Diocesan Council Meeting
Minutes of Tuesday 26 November 2013 at 10.15am
Venue:Peter Mann House.
Present: / The Right Rev’d Dr Kelvin Wright (Chair), Ven Stu Crosson,Rev’d Michael Wallace (10.25am)
Rev’d Eric Kyte,Mrs Margaret McLanachan, Mr WynstonCooper and Mrs Anne Gover.
Rev’d Richard Aitken by teleconference
In Attendance: / Mr Keith Gover, Rev’d Canon Alec Clark, The Very Reverend Dr Trevor James, Mr Benjamin Brock-Smith,Ven Jan Clark and Mr Graeme Sykes (Secretary).
1. Apologies: / Rev’d Judy Johnston, Mrs Liz Duggan,Mr Max Whitaker and Mr Vin Maffey.
2.Karakia: / The Bishop opened the meeting with Prayer.
3. Previous Minutes: / The previous minutes of the Council meeting held 1 November2013 having been circulated and amended were confirmed. Moved: Bishop Seconded: Mrs A Gover Carried
4. Matters Arising: / All Saints Charitable Trust. Moved: Rev’d Crosson that Rev’d Wallace be requested to present a vision of the proposal. Seconded: Mr W Cooper. Carried
5.Correspondence: / Inwards:
  1. Interchurch Working Party on clergy tax. The Bill will maintain the longstanding practice for ministers of religion whereby the taxable value of free accommodation provided by the church will be capped at 10% of their remuneration. The committee plan to make a submission to the “Tax Bill” (IRD) in 2014. The Manager to advise on our current practice relating to rental accommodation and part time stipends.
  2. Farry & Co: Re A bequest from the estate of Margaret Jane Howrth: “The Anglican Diocese of Dunedin aforesaid to be utilised by the Diocese for the general purposes of the Anglican Churches in Otago aforesaid in such manner as the said Diocese shall think fit excepting however the Chapters of St Peters and St Paul’s in Dunedin aforesaid which chapters have already been provided for” ($92,440.48).
  3. Tikanga giving to AMB. The trend from our Parishes YTD October 2013 ($38,520) was ahead of last year by 1.9%. However we are trending below our target of $61,000.
  4. Policy on Fees for Weddings and Funerals. An email had been received from Auckland Diocese (Kevin Third) seeking clarification and Nelson Diocese (Ian Pask) on their policy. It was agreed that a committee of T James, A Clark and G Sykes should develop a proposal for Council to consider.
  1. Farry and Co, receipt and thanks.

6.Reporting Back: /
  1. The Bishop is attending vestry meetings and discussing the restructure of the Diocese. The Bishop is considering taking on the Chairmanship of Selwyn College. This was supported by various members. The procedure of the appointment of Michael Deakerto be reviewed. The resignation of the Warden has an underlying issue regarding the Management structure and accommodation of the Warden. An interim cover has been found for David Coles who retires at the end of February. Still waiting on the Ma Whea report.
  2. Admin & Finance Committee. It was suggested Keith Wallace and Michael McAlpine be approached.
  3. The hikoi. The route is almost finalised. We are currently seeking a project manager from within our current networks to implement this along with a media / PR person to provide an effective communication strategy. Jason Rhodes to be approached. A budget was established within the diocesan budget of $25,000. The details of what will be requiredneed to be completed.
  4. The Managers report for November was tabled and presented. The restructure of the Diocese and Governance requires more discussion. Combined parish meetings have been attended in Invercargill and Riversdale and the format of the structure needs to be fleshed out to enable governance and management issues to be defined. Specific governance training with Simon Cayley could not be scheduled until late April or May. It is planned to have a regional management meeting in February with an independent facilitator to assist in defining the structure and processes. An informal discussion is planned for 4 December at Gladstone Parish. The new server has been ordered for installation prior to Christmas.

7. General Business: /
  1. Policy on conflict of interest. The manager alerted a couple of issues where conflicts of interest were considered delicate. The draft proposal presented to Council several months ago requires further consideration and a revision will be tabled in January 2014.
  2. 2014 Timetable of meetings and key events to be circulated with the minutes.

8. Property:
9. Next meeting: / The Trust Board Property Committee recommended appointing Rev’d Jan Clark and Mr Peter Jackson as Property Commissioners to review the St Johns vicarage Waikouaiti proposal and if necessary recommend a revised plan. The wardens and vicar support this process.
The meeting closed with the Graceat 12.12pm
Wednesday 18 December 2013 at 10 am for 10.15 start at Peter Mann House.
Minutes confirmed ...... …....Chairperson……………………Date