SNC 1DI UNIT 2: Sustainable Ecosystems Review

1. Read through your notes to review the definitions and appropriate use for the following words.

Check the boxes once you have reviewed the terms.

□Abiotic factors / □Compaction / □Extirpated / □Photosynthesis
□Atmosphere / □Competition / □Food chain / □Pollution
□Bioaccumulation / □Consumer / □Food web / □Population
□Biodiversity / □Decomposer / □Fossil fuels / □Population Growth
□Biomagnification / □Decomposition / □Habitat / □Predation
□Biomass / □Denitrification / □Herbivore / □Primary consumer
□Biome / □Density-dependent / □Hydrosphere / □Producer
□Biosphere / □Density-independent / □Invasive species / □Reservoir
□Biotic factors / □Dynamic equilibrium / □Limiting factors / □Scavenger
□Broad spectrum pesticide / □Ecological niche / □Lithosphere / □Secondary consumer
□Carnivore / □Ecological pyramid / □Mutualism / □Special concern
□Carrying Capacity / □Ecology / □Narrow spectrum pesticide / □Species
□Cellular Respiration / □Ecosystem / □Nitrification / □Species richness
□Closed population / □Endangered species / □Nitrogen fixation / □Sustainability
□Combustion / □Energy pyramid / □Omnivore / □Symbiosis
□Commensalism / □Eutrophication / □Open population / □Threatened
□Community / □Extinct species / □Parasitism / □Top carnivore
□Pesticide / □Trophic level

2. Pay close attention to the following concepts. Check the boxes once you have reviewed them.

□Levels of ecological organization

□Ecological interactionsecological niches, food chains and food web interactions

□Biotic relationships  Predation, symbiosis (parasitism, commensalism, mutualism) and competition

□Energy movement through the ecosystem Trophic levels, energy pyramids and calculating the

transfer of energy through the pyramid

□ Cycles:The various processes involved, the importance of recycling nutrients, any chemical reactions

involved (including reactants and products), the role of decomposers, and human impacts on the cycle: □Matter □Water □Carbon □Nitrogen

□Biodiversity and human impacts on biodiversity

□Pesticides  types of pesticides, 3 major issues with pesticides, 4 methods of reducing our dependence

on pesticides

□Bioaccumulation and biomagnification

□Conserving Biodiversity: Species at risk (levels of risk), human impacts on sustainability of biodiversity

□Populations: Important formulas, limiting factors on population sizes, carrying capacity, density-

dependent and density-independent factors

3. Re-read your class notes, bell work, activities, labs, assignments and quizzes.

4. Re-do your old quizzes, activities, lab questions and assignment questions.

5. Read the Key Concepts Summary for each chapter and try the Chapter Review Questions.

Chapter 2: page 66Review Questionspg 68-69: 1-7, 9-12, 14-18, 23, 24, 25-26

Chapter 3: page 108Review Questions pg110-111: 2-3, 12-13, 14-6, 17-18

Chapter 4: page 148Review Questions pg150-151:1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 13-14, 16-17, 19, 21-23, 25-27

6. Check your answers in the back of your textbook.

7. Try each of the Chapter Self Quizzes and check your answers in the back of your textbook.

Chapter 2:pages 70-71Chapter 3: pages 112-113Chapter 4: 152- 153

8. Try the Unit B Review and Self Quiz: pages 158-165 and check your answers in the back of your


9. Complete your Unit 2 Study Guide as you study.

Unit 2 - Ecology

In preparation for our Unit 2 Ecology Test, I would like you to fill out the first two columns of the table below. Think of three activities that you can work on to prepare and study for your upcoming test. Fill in the first two columns below now. After you have written your test, fill in the last two columns and have a parent or guardian sign at the bottom of the page showing they are aware of your test and your preparation activities. Hand in this page the class after you have written your test.

Study Activity

/ Details of how you plan on carrying out this activity. / How you did carry out this activity (time length, adjustments, etc.). /


- Did it work well or not?
- Would you use this study activity again?

Date: ______Parent or Guardian Signature: ______
