Directed enhanced service



Dr J Slater & Partners

Bodriggy Health Centre

60 Queensway



TR27 4PB

  • Practice Population
/ 3 - 4
Bodriggy Health Centre Patient Participation Group
  • Advertising the PPG
  • The First Meeting
  • Members
  • The Committee
  • Dates of Meetings 2013/14
  • Representation
/ 4- 6
Priority Areas 2012-2013
  • Action Plan
  • Agreement
  • Contractual Considerations
  • Survey
  • Survey Questions
  • Survey Results
  • Survey Conclusion
  • Survey Action Plan
/ 6
Priorities For 2014/15 / 13
Practice Opening Hours
  • Normal Hours
  • Additional Hours
  • Lunch Time Arrangements
  • Out of Hours Arrangements
/ 13
How To Obtain A Copy Of This Report / 14


The practice felt that the Patient Participation Group Directed Enhanced Service (DES)[1] was an opportunity for our patients to:-

  • work together with doctors and staff to help the practice meet the needs of their patient population and improve communication
  • help the practice to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • share an understanding of issues and opportunities
  • help to influence change and help improve services locally

Bodriggy Health Centre has an established Patient Participation Group (PPG). The group was formed in July 2011 and only patients registered at the practice aged 16 and over were invited to join.

Practice Population

Bodriggy Health Centre is within the 20% most deprived areas in the Country[2]. The practice regularly looks at reports based on age, sex and practice list size and we have been recording the ethnicity of registered patients on computerised records for several years as a matter of routine. The practice currently has 10455 registered patients. The chart below shows the practice population by age group and sex.

3.45%of the practice population are from non-white ethnic groups.

Bodriggy Patient Participation Group

Advertising the Patient Participation Group

We invited patients to join the group through publicising details of thefirst meeting. We advertised by the following methods: -

  • Advert in the local magazine “The Hayle Pump”
  • Posters in the surgery and shop windows, community halls, etc throughout the town
  • Power Point Presentation on the TV in the waiting room
  • Newsletter
  • Word of mouth
  • Through personal invitation by a doctor or nurse

Patients were invited toturn up at the arranged meeting and they did not have to express an interest prior to the meeting.

The First Meeting

The first meeting was held on 13th July 2011 at Bodriggy Health Centre at 7pm. We did not know how many patients, if any, would attend and were pleased with the response. The Practice Manager, a GP and a Secretary represented the practice and 9 patients attended.

The meeting was more of an opportunity to “meet and greet” and to explain the purpose of a Patient Participation Group and open up areas for discussion.

Some really good ideas came out of the discussion we had during the first meeting.

The group agreed to meet quarterly and they preferred to meet on a Wednesday evening and continue to meet at Bodriggy Health Centre for the timebeing. Quarterly meetings have been held since.


The current group is represented by 41 members (39 in 2012/13). 18 are male and 23 are female. The age range is shown on the graph below.

The Committee

Nick Navratil has recently had to stand down as Chair Person due to other commitments and his position has yet to be filled. So far a Secretary has not been nominated so the Practice arranges for a member of staff to attend each meeting to take notes.

As the group is not involved with fund raising, a Treasurer is not required.

The practice will continue to send at least two members of staff to the meetings to offer the support required until the group feel in a position to manage this between themselves, although the practice would be keen for a member of staff to attend organised meetings to represent the practice.

Dates of Meetings 2013/14

05 June 2013

05 September 2013

04 December 2013

26 February 2014

Agendas and Minutes are available on the practice website.

Although the group has 41 members, not all are able to attend the meetings and some are “virtual group members” whereby they are included in all the correspondence and they contribute by providing feedback and comments. To enable more members to attend meetings, the days on which meetings are held are now alternated between Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The group members prefer to use Bodriggy Health Centre as the venue for their meetings. Due to practice surgery commitments, meetings cannot be held during surgery times so Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are the only evenings when the surgery is available.

