Intermediate Macroeconomics(NUMBER)
Spring 2016
Contact Info:
This course is aimed at introducing modern macroeconomic theories and models and their applications. The goal of the course is for the students to be able to apply macroeconomic models to policy-related issues, to analyze and interpret macroeconomic data, to explain the difference between the long run and short run economic activities, and to understand the linkage between assumptions and results of macroeconomic models and their limitations.
Teaching Approach:
The class will consist of lectures, homework assignments, pop quizzes, midterm exam, and a comprehensive final exam. Class announcements and notes are available on the class website.
Texts and Materials:
Required Textbooks
Macroeconomics,by Abel/Bernanke/Croushore, 8th edition, Pearson, 2014.
Recommended background textbooks
Macroeconomics, by Gregory Mankiw, 7th edition, Worth, 2012
Macroeconomics,Olivier Blanchard,4th edition,Pearson,2005
Intermediate Macroeconomics,Robert Barro,South-Western,2010
Quizzes (15%): 6 pop quizzes (with equal weight) will be given randomly at class throughout the semester. They will reflect previous lecture materials. The lowest quiz score will be dropped.
Homework Assignments (20%): Homework assignments with equal weight will be given after each class.
Midterm Exams (25%): There will be one mid-term exam.
Final Exam (40%): The final exam will be cumulative covering all class and previous test materials.
A calculator is allowed on each exam.
Missed Tests
If you miss a quiz, a zero score will result and no make-up quiz will be given. Missing a midterm exam with a valid reason (documented medical emergency or authorized university events) will automatically transfer its weight to the final exam; otherwise it means a zero. If you miss the final exam due to documented medical emergency, a make-up final will be arranged as soon as possible. No other make-up tests or extra credit assignments will be given.
Course Schedule:
1. Introduction and the Measurement of Macroeconomy
2. Long-run Economic Analysis
Productivity, output, and employment
Consumption, saving, and investment
Long-run economic growth
The asset market, money, and prices
3. Business Cycles
The IS-LM/AD-AS Model
Classical business cycle analysis: market-clearing macroeconomics
Keynesianism: the macroeconomics of wage and price rigidity
4. Macroeconomic Policy
Unemployment and inflation
Monetary policy and the Federal Reserve System
Government spending and its financing