3 Intelligent Well Technology: Status and Opportunities for Developing Marginal Reserves SPE


Peter H. Kobos, Sandia National Laboratories, Phone (505) 845-7086,

Malynda A. Cappelle, Sandia National Laboratories,

Jim L. Krumhansl, Sandia National Laboratories,

Thomas Dewers, Sandia National Laboratories,

David J. Borns, Sandia National Laboratories,

Patrick V. Brady, Sandia National Laboratories,

Andrea McNemar, National Energy Technology Laboratory,


A methodology was developed to test the feasibility of linking coal-fired power plants, deep saline aquifers for carbon sequestration, and produced water treatment technologies for use as cooling water. A case study examines the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) with the Morrison Formation Aquifer in the San Juan Basin in Northwest New Mexico. The framework was developed into a dynamic simulation model to examine scenarios regarding varying levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration from the power plant, water recovery rates from the formation, and variable costs associated with the whole system’s components. The Phase I work identified the high-level results of a combined CO2 sequestration and brackish water treatment for cooling case study. Phase II continues to address several key model parameters that may substantially alter the initial findings such as CO2 injection rates, CO2 fate and transport in the aquifer, and the system’s economics. The results presented here indicate that a coupled carbon dioxide sequestration and extracted water for treatment and use in a power plant may be feasible. However, the applicability of the coupled system relies on several unique site and case-specific aspects of the power plant and geologic systems that will greatly affect the physical and economic challenges associated with the overarching system.


Geochemical and Subsurface Geomodeling, Power Systems Life Cycle Evaluation, Water Treatment Technology, Scenario Mapping


The initial results show promise for a coupled carbon dioxide sequestration and extracted water system at the conceptual level. Initial findings indicate the additional costs of sequestration and water treatment for a power plant the size of the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS) would range from 8-12 cents/kWh under the current assumptions. Pairing the SJGS with the Morrison formation, for example, may yield 60+ years worth of water supply to meet 7-22 % of the SJGS’s annual water demands. The carbon sequestration potential of the Morrison is beyond that of the potential years’ worth of water supply. The results, however, are extremely site and case specific.


The costs, flow rates and years worth of CO2 sequestration capacity and water supply could change drastically depending on many factors including the engineering of the CO2 sequestration system, the geosystem’s characteristics, and the institutional barriers associated with using a water resource, albeit a currently untapped one, for the purposes of carbon dioxide sequestration. The analysis continues to expand to a larger regional extent to address additional power plants, geological formations with varying geophysical and geochemical attributes to more fully evaluate the framework of analysis developed in the coupled SJGS and Morrison formation case study.


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