H014 - 002 REVIEW for REGENTS: [500 – 1650 AD]10/31/2018

Name: ______DUE:Thu. 1 June 2017 … & Fri. 2 June 2017

Homework: REVIEW for REGENTS: [500 – 1650 AD] Global History 2

There are … 135Questions … in this Review.
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Section 1The Gupta Empire in India

Section 2The Tang and Song Dynasties in China

Section 3The Byzantine Empire and Russia

Section 4Islamic Civilization

Section 5Medieval Europe

Section 6The Crusades


Section 1Early Japan and Feudalism

Section 2The Mongols and Their Impact

Section 3Global Trade and Interactions

Section 4The Resurgence of Europe

Section 5African Civilizations

1. Feudal societies are generally characterized by
  1. an emphasis on social order 3. a representative government
  2. many economic opportunities 4. the protection of political rights

2. Which factor helped most to bring about the Protestant Reformation?
  1. The Catholic clergy had lost faith in their religion.
  2. Islam was attracting many converts in western Europe.
  3. Kings and princes in northern Europe resented the power of the Catholic Church.
  4. The exploration of the Americas led to the introduction of new religious ideas.

3. Which characteristic is found in traditionalJapanese society?
  1. Each person is considered equal. 3. The rights of the group are more important than those of the individual.
  2. Women are expected to tell men what to do. 4. Young people are free to choose their occupation.

4. Which statement best describes the economy in Latin America during colonial times?
  1. Little direct trade existed between Latin American and European nations.
  2. European nations practiced a mercantilistic system in Latin America.
  3. Few Latin Americans were interested in economic development.
  4. The United States greatly influenced economic decisionmaking in Latin America.

5. Which feature was typical of Greece during the Golden Age and Italy during the Renaissance?
  1. universal suffrage 2. racial diversity 3. social equality 4. a questioning spirit

6. What were two indirect results of the Crusades?
  1. Trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was strengthened.
  2. Trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was weakened.
  3. Trade and commerce increased and the feudal system was weakened.
  4. Trade and commerce declined and the feudal system was strengthened.

7. In medieval Japan and medieval Europe, the feudal system was dominated by
  1. middle-class merchants 3. peasant farmers
  2. radical revolutionaries 4. warrior aristocrats

8. Which feature of Chinese agriculture led to the development of the other three?
  1. growing rice and grains for their high food value 3. building of irrigation systems
  2. scarcity of fertile land 4. intensive farming methods

"Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task."
Which empire is referred to in this quotation?
  1. Hellenistic 2. Mongol 3. Byzantine 4. Ottoman

10. In Europe, a major characteristic of humanism was
  1. a belief in the supremacy of the state in relation to individual rights
  2. a rejection of ancient civilizations and their cultures
  3. an emphasis on social control and obedience to national leaders
  4. an appreciation for the basic work of individual achievement

11. Which was a characteristic of feudalism?
  1. Land was exchanged for military service and obligations. 3. Government was provided by a bureaucracy of civil servants.
  2. Power rested in the hands of a strong central government. 4. Unified national court systems were developed.

12. Which development was an important contribution of Muslim culture to civilization?
  1. equal distribution of land 3. adoption of a polytheistic religion
  2. advances in sciences and mathematics 4. the principle of the separation of church and state

"Europe is waking out of a long, deep sleep....Time was when learning was only found in the religious orders...learning has passed to secular princes and peers."
This quotation best describes the
  1. Renaissance 3. decline of the Roman Empire
  2. Crusades 4. rise of Christianity

14. The warlords of China, the samurai of Japan, and the knights of western Europe were similar because they all were influential during periods of
  1. weak central government 3. increasing nationalism
  2. religious and political reform 4. invasions by foreigners

15. Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades?
  1. Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East.
  2. Islamic influence dominated Europe.
  3. Europeans developed tolerance of non-Christian religions.
  4. Trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded.

