September 2, 2012 – 15 Elul 5772
Sarah and Ben Pollack
220 School Street
Montclair, NJ 07042
Dear Sarah and Ben,
Each summer seems to pass more quickly than the last, especially this year, when my oldest child is entering college and our youngest is entering high school (sniff!). It’s hard to believe that in just a few weeks we’ll once again observe the High Holy Days, a season of both reflection and hope.
Just as I have concerns and hopes about my sons’ well being in this year of big transitions, so too do I reflect constantly on Temple ABC, the institution and community I love.
We can all be very proud of what we accomplished this past year. 2011-2012 was jam-packed with special events, such as the Joshua Nelson concert, “Goys and Dolls” and Celebrate TNT.
A large percentage of our membership participated in our Torah scroll repair project, Connecting Hand to Heart. We strengthened our connection to Israel through the JCC’s Makom initiative and enlivened worship with Synaplex experiences.
Behind the scenes, we discussed new approaches to life-long Jewish education, developed leaders, and performed gimilut chasadim (acts of loving-kindness) on an on-going basis.
We’re already making progress on our goals for 2012-2013. We’ve hired a new Youth Group Advisor, who is eager to help us grow the junior and senior groups. With other new staff we are poised to strengthen both our b’nai mitzvah and Shoresh Pre-school programs.
A committee is planning a family retreat for February, and we are looking forward to a congregational trip to Israel next summer. We will offer new Synaplex, Tarbut and Adult Ed programming. Our discussions about congregational education will culminate in a new program to be rolled out in September 2012. We aim to devote more energy to ensuring the long-term health of our synagogue by focusing on membership, debt reduction and endowment.
Today I am writing to ask for your help in the short term. Membership dues alone are not enough to support our synagogue (or any other) these days. They don’t cover our operating expenses, much less the myriad of programs and support services we provide.
Most of what I described above couldn’t happen without gifts of time and money from congregants. Your participation in the High Holiday Appeal is crucial to maintaining Temple ABC, which is more than a religious school, more than a bimah, more than a place for social gatherings.
It is our community’s Jewish home.
Far more important than any achievement or event is the fact that we have a place where we can gather, grow and share the events in our lives, whether they are sad or joyous.
As we come together during the holiest time of the year, I urge you to join me in making a contribution to Temple ABC’s High Holy Day Appeal. Your gift last year of $100 was greatly appreciated and helped Temple ABC in so many ways. I hope you will consider making an increased gift of $118, $136, or even $154. Remember, the more generous you are now, the less often we will have to ask throughout the year.
Thank you in advance for your support. Please accept my personal best wishes for a year of good health, fulfillment, love and peace.
L’shanah Tova,
Jodi Cohen, President
P.S. Your increased gift of $118, $136, or $154 is very important to me and will do much to enhance our Sacred Work.