We have encouraged more members to join the group by publicising the meetings further through advertising at the surgery through the Television Powerpoint Presentation in the waiting room, posters on the surgery noticeboard, practice newslettersand on the Practice Website. We are inviting young adults, patients between 16 and 24 and patients of ethnic groups other than white British when they attend consultations.

Priority Areas 2013 - 2014

The group felt that improvement could be made to the way we communicate information to patients about how to get medical advice and treatment when the surgery is closed and what services are the most appropriate to try to reduce the amount of patients attending the Accident & Emergency Department at Treliske.

Action Plan

The group decided to focus on the high use and sometimes inappropriate use of the A&E department at Treliske for matters that could have been dealt with by GPs or Minor Injury departments. To try to understand what service patients tend to use and whether patients are aware of alternative services.


Were there any aspects not agreed?

No. The group and the practice were in support of this action.

Contractual Considerations

Were there any contractual considerations to action?

Yes. Confidentiality & Data Protection: The practice has the responsibility to ensure that the completedquestionnaires are kept confidential and any patient identifiable information is not passed on to group members without the consent of the patient. The questionnaire was intended to be anonymous and therefore did not ask for patient identifiable information. A sealed ballot box was provided for patients to post their survey results.


Patients were invited to answer a survey when they visited the practice and an on-line survey through Survey Monkey was placed on the surgery website.

Survey Questions


‘If you need medical advice when the surgery is closed what would you do?’ (please tick one box only)

Call my GP Surgery

Call NHS Direct

Go to A&E

Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

Speak to a Pharmacist

Other (please specify)

‘If you need medical treatment when the surgery is closed what would you do?’(please tick one box only)

Call my GP Surgery

Call NHS Direct

Go to A&E

Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

Speak to a Pharmacist

Other (please specify)

‘If you suffered a minor injury during the daybetween a Monday and a Friday what would you do?(please tick one box only)

Go to my GP Surgery

Call NHS Direct

Go to A&E

Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

Speak to a Pharmacist

Other (please specify)

‘If you suffered a minor injury during the evening or at a weekend or Bank Holiday what would you do?’(please tick one box only)

Call my GP Surgery

Call NHS Direct

Go to A&E

Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

Go to West Cornwall Urgent Care Centre

Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

Speak to a Pharmacist

Other (please specify)

‘Are you aware that you can see your GP or Practice Nurse if you suffer a minor injury?’ (please circle as appropriate)Yes/No

‘If you suffer a minor injury when your GP Surgery is closed are you aware that you can attend West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre or a minor injury unit instead of Treliske Hospital Accident & Emergency Department?’ (please circle as appropriate)Yes/No

Do you know where the urgent care centre and the minor injury units are locally? (please circle as appropriate)Yes/No

If you have answered yes, please list them all below: -


If you have answered no, the information can be found on the Bodriggy Health Centre website, on the waiting room TV screen, or on the notice on the front door.

What would you consider to be a minor injury (circle all those that you feel apply)

CutsLacerationsMinor Burns or ScaldsSplinters

Nose BleedsSprains/StrainsBroken Bones

Insect BitesAnimal BitesWound Infections

Neck/Shoulder/Neck InjuryStings Bruises

Minor Head Injury Eye Injuries


SCJ/2013/14 PPGDES


Survey Results


Total number of completed questionnaires = 59 (5 on-line survey & 54 paper survey)

‘If you need medical advice when the surgery is closed what would you do?’

20Call my GP Surgery

28Call NHS Direct

0Go to A&E

0Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

2Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

1Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

6Speak to a Pharmacist

2Other (please specify). 1. Depending on issue – could be any of these. 2. Go on-line.

‘If you need medical treatment when the surgery is closed what would you do?’

9Call my GP Surgery

14Call NHS Direct

21Go to A&E

2Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

5Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

5Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

0Speak to a Pharmacist

2Other (please specify) 1. Depending on issue – could be any of these. 2. Not specified

1 Not answered question

‘If you suffered a minor injury during the daybetween a Monday and a Friday what would you do?Go to my GP Surgery

1Call NHS Direct

9Go to A&E

10Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

4Go to West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre

1Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

2Speak to a Pharmacist

0Other (please specify)

1Not answered question

‘If you suffered a minor injury during the evening or at a weekend or Bank Holiday what would you do?’

