Clerk of the Council: Jane Bromley Tel: 01483 267646 email:
MONDAY 19th January 2015 at the Village Hall.
1(2015)) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Waverley Borough Councillor Diane James; Waverley Borough Councillor Mary
Foryszweski; Tim Bloomfield,
2(2015) DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: None declared.
3(2015) MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 17th November 2014-The Council resolved
to approve the minutes as an accurate account of the meeting.
4(2015) CHAIRMAN’S REPORT-I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break. We have an interesting year in front of us, all the potential housing projects in and around our Parish, they could affect our daily lives in more ways than one. We will have some changes in Council members at the up and coming elections.
Please can the Councillors who wish to stay on (if elected) set your mind to the various portfolios and if you wish to stay where you are or challenge yourself to take on a new responsibilities let me know.
We are working to get the lift repaired at the EYSC. The problem stems from people forcing the door close, you must and I mean must let the door close at its own speed, a notice will be displayed informing the public how to use the lift.
5 (2015) ADJOURNMENT – Two members of the public present but neither wished to speak.
6(2015) Appendix 1 THE PLANNING COMMITTEE – The planning observations were noted and no further comments were
7(2015) Appendix 2 RECEIPTS & PAYMENTS FOR December 2014 and Financial Statements for the period 1st April 2014 to
31st December 2014 were reviewed. It was noted that water charges were high for the allotments and Village Hall. The Clerk explained that there had been an issue with the Village Hall and a possible leak which was being investigated and that the allotment meter had not been read due to being under water. RR offered to bail out the meter and read.
8(2015) Appendix 3 CORRESPONDENCE – Received during the period 11th November 2014 to 12th January 2015 for
comments no further action was required.
9(2015) REPORTS – Tim Bloomfield- Highways, Aviation- No report
Julie Francis- Security/Law & Order- Nothing to report
Val Dixon Henry –Planning-There was an issue with the proposed Ransom Strip not being complete but with a 3m gap on the South boundary of the Thakeham Homes plot where planning permission was being appealed. Should this become an issue the Parish Council were prepared to seek legal advice. The West Ewhurst Action Group had advised that an appeal against the planning decision had been lodged and that a renewed application was also to be submitted.
Notice had been received from Millwood Designer Homes from Tonbridge that planning permission was likely to be sought for land at Backwood Point. The developer was of a mind to come to one of the Parish Council planning meetings. The Chairman mentioned that he did not realise that VDH was to speak concerning this during this meeting and advised he had an interest in this matter as the land abutted his property and therefore was not to be included in any discussion or correspondence concerning this likely planning application.
Victoria Helstrip - Village Hall, Community- Confirmation was being sought by the Ewhurst Players concerning the rules and regulations as to children taking part in productions.
Chris Lyth-Footpaths- FP 364, Lemans Barn. Trees across FP and clearing needed behind barn. Not
FP 365b hazard in entrance by Rectory, filling has been done (by SCC Highways), unsatisfactorily, cost-Clerk to write to them to remark on poor quality work and the fact that posts have been left sticking out of the ground causing a trip
FP 362 Rapsley Fm. to Shere Rd. Contractor instructed to clear ditches to prevent erosion. Not done.
FP 442 Somersbury. Landowner agreed to remove obstructions.
BW 361 High Canfold Stud, Restoration
Preventative work was cancelled as advised funding may be available from SCC for full job.
Now advised otherwise.
Decision to be taken after consultation with SCC (email trail below).
Widewoods Diversion
Still being dealt with by SCC.
SCC Strategy Meeting
Monday 2nd February 7pm – CL to attend.
Robert Matthews-Tree Warden, Youth matters- Nothing to report. Chairman asked RM - A lot of trees are getting smothered and choked by ivy, I quote “where ivy grows into the crown this is usually only because the trees are already in decline or are diseased and slowly dying”. If this is the case then we have an awful lot of dying trees in Surrey.
Do you think this a problem, can you please speak to Surrey Tree Warden group about this, thank you. RM to investigate.
Mike Turner- Website, Communications, Recycling – MT confirmed he would be taking over Highways from TB if Council thought appropriate in May. NP website not yet up and running but thought this would be so late February. E- Bulletin opened by 90 recipients last bulletin which is the most openings to date.
Ruth Reed- Allotments - Almost every plot is very tidy and all the paths to them are providing easy access.
An upright water standing pipe, which had been accidentally damaged, has been repaired; the pipe above ground level has also been lagged. As a result of frost and wet weather, the turning areas are extremely muddy. Debris from the cutting back of trees by a neighbour had been left on the allotment site and would prevent Mr Knight from doing his job properly. RR to enquire of neighbour if this could be moved.
Burial Ground -The pond area and surrounding grounds are tidy; the hedge has been cut at the front of the car park.
There are many fallen small branches in the Burial Ground and water is lying inside the Lych Gate.
There are still a few graves where there are brambles growing which need to be removed. RC to arrange some extra tidying.
The old litter container needs to be removed as rubbish continues to be placed inside, despite the fact that there is a large red Biffa bin by the brick building. (This needs to be emptied this week). Clerk to arrange emptying of litter bin.
