Administration, research and some teaching.

Dec.1967- April. 2004 Starting as Lecturer, selected subsequently as Assistant

Professor (1970), Associate Professor (1984), and Professor (1994) in the Physics Department, Punjab

University, Lahore - 54590, Punjab, Pakistan.

Teaching Research

Apr. 1984- Aug. 1985Visiting Scientist, InternationalCenter For

Theoretical, Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. Research

Sept. 1978- Aug. 1979Visiting Scholar, Science Studies, University of

London Institute of Education, LondonUniversity,

London, England, UK.Research

Feb. 1977 - Dec.1977.Visiting Fellow, History and Social Study of Science

(HSSS), Faculty of Science,SussexUniversity, Brighton,

England. Research

Nov. 1970 - Aug. 1971Professor, Physics Department, Tabriz University, Iran.Teaching and Research

Consulting Experience

1. Consultant to International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), a UNESCO

affiliate, Paris, France. Four months in 1979.

2. Consultant to Punjab Social Services Board for the Documentation of UNICEF

fundedHafizabad Project for Non Formal Education for Females. Feb. 1993.

3. National Consultant to Science Education Project, an Asian Development Bank aided

Project of the Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan. Feb. - June 1994.

Training / Courses - Grants and Awards

  1. Central Overseas Training Scholarship for Ph.D. studies in UK in the summer

of 1964.

2.Grant to participate in the NATOsummer School in Istanbul, Turkey, while at

Imperial College of Science & Technology, London in summer 1965.

3. Grant to participate in the EttoreMajorana Summer School in Erice, Sicily, Italy, insummer 1966.

As a physicist I have been fortunate to receive special attention and favours by late

Prof. Abdus Salam (Nobel Laureate physics-1979). He was very kind to me through out my career. I have had long association with him at ImperialCollege, London and then at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. I was fortunate to acquire from him, not only his interest in theoretical physics, but also a deep concern and life long interest in the problem of development in the South. I have articulated these concerns extensively in my writings.

I have visited ICTP for participating in various conferences, extended colleges, symposia etc., in 1970, 71,74, 82, 83, 84-85 (16 Months), 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, and 97.

Following international visits were also undertaken as a result of various grants and awards.

International Conference on KNOWLEDGE AND EAST-WEST TRANSITIONS, held at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore, India.Dec. 11-14, 2000.

IUPAP STATPHYS- 19 International meeting on Statistical Physics, in Xiamen University, Xiamen, P. R. China, July 31 - Aug. 4, 1995.

Fifth International Workshop on the Physics of Materials, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, 5 - 10 Nov. 1991.

Third, International Philosophy Conference, Ain-Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.(winter 1980)

International Seminar on "Science & Technology in 18-19th Century India", Indian Historical Congress, Delhi.(Feb. 1980)

European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, Switzerland to inspect the surplus equipment for donation to Developing countries laboratories on behalf of the International Centre for Theoretical Physcis, in the summer of 1984.

Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Physical Society,Norway. (June 85)

International Seminar on "The Crisis in Science" Consumers Association Penang, Malaysia.

International Seminar, Educational Planning for Technical Change, at International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), an affiliate body of UNESCO, Paris.France in 1979.

Conferences national and international in Pakistan

  • SAARC International Workshop on Science Policy, Islamabad, Oct. 88.
  • PASSP Seminar on "Forty Years Of Science & Technology In Pakistan", Karachi, Nov. 88.
  • Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), International Conference on Science Policy in ECO countries, Islamabad, 86.
  • 8th Annual History Conference: Historiography In the Sub-continent: Trends and Issues; Pakistan Study Center, Karachi University.
  • 7th Annual History Conference: Nationalism; National College of Arts, Lahore, the Institute for the Study of Peoples History and the Journal Quarterly Tareekh, 1st Dec. 2004.


  • 19 papers in theoretical physics have appeared in International journals, Physical Review, Nuclear Physics, IlNuovoCimento, ActaCrystallographica, Physic Stat Solidi, Solid State Communications and International Journal of Bifurcations & Chaos and national scientific research journals.
  • 22 papers on issues related to science and development, an interest I acquired due to long association with my mentor Professor Abdus Salam, have appeared in, international journals, Race & Class (UK), Bulletin Of Concerned Asian Scholars (USA), Social Scientist (India), Bulletin Of Sciences (India), Tareekh (Lahore), books and proceedings in UK, France, Egypt, Italy, India, Malaysia and Pakistan.
  • Three undergraduate textbooks, three popular accounts of science and philosophy,four translations and over 115 articles in the national news media.

RESEARCH PAPERS in the field of SCIENCE, EDUCATION, DEVELOPMENT, POLICY in national and international Journals.