2Call my GP Surgery

9Call NHS Direct

23Go to A&E

15Go to a Minor Injuries Unit

4Go to West Cornwall Urgent Care Centre

4Go to Cardrew Walk-in Centre

0Speak to a Pharmacist

1Other (please specify)1. Wait until my GP Surgery opens on Monday

1Not answered question

Are you aware that you can see your GP or Practice Nurse if you suffer a minor injury?’

31 Yes23 No5 Not answered

‘If you suffer a minor injury when your GP Surgery is closed are you aware that you can attend West Cornwall Hospital Urgent Care Centre or a minor injury unit instead of Treliske Hospital Accident & Emergency Department?’

36 Yes17 No6 Not answered question

Do you know where the urgent care centre and the minor injury units are locally?

21 Yes31 No7 Not answered question

If you have answered yes, please list them all below:-

16West Cornwall Hospital Penzance

7Camborne/Redruth Community Hospital Barncoose

3Treliske Hospital Truro

1Cardrew Walk-in Centre Redruth

1NHS Direct

1St Ives

1Cottage Hospital Helston

If you have answered no, the information can be found on the Bodriggy Health Centre website, on the waiting room TV screen, or on the notice on the front door.

What would you consider to be a minor injury



30Minor Burns or Scalds


19Nose Bleeds


16Broken Bones

21Insect Bites

23Animal Bites

17Wound Infections

16Neck/Shoulder Injury



20Minor Head Injury

26Eye Injuries


The survey results showed that patients could be better informed regarding: -

  • More information should be available to show patients the alternatives to attending the Accident & Emergency Department (e.g. for anything other than an accident or emergency).
  • What to do to access GP services when the surgery is closed.
  • During surgery hours; what minor injuries can be dealt with by the surgery.
  • Out of hours; where the local minor injury units are, what injuries they can deal with and the opening hours.

The results of the survey were shared with the Patient Participation Group on 04 December 2013.

The following action plan was agreed.

Action Plan

Inform Kernow Commissioning Group of the results of the PPG survey as this may help them with their publicity campaigns across the region to raise awareness of alternative services to A&E.

Continue to advertise “what to do when we are closed” (e.g. poster on the front door and noticeboard, TV Powerpoint presentation, practice website and announcement in the practice newsletter and practice leaflet) and keep this up to date.

Practice to advertise that the surgery can deal with minor injuries and list what minor injuries can be dealt with at the surgery.

Practice to advertise the Minor Injury Units locally and the opening times.

Priorities for 2014/15

  1. Ensure that the less represented groups of patients are represented at the PPG through continued publicity.
  1. Keep patients informed of survey results and PPG information through the Website, TV Screen in the Waiting Room and Newsletters.
  1. The practice will continue support the PPG by updating the Patient Participation Group page on the Practice Website and advertising the PPGplans, achievements and information on the TV screen in the waiting room, include in Newsletters and display posters as appropriate.

Practice Opening Hours

Normal Hours

The practice is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday for face to face enquiries and the telephone lines are open from 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday (outside of these times, the calls are transferred to Serco Health GP Out of Hours Service).

Additional Hours

The practice has clinics before 8am and after 6.30pm on a weekly basis either on a Tuesday or a Thursday as part of the Extended Hours DES.

Lunch Time Arrangements

The practice is open at lunchtimes.

Out of Hours Arrangements

Out of hours cover is provided through Serco Health. To access the out of hours service, patients telephone the practice on 01736 753136 (24 hours) and their call is automatically diverted to Serco Health. Patients will hear a message informing them their call is being diverted to Serco Health before being transferred. The practice has a notice on the front door to inform patients how to access GP services out of hours.

How to obtain a copy of this report

A copy of this report will be published on the practice website A paper copy is also available and can be requested from the Practice.


SCJ/2013/14 PPGDES