10(2015) PARISH CLERK REPORT- Allotments to be included in secret gardens update, only two responses both positive to holding secret Gardens at the allotments had been received and so far it would not be possible therefore to open up the allotments for just two plots. Chair of Carnival for next year 2016, the clerk reported that the chairpersons for 2014 were willing to stand again as chairpersons for 2016 and that official nominations would occur in May at the Annual Meeting of the Council when Committees and sub committees were resolved.;
Ellens Green Mission Hall had asked whether any funding was required by the Parish Council and it was thought extra funding could be useful at the Commons site, this year 2015-2016.RC to confirm.
11(2015) Appendix 4 PRECEPT REPORT- The precept budget Appendix 4. PRECEPT
We have increased our precept this coming financial year 2015/16, the amountis due to mostly to various elements such as theNEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN expenses, this is a worthwhile project to which all the residents will benefit.
The clerk’s new qualification entitle a move to a higher wage structure.
We have set up a PARISH GRANT FUND to give assistance to the local community, the grants will need be applied for in writing.
ELECTION YEAR we have to cover the costs of an election.
Plus as usual, the Grants from Waverley decreased yet again.
If you live in a Council Band D property the Parish tax will be £56.11 a year.
That is only £ 3.60 more than last year, giving a 6.85% increase on the year, we believe the increase is justified by the Council obligations to cover the cost of all the various expenditure we incur annually.
I propose the Council agrees the precept for 2015/16
The council resolved to approve the precept budget.
12(2015) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Update. The Steering Group has met 3 times since last PC meeting.
We are currently contacting the over 60 volunteers who have come forward to participate in the process, to find out their first choice of where they would like to help.
We have agreed the main topics to be covered by the 2 main working parties.
We await analysis of returned/completed questionnaires [strangely less received than offers from volunteers].
Jan Allen and I will be meeting Wednesday [if I have recovered] to agree content to be loaded onto section of website devoted to NP.
We have accepted 2 quotes from consultants recommended by Locality to undertake 2 specific tasks, being
1. Help set main village residents survey and analysis of same
2. Advise if subsequent draft NP is compliant with all statutory and other requirements.
However our acceptance is subject to obtaining Locality grants to cover costs, and we will be asking Parish Clerk to re-contact Locality to apply for same.
There is much other work being quietly undertaken by members of SG.
13(2015) VILLAGE HALL BAR AREA REFURBISHMENT – The Bar area is almost complete with one or two adjustments to be made. Alan Young will be the official opener. Everyone agreed it was looking very nice and thanks given to the Chairman for his hard work in over- seeing this project.
14(2015) FORTHCOMING PARISH COUNCILLOR ELECTIONS and ANNUAL PARISH MEETING- A date was set for 26th March 2015 for the Annual Parish meeting this year. An earlier date to enable speakers to talk on the subject of becoming a Parish Councillor to try to encourage nominations for the forthcoming elections on 7th May 2015 but nominations must be received by 4pm 9th April 2015.Nomination papers available on line but must be submitted by hand to Waverley Borough Council Offices.
Clerk, to organise correct date on APM banner.
Main speaker - a resident of Ewhurst once a chairman to be asked and sub speakers current Councillors. No more than five speakers. Articles to be drafted for Village Newsletter and News and Views. Clerk
15(2015) LEAP INSURANCE- Quote for Public Liability Insurance for LEAP obtained at £210.94 per annum for discussion. The Council resolved to pay this on behalf of LEAP.
16(2015) RECREATION GROUND RULES – Clerk to draft up new set of bye laws for the recreation ground and old byelaws to be rescinded as no longer appropriate. RM to organise some No Dog Fouling signs from the Dog Trust.
17(2015) RESURFACING OF PATH TO THE VILLAGE GREEN – RC to organise some quotes for remedial work on this paths. It may need to be done in three sections depending on costs.
18(2015) FOOTPATH TASK FORCE REPRESENTATIVE & MEETING ON 2ND FEBRUARY 2015 7PM- CL agreed to attend this meeting on behalf of the Parish Council. Clerk to notify SCC Alan Young and also mention points for agenda. At the Annual meeting of the Council in May it was to be put for resolution that a sub- committee of four be put together to be responsible for footpath maintenance issues as it covered such a large area.
18(2015) PARISH BUSINESS – Residents would appreciate an update on the bus stop situation. Many anomalies had occurred with regard to new arrangement and the bus stopping at Deblin’s Green causing a lot of controversy. MT in his new Highways role to be, to try to look into arranging a meeting between: Arriva; Surrey highways; Police; Waverley Borough Council; and the Parish Council to get the situation improved.
Cranleigh Ewhurst Footpath in the making a schedule of works time frame would be useful for residents. Clerk
Salt Buckets – A review of where they are situated needed. Clerk
Church Warden had approached Parish Council re events to be held throughout the year and to enquire if they were again able to use Village Hall Tables and if Parish Council would donate towards raffle £100.It was agreed to carry on with this tradition. Clerk.
Bowls Club asked if anything was in the pipeline regarding the potholes at the club car park. Clerk to reply that if they could obtain quotes for remedial work then Parish Council would see if within maintenance budget for 2015-2016.Clerk to advise
Airport Commission consultation on the three options for a further runway closed on 3rd February. Clerk had put together a response and would e-mail it out for comments which would then be sent by 3rd February. Clerk.
Quotes for remedial work on path down to commons.
Bus rearrangements at Deblins Green meeting update.
Recreation ground Rules update.