16. The concept of mercantilism is best illustrated by the
  1. political structure of China during the Chou dynasty
  2. social kinship system of the Ashanti people
  3. military strategies of the armies of the Roman Empire
  4. economic relationship between Spain and its Latin American colonies

"All things were under its domain...its power was such that no one could hope to escape its scrutiny."
Which European institution during the Middle Ages is best described by this statement?
  1. the guild 2. knighthood 3. the Church 4. the nation-state

18. Which statement best describes the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe during the Middle Ages?
  1. The Church encouraged individuals to question authority.
  2. Church leaders were involved solely in spiritual activities.
  3. The Church gained influence as the world became more secular.
  4. The Church provided a sense of stability, unity, and order.

19. The Magna Carta was important to the development of democracy because it
  1. limited the power of the monarch 3. created a bicameral legislature
  2. took land away from the nobles 4. extended the right to vote to peasants

20. Which is a characteristic of feudalism in both medieval Europe and Japan?
  1. The middle class acquired more power than any other class did.
  2. Political power was held by a strong centralized government.
  3. The army encouraged strong nationalistic feelings among the people.
  4. All the people knew their roles in a rigid class system.

21. Martin Luther'sNinety-five Theses were a call for
  1. religious revolt against the German princes 3. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
  2. greater Papal authority 4. crusades to spread Christianity

22.The Middle Ages in Western Europe was characterized by
  1. the manor system and the importance of land ownership 3. absolute monarchies and strong central governments
  2. decreased emphasis on religion in daily life 4. extensive trade with Asia and the Middle East

23. The Black Death, or Bubonic Plague, was caused by

1. poor sanitation and primitive medical technology 3. the curse of King Tut
2. the Jews and Moslems 4. things brought back to Europe by explorers

24. During the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers was that they

1. relied heavily on the ideas of medieval thinkers
2. favored an absolute monarchy as a way of improving economic conditions
3. received support from the Catholic Church
4. examined natural laws governing the universe

25. What idea of the Renaissance is reflected in the Protestant Reformation and the Age of Exploration?

1. a questioning spirit 3. political revolution
2. interest in Greece and Rome 4. attention to realism

26. Which of the following was an “outgrowth of trade” as a result of the Crusades and the Age of Exploration ?

1. the Magna Carta 2. the Commercial Revolution 3. the Renaissance 4. Stonehenge

27. Who was the father in Indian independence ?

1. Simon Bolivar 2. Mohandas Gandhi 3. Peter the Great4. Elizabeth I

28. A political map of India would show

1. roads and rail lines.3. average rainfall and high temperatures.

2. deserts and mountains.4. countries and cities.

29. A topographical map of Pakistan would show

1. roads and rail lines.3. average rainfall and high temperatures.

2. deserts and mountains.4. countries and cities.

30. The concept of caste is based on the assumption that

1. money is the root of all evil.3. class is based on behavior in a person’s previous life.

2. one should not eat meat.4. all people are created equal.

31. Which statement about farming in India is most accurate?

1. Monsoons bring much of the water that makes farming possible. 3. Few people were involved in farming.

2. Production of food has declined since independence. 4. Most farms are owned by the government.

32. In India, many people still follow casterules because these rules

1. were introduced by the English during colonial times. 3. provide opportunities for social advancement.

2. are part of the Indian constitution. 4. are part of their religious beliefs and traditions.

33. In India, the caste system has been weakened most by the

1. presence of the military to enforce laws.3. increased productivity of farms.

2. migration of people to the cities.4. strengthened position of the Hindu religion.

34. The TajMahal in India, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, and the Great Pyramid in Egypt are examples of

1.architectural accomplishments that reflect religious beliefs.

2.ancient architectural monuments no longer in use.