1. Science Policies for SAARC Countries: In Proceedings of the

SAARC Workshop on Science Policy, Islamabad, Oct. 88.

2. Forty Years of Science & Technology in Pakistan and India: A

Comparative Survey: In Proceedings of PASSP Seminar on "Forty

Years Of Science & Technology In Pakistan", Karachi, Nov. 88.

3. Possible Science Policies for Developing Countries: in Proceedings

of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Islamabad, 86.

4. Science and Technology in 18-19th Century India: in the Journal

of thePunjabUniversity Historical Society; Vol. XXIII, 83-93,

Oct.-Dec., 1986. (Pakistan)

5. Science & Technology for Development: Historical Perspectives

From South Asia, Bulletin of Sciences (India), 1986.

6. Science and Engineering Education in Pakistan; in the Proceedings

of the International Seminar Educational Planning for Technical

Change IIEP, Paris, France (1979).

7. Peculiarities of Science in Developing Countries: in Physics and

Development Report IC/PD/4 Nov. 1984: published by the International

Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.

8. Social Obstacles In the Way of Technical Solutions: in Physics and Development

Report .IC/PD/6, January 1986: published by ICTP, Trieste, Italy

9. Philosophy, Religion and Science: Three facets of Human Experience:

in Proceedings of the Third Philosophy Congress, Ain Shams University,

Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 1980.

10. Critique of PositivismSocial Scientist, Vol. VI, No. 9,

1978 (India).

11. Science and ImperialismRace & Class.1978; 19: 239-251,

1978 (London).

12. Development ThroughJournal of Natural Sciences and

Developing PhysicsMathematics, 33, 59 - 62, (1993)

13. Physics Education in the 90sProceedings of the Annual Conference

of the Pakistan Institute of Physics, 1991.

14. Abdus Salam, Lone PakistaniThe Nucleus, 33. (1-2), 1996: 5-9

Nobel Laureate Turns Seventy. (Pakistan)

15. How To Be an Asian TigerLahore Journal Of Economics, 2, No.2,

Pakistan (1997).

16. Nuclear Bombs: A Poor Country’s Short Cut To International Notoriety:

Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Special Issue-The South Asian Bomb:

Reality and Illusion, Vol.31, No. 2/ April-June 1999 (USA)

17. Why Science Doesn’t Take Roots in Pakistan: Few Preliminary Thoughts; in the

bookTowards Understanding the State of Science in Pakistan,

Ed. Dr. Inayatullah, Council of Social Sciences Pakistan (COSS), Islamabad

(July 2003).

18. Science, Technology and State (pp. 70-88), in the bookUnipolar World & the
Muslim States, Ed. Dr. Kaniz Yusuf, Pakistan Forum, Islamabad, Pakistan (Nov.

19. A Historical Survey of the Social Structure of South Asia, in Aaghai,

(Ed.) Mubarak Ali, Nigarashat. Lahore, 1989. (In Urdu)

20. Historiography of Science, inTrends of Historiography in South Asia,

(Ed.) Mubarak Ali, Pakistan Study Centre, Karachi University, 2007.

alsoinQuarterly Tareekh, no. 33, January. 2007. (In Urdu)

21. Does Nationalism exist in Newly Independent Countries, in Quarterly

Tareekh, no. 24, January. 2005

22.Higher Education during Colonial Period: Differing Responses in Bengal and

Punjab,Quarterly Tareekh, no. 12, Jan. 2002


No Title Journal (vol. page. year. country )

1. Transition ProbabilitiesJournal of Natural Sciences &

and Oscillator Strengths for Mathematics, IV, No. 2,

3d-3p; 3d-3s; Electric Dipole 39, 1964 (Pakistan)

andQuadrupole Lines in Fe XIV

2. Current Commutator and the IL NuovoCimento, 46, 752, 1966,

N*(1236) (Italy)

3. The D12 Coupling Constant Nuclear Physics B, B3, 1192, 1967


4. Superconvergent Relations Journal of Natural Sciences &

for  N  N* Mathematics, IX, No. 1, 1, 1969


5. Helicity Amplitudes Journal Of Natural Sciences &

Superconvergent Relations Mathematics, IX, No. 1, 9, 1969,

for  N*   N* (Pakistan)

6. Factorization Test for  Physical Review D 4, No. 5 ,1442,

exchange 1971 ( USA)

7. Strong Interaction Sum Journal of TabrizUniversity,

Rules for  N  N* 1, No. 2, 18, 1972 (Iran)

8. Finite Energy Sum Rules Journal of Natural Sciences &

for  N  N* Mathematics, XII ,No. 1 ,31 ,

1972 ( Pakistan ).

