300 Club: Winners are: 1st Prize: Rob Hill – 2nd Prize: Maurice King - 3rd Prize: Elspeth Wilkins-Campbell. Please collect from the Parish office. Many thanks also to all who organize the 300 Club draw for all their hard work, £1000.00 was donated to parish funds last week. Thank you to all who support this initiative. To join speak to John Dillon, Helen Wheatman or John Carr, remember, ‘you have to be in it to win it”!
Mass Intentions: If you wish to book a Mass Intention for a loved one or for your own intentions, please use the envelopes provided in the Narthex. Just fill in the intention (name of person), the name of the person requesting the Mass and place the offering inside the envelope (a suggestion of £10 was made many years ago as a reasonable daily offering to the priest). Please then hand in to the parish office. Every effort will be made for all intentions to be celebrated on the day requested, unless it is already booked. Please contact the office with any queries on 01623 623458.
Friday Devotions & Benediction: Why not join the faithful at 11am in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in private prayer and meditation before Our Lord on the Altar; followed by recitation of the Rosary and the Litany of Our Lady, culminating with Benediction prior to 12.10pm Mass? – A precious weekly privilege and joy!
Diocesan Pilgrimages: Padley on Sunday 9th July in honour of the Blessed Nicholas Garlick and Robert Ludlam. For more information please contact or ring 01433630352. Meeting at Grindleford Station at 3pm, Mass commences at 3.30pm. The speaker is Rev Bill Burleigh.
At Mount St Bernard Abbey, Leics: 31st Rosary Rally to pray for world peace and our young people, on Sunday 27th August – commencing with concelebrated Mass at 2.00pm – then a picnic break resuming at 4.00pm – please see poster for full itinerary.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: February 15th to 22nd 2019. More information available from Sr Susan on 01623 845091 or email:
Baptism: Please speak to the priests after Mass to request Baptism for your child, Baptism sessions will take place on 4th and 11th July, at 7pm in the parish hall. After attending both sessions please call into the parish office and collect a form to complete and book the Baptism date in the diary.
Weddings 2018: A reminder for couples intending to marry that they should make contact with the priest as soon as possible. Diocesan Policy states that at least SIX MONTHS’ notice should be given. Please book the Church before the reception.
Safeguarding: The Catholic Church has made available 7 e-learning modules free of charge to any member of the Catholic Community. Some of these would be useful for those who have a ministry with children or adults, covering child and adult safeguarding. One in particular, dealing with child exploitation and online safety, would be useful for any family with teenage children. To access these you simply need to send an email to and you will receive a link to register for any of the modules you wish to access. Each module takes one hour to complete. If you need any further information please speak to either Sybil Hedley or Kathleen Campbell, our parish safeguarding reps.
Youth Events in the Diocese: Please see parish website…..
Please keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of our parish:
Paul Hayton, Ian Moore, Tony Corcoran, Helen Dignam, Roy Geeves, Catherine Phillips, Sheila Lowe, Joe McHugh, Thomas Smith, Mary McMonigle, Garry Jones, Maureen Turner, Kathleen Kyne, Kathleen McHugh, Peggy Hazledine, Tess Reardon, Mary Conroy, Mary Kolat, Josie Wilson, Angela Burke.
All items for the newsletter to be received by Wednesday noon please
The Presbytery, 3 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7AB
Telephone (01623) 623458 Parish Email:
Parish Website: stphilipmansfield.com
Diocesan Website: www.nrcdt.org.uk
NRCDT: Charity Number 1134449, Company Number 7151646
13th Week in Ordinary Time (YEAR A)
2nd July 2017
Money Matters for the weekend of: 25th June 2017
P.G: £629.0 + Loose: £349.10 = £978.10 + Standing Orders
2nd Collection this weekend: Apostleship of the Sea
2nd Collection last weekend: Peter’s Pence =£430.28
Please remember in your Prayers: Those who have died, especially John Murray Kerr whose funeral service is at Mansfield Crematorium on Friday 7th July at 3.30pm, and Eileen Witham who died this week; please remember them and their families in your prayers.
Welcome to our Church Student: Rev Jonathan Whitby-Smith who will be here with us at St Philip Neri for a few weeks, from this weekend. Please give your usual warm welcome and support to Rev Jonathan during his time with us. He is very welcome.
2nd Collection next weekend for the Apostleship of the Sea: Next week is Sea Sunday when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. The collection will be for the AOS, the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic Church. Providing practical and spiritual support to seafarers visiting our ports. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.
Brass and Voices Fundraising Concert: On Monday 3rd July at St Philip’s, beginning at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from the Parish Office and cost £5 each, with children free of charge. The Concert is in aid of the Chemotherapy Unit, Nottingham City Hospital. Please give this your usual generous support.
Easy Singing at St Teresa’s, Warsop: The next session will be on Tuesday 4th July at 2.15pm, for an hour approximately….with a cup of tea….everyone welcome.
Congratulations: To Roger and Margaret Hammerton on the occasion of their 65th Wedding Anniversary. We wish them a wonderful celebration and our best wishes. Mass will be celebrated for their intention this Saturday at 6pm.
Jubilee Year of Fatima: Concession of Plenary Indulgence: In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Apparitions of Fatima by the mandate of Pope Francis, it is granted a Jubilee Year, with the inherent plenary indulgence, from 27th November 2016 to 26th November 2017. The plenary indulgence of the Jubilee Year of Fatima is granted: a) to the faithful who visit the Shrine of Fatima on pilgrimage and devotedly participate in a celebration or prayers in honour of the Virgin Mary, pray the Our Father, recite the Symbol of Faith (Creed) and invoke Our Lady of Fatima. B) to the faithful who visit with devotion an image of Our Lady of Fatima solemnly displayed for public veneration in any Church, Oratory or adequate place, during the days of the anniversary of the apparitions (13th of each month from May to Oct 2017), and devotedly participate there in any celebration or prayer in honour of the Virgin Mary, pray the Our Father, recite the Symbol of Faith (Creed) and invoke Our Lady of Fatima. c) to the faithful who, due to their age, disease or other serious reason, are impeded of moving, if, repentant of all their sins and having the firm intention of performing, as soon as possible, the 3 conditions of: Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion and prayer for the Holy Fathers Intentions, in front of a small image of Our Lady of Fatima, spiritually unite in the days of the apparitions to the jubilee celebrations, offering with trust to God all-merciful through Mary their prayers and pains, or the sacrifices of their own lives.