3.the influence of Judaic architecture on conquered nations

4.the influence of cultural diffusion on contemporary architecture

35. One way in which the Tang dynasty, the Gupta Empire, and the European Renaissance are similar is that they all included periods of

(1) religious unity (2) democratic reforms (3) economic isolation (4) cultural achievements

36. The Himalaya Mountains, the Ghats Mountains, the Deccan Plateau, and the Thar Desert are similar in that they contribute to South Asia's

1. national unity 2. cultural diversity 3. political stability 4. rapid population growth

37. In addition to providing water for Indian agriculture, the Ganges River remains important to India because it is

  1. the only source of Indian hydroelectric power 3. the birthplace of the Hindu civilization
  2. a sacred river for the Hindu population 4. an unofficial boundary between Hindus and Muslims

38. India's earliest civilizations were located in

  1. mountainous regions 2. river valleys3. coastal regions 4. dry steppes

39. Which belief is shared by Hindus and Buddhists?

  1. Everyone should have the same social status. 3. People should pray five times a day.
  2. The soul can be reincarnated. 4. Material wealth is a sign of the blessing of the gods.

40. The caste system in India and the feudal system in Europe were similar in that both

  1. provided structure for society 3. established totalitarian governments
  2. developed concepts of natural rights 4. promoted peace and prosperity

41. Which accomplishments are associated with the Gupta Empire?

  1. adoption of democracy and construction of the Pantheon
  2. defeat of the Roman Empire and adoption of Christianity
  3. establishment of Pax Mongolia and founding of a Chinese dynasty
  4. use of Sanskrit language and development of the concept of zero

42. Which geographic factor affected the development of the Gupta Empire in India / southern Asia?

(1) volcanoes (3) monsoons

(2) permafrost (4) island location [REGENTS: August 2011]

43. The concept of zero, the expansion of the caste system, and the creation of the decimal system
are most closely associated with

(1) Ancient Egypt(2) global warming (3) monotheism (4) the Gupta Empire[ REGENTS: June 2011]

44. The Age of Pericles in Athens, the Gupta Empire in India, and the Tang dynasty in China
all experienced a “Golden Age” with

(1) advancements in the principles of democratic governments (3) outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences

(2) the end of foreign domination (4) the furthest expansion of their borders

45. Zheng He contributed to the prosperity of China under the Ming dynasty by

  1. defeating the Manchu invaders 3. constructing the Great Wall along the northern frontier
  2. expanding trade with nations of Asia and Africa 4. establishing colonies in Korea and Japan

46. The Gupta Empire in India and the Tang dynasty in China all experienced a Golden Age with

  1. advancements in the principles of democratic governments 3. the end of foreign domination
  2. outstanding contributions in the arts and sciences 4. the furthest expansion of their borders

47. Which statement about the Tang dynasty is a fact rather than an opinion?

  1. Technical advances would have been greater if the Tang dynasty had lasted longer.
  2. China’s best emperors came from the Tang dynasty.
  3. The Tang emperors granted government jobs to scholars who passed examinations.
  4. The culture of the Tang dynasty was superior to that of the Han dynasty.

48. Which statement about China is a fact rather than an opinion?

(1) Flooding was the worst disaster to affect ancient Chinese civilizations.

(2) The Mandate of Heaven was an idea developed in ancient China.

(3) Early Chinese civilizations were the most important civilizations in the world.

(4) Dynastic governments were highly effective in China.[August 2010]

49. Which achievements are most closely associated with the Tang and Song dynasties of China?

(1) wheel and stirrup(3) chinampas and calendar

(2) gunpowder and movable wooden type(4) mosaics and domes[June 2010]

50. Which geographic feature has helped isolate China?

(1) Andes Mountains(3) Kalahari Desert

(2) Himalaya Mountains(4) Great Rift Valley [August 2011]

51. The rule of Shi Huangdi, legalism, and the tomb of terra cotta soldiers are most closely associated with the

(1) Maurya Empire (3) Persian Empire

(2) Qin dynasty (4) Hellenistic culture[August 2011]

52. Korea has frequently served as a cultural bridge between

(1) Cambodia and Vietnam(3) Russia and India

(2) Thailand and Indonesia(4) China and Japan[June 2010]

53. China’s image of itself as the Middle Kingdom is associated with

(1) welcoming foreign ideas and influences (3) mixing Western religions with traditional Chinese philosophies

(2) controlling how contact occurs with other cultures (4) building the Grand Canal to expand trade within China [June 2010]

