Use Business Technology - Activities

Information / Page Number

Selecting the Right Technology and Software

Questions, Table / 2

Ergonomic Requirements

Questions, Table / 2-3

Storage of Data

Questions / 3

Retrieving Documents

Questions / 4

Technology Consumables

Questions / 4
Routine Maintenance
Questions / 4
Key Terms and Concepts
Table / 5
Case Study
Questions / 6-7
Questions, Table / 8
Multiple Choice
Questions / 9

Selecting the Right Technology and Software

Question 1

Name the four areas that staff should be trained in when starting a new job or a new piece of equipment is purchased?


Question 2

Name 5 pieces of Business Technology that can be found in different places throughout the Tafe

Equipment / Place Found
E.g. Cash Register / Cafeteria

Question 3

List four types of software applications that you have used in Business Services


Ergonomic Requirements

Question 1

Explain why ergonomics are important in the workplace


Question 2

Name 6 different exercises for office workers.




Question 3

Why should conservation be practiced in the workplace?


Question 4

Complete the table with conservation techniques

Paper Wastage / Recycling / Energy and Power Use

Storage of Data

Question 1

Where is most data stored on a computer?


Question 2

What does the “+” sign indicate?


Question 3

What does the “-” sign indicate?


Question 4

List 3 different locations that data can be stored other than the hard drive




Retrieving Documents

Question 1

List 2 different ways you can open a document.



Question 2

How can you find a document?



Technological Consumables

Question 1

How can you keep adequate supply of consumables?



Question 2

List 6 different consumables found in an office environment




Routine Maintenance

Question 1

Why is it important that regular maintenance is carried out on business technology?



Question 2

Who should be told about complex problems?



Question 3

How can you ensure that all equipment is in the best condition possible?



Key Terms and Concepts

Question 1

Match the correct term with the definition

Term / Definition
A system used to store information for security purposes in case the computer system crashes.
A camera that converts photos into digital images that can be loaded directly into a computer.
Directories / Tables that contain file information such as name, file, size, time and date of last modification.
The study of the environment and conditions of work, in order to achieve maximum efficiency; and tailoring the physical environment to individual requirements.
Creation of a new file for information, either on the computer or in a filing cabinet.
Floppy-disk drive / The drive into which a floppy disk may be placed to either save information or read the information stored on it.
Hard drive
Modem / A piece of equipment that enables the transfer of information from one computer to another via a telephone line or communications cable.
A device that prints text or graphics on paper or other media.
Routine maintenance
A piece of equipment that copies a document or image directly into a computer.
Spreadsheet / A computer software program used to store and calculate lists of numbers or statistics.
Sub-directories / Directories located within another directory.
Technology consumables
A high-capacity disk drive, similar to a floppy drive.

Case study

On your first day as office assistant at LMT Publishing House, you are given the following information, to be used when word-processing documents that are to be converted to HTML.

LMT Publishing House Style Manual

Word styles

Word styles are a feature of MS Word that allows you to maintain consistency in your use of headings and text. They allow you to preset font, size and style. The following must be used:

·  Heading 1 18 point bold for major headings or titles

·  Heading 2 16 point bold for the heading for a major section in a document

·  Heading 3 14 point bold for subheadings within sections of the document

·  Normal
12 point regular for the body of text – note that Verdana is the preferred web site font.

Formatting issues

Underlining is used only to indicate a link. On the web, underlined words indicate hyperlinks. Use bold or italics to highlight words or phrases.
Column layout
Use tables. Do not use columns or tabs to space text. Do not use frames. If you do not want the table to appear with a border, turn off the table borders in MS Word.
Images for the web must generally be converted to one or two types of formats:
·  .gif is used for line drawings
·  .jpeg is used for photographs
Do not insert the images in the Word document because the HTML converter will not convert the images. Save all images or pictures as separate graphics files. You can supply a copy of the document that indicates where the graphics go, but for web publishing they need to be provided as separate Word and graphics files.
Paragraph headings
Use headings for sections of the document. The subheadings can be listed at the top of the document and linked to the relevant sections or files. This list can help the user get a sense of all the material, and allow users to navigate quickly to their destination.
Use bulleted or numbered lists.
·  Make each bullet point a sentence
·  Try to limit the number of bullet points to six
·  Make sure you use the same construction in each bullet point
Hyperlinks can be made from anywhere in the document to a specific point on the same page, to another page within the document, or to any other external site.
Lists or glossary
It is preferable to arrange lists, terms or items in a glossary in alphabetical order.
Use of capital letters
In headings, use capital letters for the first letter and proper nouns only.
·  Numbers up to twenty are written in words
·  Those from 21 are written as numerals
·  Commas are not used
·  Numbers 1000 to 9999 have no spaces
·  10 000 upwards have a space between the thousands.

Question 1

This style manual is an example of a policies and procedures manual. What is the purpose of giving this manual to all new employees?


Question 2

You have been asked to develop a new manual, for LMT Publishing House, for the operation of the office’s computer equipment. Write down examples of policies and procedures for each of the points below:

a.  Log-on procedures:



b.  Log-off procedures:


c.  File-naming:


d.  Modifying files:


e.  Saving files:


f.  Backing-up of files:


g.  Security and confidentiality:


h.  Routine maintenance of computer:


Question 3

List three advantages and three disadvantages of using a laptop instead of a desktop computer.

Advantages / Disadvantages

Question 4

Name the software you would use to complete the following tasks

a.  Type up a newsletter ______

b.  Prepare a budget for next year ______

c.  Create a list of clients ______

d.  Create a slide show for a board meeting ______

e.  Communicate with head office ______

f.  Manage files on the computer ______

Question 5

Explain what you would use the following computer technology for

g.  Digital camera ______

h.  Zip drive ______

i.  Modem ______

j.  Scanner ______

Question 6

You have been making changes to a document on the computer. You now want to save the changes without changing the original document. How do you do this?

Question 7

What routine maintenance should be carried out on the following pieces of office equipment?

k.  Mouse ______

l.  Keyboard ______

m.  Printer ______

n.  Scanner ______

o.  Computer to ensure that it runs smoothly ______

Question 8

Explain the difference between copying files and backing up files.


Question 9

Name the icons on the toolbar below, from left to right

Top of Form

Multiple Choice

1.  Which of the following would be the best software to use to produce a newsletter?

MS Publisher MS Office FileMaker Pro ClarisWorks

2.  What is a fast and efficient way to send personally addressed form letters to a large number of people?

Using Internet Using mailing labels Word processing Using mail merge

3.  Which of the following file extensions indicates that the document has been saved as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet?

.doc ..xls .pub .gif

4.  What does the term “log on” mean?

To boot up the computer To open a Word document

To type in a password to get access to a computer To connect to the Internet

5.  The height of the computer screen should be positioned so that the centre of the screen is approximately 15degrees below eye level.

a.  True bFalse

6.  Disk degfragmenter checks the C drive for errors and repairs them.

a.  True bFalse

7.  A scanner is an input device.

a.  True bFalse

8.  A footrest is helpful when a desk or chair at a workstation cannot be adjusted.

a.  True bFalse

9.  A cold start for a computer is achieved by pushing the reset button.

a.  True bFalse