Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Swanton Morley Surgery Patient Participation Group

On Tuesday 28th April 2015 ,7.00pm at the Surgery.


Ted Peachment (Chairman)

Maggie Richards (Vice Chairman)

Gina Eames

Gerry Palmer (Church Warden)

Karen Purchase

Clir Robert Richmond

Gwynneth Skillman

Bernie Marsham (Parish Council)

Judith Wood (Practice Manager)


1.  Welcome:

Ted Peachment welcomed all present to the monthly meeting which was to follow the Annual Meeting since held in 2013.

2.  Apologies for absence:

Jane Allinson, Edna Hadlett, Doctors, Hibberd, Carroll and Jennings.

3.  Minutes of the Last Meeting of 2013 Annual Meeting:

Gerry Palmer proposed and Gina Eames seconded that these be signed as a true record.

4.  Matters Arising From The Annual Meeting 2013

These were the last minutes written by Rosemary Northall. Gerry proposed thanks to her for all her hard work before she tragically died.

5.  Election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary:

Ted Peachment has decided to stand down as Chairman and leave the PPG for personal reasons. He thanked members for all their support over the years, Judith and Maggie thanked Ted for all his work over the past 10 years.

Maggie stood down as Vice Chairman, Karen Purchase proposes Gina Eames to become the New Chairman, Seconded by Maggie Richards unanimous. Gina Eames proposed and Robert Richmond seconded that Maggie Richards be re-elected as Vice Chairman. Secretary Gina thinks she has 2 candidates one might be leaving with the army she will know shortly. The second is a nurse in Dereham not from the Surgery also someone has offered to do just the minutes as well there is hope, Ted thanked Judith for filling in with the minutes before Maggie did them and agreed to take them for rest of the meeting. Gerry proposed that one of the two possible secretaries be accepted as soon as possible, which was seconded by Robert.

6.  Robertson Barracks:

Gina has contacted Welfare Office they are very happy to meet for a coffee and a chat after June she as a email with everyone contact details. The changeover at the Barracks is on the way now, all in by end of July.

7.  Toftwood Surgery:

We already have a new Doctor and a new Nurse and Dr Walker is still off sick.

8.  Update on Swanton Morley Surgery matters:

Staffing is stable at the moment; Jane Heaver (Nurse) is recovering from surgery Hayley Murfitt (Nurse) is able to fill in at Swanton Morley and at Barracks as required.

NHS England is looking at our budgets, we are under the scrutiny of Personal Medical Services review, 10 years ago we opened the new Swanton Morley surgery, which was seen as a special circumstance. This is now going to be cut, the money is to be reinvested in those with lower budgets according to General Medical Services. The Practice has asked to be reviewed, rather than accept the change and move to the new budget and Judith has submitted evidence to make a case to keep the funding. Dereham surgery has closed their lists. We are able to help by taking on the Surgery at Toftwood.

The review team will not visit the Surgery, they just look at the paper evidence, if they decide to take our funding it would be spread over 4 years. We will know the out come by July ultimately it might mean that Swanton Morley has to be run as a branch Surgery linked to North Elmham. We now service over 3,000 patients and need Doctors here every day for the village and the Barracks. Gerry proposed a talk with the new MP as he/she is elected although George Freeman is fully aware of the situation. Gina wished to thank Judith and the Surgery for all their hard work managing the finances and maintaining the status quo re-staffing.

9.  Coffee Morning :

These were not sufficiently advertised but Gina went to the Surgery on 3 mornings, one lady was interested and might join the PPG, Maggie thanked Gina for all her hard work organizing and arranged both coffee mornings, we discussed the possibility of having coffee at the end of the morning surgery as a chance to promote the PPG. Maggie produced a bright pink A4 folder to go to the waiting room on coffee table with PPG information and minutes.

10. Input and Patients and Comments:

Bernie said the Defibrillator now is installed outside the village hall and a training session is to be held very soon.

Karen had a patient commenting as a fact that the doors were not open until after 8.30am leading to delays to appointments throughout the morning, Judith, to make sure doors are open by 8.30am.

Gerry had a patient complaining about not being able to get through on the phone at 8.30am to get a appointment, Maggie said that although she understands how frustrating that would have been, we have a excellent service here incomparable to other Practices and one can always try again at 11.00am. In many other Practices one has to wait weeks to see a Dr turn up early and wait all morning.

Maggie gave Judith leaflets advertising the Book Prescription Scheme and the Dementia Prescription Scheme run by all Norfolk Library and asked Judith to remind the Doctors of this program.

Gerry - witnessed very poor service in the Dispensary at North Elmham, where there was a 45 minute wait although the Dispensers didn’t appear to be very busy Judith to investigate.

There were 3 comments thanking the Practice for variety things.

Gina - a young mum wanted staff to wear Badges not just their name but position i.e. Nurse Health, care assistant.

Apparently the bell, which should be on the desk, is quite often not available.

Someone asked about the forms to opt out of having all one details on the National Database this is available on line or one can ask the Reception for patients not able to get to the phone.

Appointments can always be made on their behalf by someone else.

If a Patient is having a examination or treatment they can always be offered a Chaperone.

Bernie had great praise for the surgery, which was able to look after one of his Holiday Makers when they fell ill.

Karen had on appointment for a breath test but hadn’t been given the right tube, there has been given a recent change of protocol with this procedure, and there are still a few problems which are being sorted out.

There was a problem with a change of medication packaging for a patient with Autistic Spectrum, Judith said that there should be a note to his effect on the medical record, so that this sort of situation didn’t arise again.

Ted asked about hospital prescriptions they should always be taken to the Hospital Dispensary.Although Patients are still told they can take them to their own Surgery. The Swanton Morley dispensary cannot prescribe from the white hospital forms, the Practice Doctor has to write out a green script and this also means the Practice is paying for the medication instead of the Hospital, they are also unable to prescribe a Dentists script.

After the meeting Gina thanked Maggie for taking the minutes for the past 2 meetings.

There, being no other business, the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

The date of the next meeting is to be Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 7.00pm at Swanton Morley at Surgery.