9. Investigation Into the Journal of Natural Sciences &

Nature of Trajectory Mathematics, XII, No. 1, 35,

1972 (Pakistan)

10. Atomic ShortRange Order Pakistan Journal of Scientific

in Ni-Rh Solid Solution Research, 33 , 1982.

11. Concentration and ActaCrystallographica, A38,

Temperature Dependence of 744, 1982, (USA).

ShortRange Order in Ni-Ta

Solid Solution Using the

X-ray Diffraction Method

12. Sharma Potential, Fermi ThomasJournal of Natural Sciences &

Screening and Some Transport Mathematics, XXIII, 75, 1982,

Properties of Liquid Silver Pakistan.

13. Resistivity of Liquid Gold Pakistan Journal Of Scientific

Research, XXXIV, No. 1, 1982.

14. Electrical Resistivity of SolidState Communications,

Liquid Ag-Au Alloy 49, No. 9, 891, 1984 (UK)

15. Electrical Resistivity of Physic Stat Solidi, 49, 891,

Nobel Metal Alloys 1984 (Germany)

16. Electrical Resistivity ofInternationalCenter for

of Liquid Alkali Metals Theoretical Physics Preprint

and Non Local Pseudo- No. IC/93/294 (Italy)

Potential September 1993.

17. Non Local Pseudopotentials, InternationalCenter for

Transport Properties of LiquidTheoretical Physics Preprint

Nobel Metals No. IC/93/294 (Italy)

September 1993.

18. Kadomstev - Petviashvili

Equation For Weakly Relativistic (Sept. 1994, Unpublished)


19. Chaotic Evolution Of a Parametric: International Journal of Bifurcations & Chaos

Instability in Piezoelectric Vol. 7, No. 5 (1997) 1103-1113, Singapore.

Semiconductor Plasma.

Following articles were contributed to national English language daily newspaper, The Frontier Post, unless stated otherwise.

On Science & Development

1. Science and Development 24 July 1990.

2. Science and Development: The Japanese Case 31 July 1990.

3. Science and Development: The Case of South Korea. 2 Oct. 1990

4. Science and Development: The Mughal Experience 28 Nov. 90

5. Self Reliant Pakistan22 Dec. 1990

6. What Happened in 13-14th Century Indian Science 4 March. 91

7. Scientific Activities in Pakistan are Stagnating25 July 91

8. The First Wave in a New Age Jan. 3, 1997

9. A Social Place for Science Jan.10, 1997

10. Investing In Future March 2, 97

On Education

Most recent:

  • Towards a Rational and Progressive Curriculum in the daily DAWN,

2nd March 2005

  • The Rush to Produce PhD Degrees in the daily DAWN, 2nd January 2005
  • Major Expansion of Education System in the Daily DAWN Supplement, PUNJAB BUSSINES REVIEW, 2004
  1. Higher Education; Urgent Operation Needed:

(The daily Pakistan Times) 21 Sept. 90

  1. Higher Education Crying for Government Attention 20 Nov. 90.
  1. The Problem of Education. Urdu Monthly "ZAMEER", Lahore, 27 Jan, 91
  1. Sure Way to De Education 12 April 91
  1. Are We Serious About Education 1 June 91
  1. Education Under Dictatorship 14 Aug. 90
  1. Impressions of a ChineseUniversity9 Dec. 91
  1. What is Education? 3 Feb. 92
  1. New Education Policy: Pressure for No Change18 April 93
  1. Philosophy of Education12 May 93,
  1. What Kind Of Education23 June 93
  1. When Formal Education Does Not Work Try Non Formal One: The News
  1. Another Education Policy In The Offing
  1. Declining Standards of Education 11 Jan. 1993
  1. Knowledge Is Power 11 Feb. 1993
  1. What Kind Of Education23 June 93
  1. Education Is The Solution15 Nov. 93
  1. Higher Education System Needs Attention11 Feb. 1994
  1. Are New Universities Really Needed? 15 April 93

On Nuclear Issues

  1. Pakistan Atomic Bomb17 Sept. 91
  1. Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty: What Should Pakistan Do? 27 April 92
  1. Nuclear Disarmament Is On 25 Jan. 1993
  1. Lesson From History Daily The News30 May 1998

(Nuclear Arms Race)

  1. If There Was A Nuclear War Daily The News,13 Sept. 1998
  1. Why We Should Sign CTBTDaily DAWN,6 Oct. 1998

On Problems of Development

  1. The Problem of Development 20 April 93
  1. What Is Progress? 31 May 93
  1. Modernization dilemma for the developing world. Daily Nation, 21 Nov. 93
  1. Modernization of StateDaily Nation, 9 Sept. 1994
  1. Governance of a Poor CountryDaily Nation, 16 Sept. 1994

On Pakistan

  1. Where Do We Stand?Pakistan Times: Jan.-May 1989

Three articles detailing Pakistan's ranking among the comity of nations.

