Labor Day Weekend: 9/3/16 Saturday, Potluck Dinner and Dance
6:30pm-7:45pm Community Potluck:
Please have your food contribution at the event by 6:30 as we like to start serving promptly at 6:30.
Each family is asked to bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert to share with the community. Whatever dish you bring please provide enough food to feed your entire group; in this way we will have enough volume of food for all the attendees. A limited number of free sodas will be available so please bring additional drinks for your family if desired. Tap water, cups, plastic ware and paper plates/napkins will be provided.
*T-shirt sales will take place at this event. You will be able to place orders for Lake Madrone hats, shirts and sweatshirts with Pam and Dave Crandall. Samples will be available for your viewing.
8:00pm-11:00pm Dance with DJ Patsy Oxford (or “P-OX”) as her fans call her!
We wish to extend a special thanks to Patsy for trying something very new to her skill set! Her son, Evan, was a great technical advisor. Lake residents of all ages contributed music requests to the playlist and the result was a dance floor that was full during the entire evening! Contact Patsy if you have music requests for the Labor Day dance; 589-1143.
July 4th weekend was a huge success! Many Thanks!
Sincere gratitude goes out to the many individuals who worked to provide the fantastic meals, activities, and the fun family atmosphere. A lot of planning and effort goes into providing the festivities, especially the meal preparation and serving. We recognize the huge commitment and effort of Joey and Sabrina Federico (and family members) of the Happy Viking Restaurant and Sports Bar in Yuba City for catering the tri-tip dinner. Also please recognize the extreme efforts of Mike Dahl and Family, and the Cookout Crew for their efforts in providing a wonderful breakfast.
If you wish to help with any activities please let the leaders at the event know and they can direct you on how to jump in and get involved. Participation in these volunteer activities is a wonderful way to meet your neighbors in this unique community.
· Water tank replacement: the process for replacing our redwood tanks with two 20,000 gallon steel tanks has begun. The Board is in the process of securing a bid on the project. The tanks are located on Star Road.
· ATV/Golf cart Policy: The Board has done some research with the assistance of the Lake Madrone insurance carrier regarding the legality and liability of “underage drivers” of golf carts and ATV’s.
Summary of Results: Property owners of these small vehicles need to check with their carrier about coverage on their Home Owner policy to see if their smaller vehicle is covered. It is also recommended that drivers be licensed and obey the “rules of the road” including following the speed limit of 15mph. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED DETAILED EXPLANATION OF FINDINGS WHICH ARE ALSO POSTED ON EACH KIOSK.
· Drought and Water Conservation: Ground water levels in our wells are currently stabilizing. Please continue to REDUCE your water use as much as possible and minimize yard watering. Outdoor watering remains restricted to two times per week after sunset please! Also please repair any leaking water lines or faucets ASAP. We are doing a great job reducing water usage this summer. Thanks to all residents for you efforts: Please keep up the good work! Also thanks to Bodil who is very diligent about monitoring water lines and quickly repairing or notifying property owners when leaks occur.
· DOGS: This is a reminder to ALL dog owners. Folks at the Lake are very sensitive about this topic!
o Leashes are REQUIRED at the BEACHES where people are present, and when WALKING your dog. Also, please pick up after your dog and dispose of the droppings at your residence.
· No Bear Garbage Club. Ron Sanford, (aka “Garbo”), is the coordinator of our community garbage service. Community garbage was started because we had a bear problem with the trash totters attracting bears on Sunday evening and a lot of messy garbage scattered throughout the community on Monday mornings. There are both “seasonal” and “year around” rates. If you would like to join the club or have questions about this option for your trash please call Ron at 589-1034.
· LOST and FOUND: Two sets of keys have been found on the south side of the lake. One set near the Kiddie Beach, and one set with a Ford car key and two children’s pictures were found up on Path In The Woods. Both sets are pinned to the kiosk at Kiddie Beach.
Georgia (Zurilgen) Williams: Georgia passed away on June 25th, at age 64, after a valiant 2 year battle with brain cancer. She spent many summers at the Lake as a child and has visited their family cabin on several occasions over the past few years. Lake Madrone held a special place in her heart. Georgia’s athletic talents were evident throughout our childhood: Besting all of us kids in foot races, swim races and canoe races! We send our regrets for this loss to Georgia’s husband, Lenny, and to the entire Zurilgen Family.
Next LMWD Board Meeting: 8/27/16, at 9:30 am, at the Ski Beach Picnic Area
Webmaster: Todd Owczarzak, email:
Lake Madrone Bark (newsletter): Kathy Burlington-Nay. (530) 570-1299.
Distribution of Lake Madrone Bark newsletter: Contact Teresa Singleton if you would like a copy of the newsletter sent to your email address each time it is published: