Draft minutes, not Committee approved

Meeting called to order at 9:50 AM by Ron Korzeniewski, Chair.
COMMITTEE PRESENT: Ron Korzeniewski, Chair; Ken Linzmeyer, Vice-Chair; Darrel Pagel, Secretary; David Christianson; Ryan Wendt
OTHERS PRESENT: Pat Virtues, Zoning/Solid Waste Administrator; Shelley Zahm, Administrative Assistant; Dave Behrend, Member of Public

1.  Approval of Agenda
A. Change of Sequence
B. Removal of Items
Moved by Pagel, seconded by Christianson to approve the Agenda. Motion voted on and carried.

2.  Approval of Minutes of Previous Meetings
Moved by Linzmeyer, seconded by Christianson to approve the minutes of September 19, 2017 and October 9, 2017. Motion voted on and carried.

3.  Communications: None.

4.  Current Legislation
A. SB 425 regarding authority over wireless facilities and road right of way.
B. AB 595 regarding Department of Transportation and outdoor advertising signs.
C. AB 594 regarding outdoor signs that don’t conform to local ordinances.
D. AB 599 regarding determination of navigability of a stream.
E. AB 547 regarding wetlands and fill material.
F. AB 480 regarding Homeowners Bill of Rights.

5.  Continued discussion on possible ordinance language amendments. Action, if necessary.
Committee discussed accessory structure language as it pertains to second stories. County Board Communication regarding wedding barns and satellite manure storage pits. Ken Dolata and Pat Virtues met with Corporation Counsel and will research other counties’ policies. Discussion on adult family homes with caretakers, as well as possible time frames for campers to be on properties that do not have a principal structure. No action to be taken at this time.

6.  Consider options available for filling Assistant Zoning Administrator position. Action, if necessary.
Interviews were held, with first and second choice. Both applicants turned down the position. We will need to repost and re-advertise the position. Current staff may have to work out of the northern office part of the time until the position is filled and the person is trained.

7.  Review and consider candidates for Enforcement Tech position.
We received 12 applications for the Enforcement Technician. Four of the applicants will be interviewed in November.

8.  Report by Planning, Zoning & Solid Waste Administrator
A. Monty Brink, Forest & Parks Agent has been working with OEDC on signs promoting managed forest lands, with a “Grow North” theme.
B. The Forest & Parks Department is looking at reestablishing the beach at Chute Pond. We will be looking at shoreland standards for this project.

9.  Vouchers and Bills
Moved by Wendt, seconded by Linzmeyer to pay the bills. Motion voted on and carried.

10.  Set Next Meeting Dates
Next meetings to be held November 28, 2017 and December 27, 2017. Rezone hearings will be held December 11, 2017.

11.  Public Comment/Misc.

12.  Adjournment
Moved by Linzmeyer, seconded by Christianson to adjourn. Motion voted on and carried. Adjourned at 11:03 AM.

Ron Korzeniewski, Chair Darrel Pagel, Secretary