  1. Election 1990: An Appeal: 2 Nov. 90
  1. Pakistan at Forty four 30 Aug. 91
  1. Pakistan: Pains of Development 16 March 92
  1. Pakistan: How to Develop? 23 March 92
  1. Time to Change Policies25 May 92
  1. Pakistan Impending Food Crisis28 Sept. 92
  1. Democracy, Fascism and Martial Law, (Weekly Friday Times,

Lahore, 24 - 30 Sept. 1992)

  1. Academics Playing Computers at PunjabUniversity21 Sept. 92
  1. Why Do We Cling To Old Thought Patterns? 23, 24 Nov. 92
  1. Lahore in the 21st Century (Weekly Friday Times, Lahore, 1-7 Oct. 92)
  2. Can Pakistan Achieve Self Reliance? 6 Oct. 92
  1. Has Lahore Lost To Karachi? 26 Oct. 92
  1. Can Pakistan Become Democratic? 18 Jan 1993
  1. Are We On The Democratic Path? 14 June 1993
  1. Don't Act ParanoidDaily Nation, 23 Sept. 1994
  1. The National DivideDaily Nation, 30 Sept. 1994
  1. New Beginning Or Action ReplayDaily Dawn, Nov. 12, 1996
  1. Fifty Years Of PakistanMarch 3, 1997
  1. Finding a Path To ProgressMarch 23, 97

On World at Large

  1. The Challenge of the 21st Century. Monthly "ZAMEER", Lahore, May, 89
  1. Cooperation not Competition: SAARC in 21st Century 4 Dec. 90
  1. Disarmament: Light at the end of the Tunnel. 17 Nov. 91
  1. Lessons from USSR: Primacy of People over Ideology. 7 Sept. 91
  1. 20th Century and Imperialism 17 Feb. 92
  1. The Emerging World Order 24 Feb. 92
  1. Our Failures On the Eve of 21st Century 2 March 92
  1. Protecting Our Habitat: Depleting Ozone Layer 30 March 92
  1. Debunking Aristotelian Myths 12 May 92
  1. Afghanistan in the Nineties 11 May 92
  1. It is Time We All Took Notice4 June 92
  1. How Do We Value Our Intellect? 8 June 92
  1. The Issues at The Earth Summit22 June 92
  1. Muslims And Science: Are they Mutually Incompatible 13 Sept. 91
  1. Is Fundamentalism a Threat to the West? 14 July 92
  1. The Case of Somalia20 Dec. 92
  1. Afghanistan in the Nineties 11 May 92
  1. The Dilemma of Iraq: Do Arms Buy Security? 18 Feb. 1993
  1. How Do Nations Form? 22 Feb. 93
  1. Brazil Says No to Corruption28 June 93
  1. NAFTA, US Passport to Prosperity:22 Nov. 93
  1. Nobel Peace Prize for 1995 Daily Nation, 1 Nov. 1995

On Remembering Our Sole Noble Laureate

1. The Force We Never Applied FullyDaily News, Nov. 29, 1996

2. Remembering Professor Abdus SalamDaily NATION, Nov. 29, 1996

  1. Not Just A Physicist: An appreciation

of Nobel Laureate Abdus SalamDaily Dawn, 26 Jan. 1996

Text Books for physics undergraduate in Urdu language

  1. Basic Concepts of Atomic Physics (1990) published by the Urdu Science Board(A Federal Government Institution), Lahore.
  1. Basic Concepts of Nuclear and Particle Physics (1991) published by the Urdu Science Board, Lahore.
  1. Introduction to Solid State Physics (1993) published by the Idara-e- Tasnif –o- Taaleef, University of the Punjab, Lahore

Popularization of Sciencethrough translation of;

  1. George Gamow’s famous popular account of cosmology, relativity and quantum world, “ Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland”. Urdu language translation was done while still an undergraduate student in 1962. The book was published and went through two prints in the 60s.
  2. Stephen Hawking’sABrief History of Time, Urdu translation was serialized in the 1990s in Urdu language Quarterly, Irtiqa published from Karachi.
  1. 1979 Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam’s Unification of Fundamental Forces. Urdu translation published by Mashal, Lahore in 1997.
  1. Urdu translation of popular Through the Telescope was published in 1990 by Urdu Science Board, Lahore