.Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh, Inc. Presents:

British Cars at Hartwood

September 25, 2005

215 Saxonburg Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA15238


FEATURING:Antique, Classic and new British cars and motorcycles.

FIELD OPENS:9:00 AM rain or shine –Vehicles must be in place by 11:30 AM

All British cars and motorcycles welcome. Last year over 175 cars were displayed, for the enjoyment of participants and spectators.

AWARDS: Awards will be determined by popular vote on ballots provided to registered participants only. Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh reserves the right to determine classes and assign cars. Number of awards in each class will be based on the number of pre-registered cars in each class; one award for two vehicles, two for five, and three for seven or more.


VOTING:Voting will take place until 2:00 PM. Awards will be presented at 3:00 PM.

DOOR PRIZES:All registrants in attendance are eligible for ongoing door prize drawings.

INFORMATION:For information on BRITISH CARS AT HARTWOOD call 724-837-7497.

REGISTRATION:Registration fee is $15.00 if registered before September 15, 2005, $20.00 after.

Please pre-register if possible to assist in determining class breaks and awards

Make check payable to: J.C.O.P.

Mail registration to: Jaguar Club of Pittsburgh C/O Butch Hurley

832 Jackson Dr.

Apollo, PA15613

SHIRTS:Add $14.00 to your registration fee for each official show T-Shirt, $20.00 for sweatshirts.

Shirts are advance order only--none will be sold at the show!!

REFRESHMENTS:Bring your own picnic baskets and beverages, or purchase refreshments at the show.

MANSION TOURS: The Hartwood mansion will be opened for tours the day of the show.

------Tear off------British Cars at Hartwood Registration Form

Official Use Official Use

Reg. #______Class #______

NAME:______Shirt size S M L XL


T-Shirt--@ $12.00 ______$______

ADDRESS:______Sweatshirt--@ $18.00 ______$______

Car entry @ $15.00$______

CITY:______STATE:_____ZIP:______Total $______

Check No. ______




MAKE______MODEL______YEAR______Sdn. Cpe Conv. MC Other______

Waiver of Liability--Must be signed to enter show:

Neither I nor my heirs will hold the Jaguar Club of Pgh. Inc. or AlleghenyCounty liable for any damages or personal injury to myself or my entry, while

engaged in, or travelling to or from this event. This release is given in consideration for permission to attend this event. I also certify that any

vehicles described on this form bear legal and proper State registration and liability insurance.


British Cars at Hartwood

September 25, 2005

J. C. O. P

c/o Butch Hurley

823 Jackson Dr.

Apollo, PA15613

Revised 0/06/2000