54. The Code of Hammurabi and Chinese legalism both rely on the idea that

(1) governments must provide their people with rights (3) harsh laws are needed to control society

(2) all subjects are equal under the law (4) religion and government must be brought closer together [January 2010]

55. The Indus and Huang He (Yellow) rivers are both closely associated with

(1) border disputes(3) sacred biblical sites

(2) cradles of early civilization(4) oil discoveries[January 2010]

56. What is a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire to global history?

  1. preservation of Greek and Roman culture 3. construction of the pyramids
  2. expansion of equal rights 4. invention of writing

57. The golden ages of the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires can be attributed in part to

1. cultural isolation2. command economies3. stable governments 4. distinct social classes

58. One way in which Suleiman the Magnificent and Akbar the Great are similar is that they both brought about periods of

  1. political stability and religious tolerance 3. religious conquest and persecution
  2. isolationism and cultural stagnation4. modernization and political disunity

59. The Ottomans were a strong trading empire through the mid-1600s because they

  1. controlled access to the eastern Mediterranean Sea3. had the most powerful navy in the world

2. dominated West African caravan routes4. conquered most of Asia

60. Which development was an important contribution of Muslim culture to civilization?

  1. equal distribution of land3. adoption of a polytheistic religion
  2. advances in sciences and mathematics 4. the principle of the separation of church and state

61. In Europe, a long-term effect of the Crusades was

1. the strengthening of the feudal system 3. the adoption of Islamic religious practices
2. an increased demand for goods from the East 4. increased European isolation

62. When Russia was under Mongol domination, the effect on Russia was to
1. end feudalism 3. reunite the Eastern Orthodox Church with the Roman Catholic Church

2. convert the Russian people to Hinduism 4. keep Russia isolated from Western Europe

63. Which empire had the greatest influence on the development of early Russia?
(1) Roman (2) Byzantine (3) Egyptian (4) British

64. Kievan Russia adopted the Eastern Orthodox religion, the Cyrillic alphabet, and different styles of art and architecture through contact with

(1) traders from South Asia (3) crusaders from western Europe

(2) conquering invaders from Mongolia (4) missionaries from the Byzantine Empire

65. Which development in Russian history led to the other three?
(1) Orthodox Christianity was adopted in Russia. (3) Trade developed along rivers linking Russia and the Byzantine Empire.
(2) Russian rulers took the title of czar, or Caesar. (4) The Cyrillic alphabet became the basis of Russian written language.

“Western Europe owed a debt of gratitude to the Empire that for almost a thousand years ensured the survival of Christianity during a time when Europe was too weak to accomplish the task.”

66. Which empire is referred to in this quotation?

  1. Hellenistic 2. Mongol 3. Byzantine 4. Ottoman

67. Some historians suggest that as a result of the Mongol invasions of Russia, the Russian people were

  1. united with the Ottomans 3. converted to Christianity
  2. freed from serfdom 4. cut off from most of western Europe

68. One way in which the Seljuk Turks, Mongols, and Crusaders were similar is that they all

  1. invaded the Middle East and affected its culture 3. succeeded in bringing democracy to the Middle East
  2. moved through the Middle East as nomadic groups 4. established permanent empires in the Middle East

Base your answer to this question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

…The Mongols made no technological breakthroughs, founded no new religions, wrote few books or dramas, and gave the world no new crops or methods of agriculture. Their own craftsmen could not weave cloth, cast metal, make pottery, or even bake bread. They manufactured neither porcelain nor pottery, painted no pictures, and built no buildings. Yet, as their army conquered culture after culture, they collected and passed all of these skills from one civilization to the next…. — Jack Weatherford

69. This passage leads to the conclusion that the Mongols

  1. rejected technology3. were a peaceful people
  2. were urbanized4. contributed to cultural diffusion

70. In Japanese history, what was the impact of the Tokugawa Shogunate (1600-1854)?

1. Japan adopted an isolationist policy.

2. Contact with Western nations encouraged Japan to industrialize.