/ Curriculum Requirements Form
New Undergraduate Independent Majors
1. An appropriate faculty or staff member completes this form electronically. Paper copy will not be accepted.
2. Save the completed form to your hard drive and send it as an e-mail attachment to the college undergraduate curriculum committee chairperson or associate dean (or formally appointed delegate) appropriate for your college. Also send any ancillary information or forms your college may require.
3. After the program has been approved by the college, the associate dean (or formally appointed delegate) should send this form as an
e-mail attachment to the Provost's Office. The Provost's Office will oversee the remainder of approval process.

Program information

Home college/school Home department

Secondary participating college/school, if any Secondary participating department

Tertiary participating college/school, if any Tertiary participating department

Degree(s) (such as BS, BA, BSN, BFA)

Complete formal program title

Total credit for degree 128 Other—specify

General remarks

Contact individuals for this program

Discipline 1


Phone E-mail

Discipline 2


Phone E-mail

Discipline 3


Phone E-mail

History of Reviews and approvals

Name and department of home advisor approving for discipline 1

Name and department of advisor approving for discipline 2

Name and department of advisor approving for discipline 3

Name and department of chairperson approving for discipline 1

Name and department of chairperson approving for discipline 2

Name and department of chairperson approving for discipline 3

Committee and/or person approving for home college

Person confirming approval by college of discipline 2 (if different from home college)

Person confirming approval by college of discipline 3 (if different from home college)

The following two items are completed after submission to the Office of the Provost:

Date reviewed by the Office of the Provost

Person reviewing in the Office of the Provost

Continued on next page.

Important: Independent majors should be equivalent in depth and coherence to existing majors. Generally this equivalence would be reflected by having at least sixteen courses in the independent major.

Note: You can start a new line by pressing the Enter key.

1. Specific Required Courses in Discipline 1

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are specifically required in Discipline 1. You may arrange these requirements into groups, each with a title you may specify, and you may specify minimum grade or GPA requirements for each group.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 1 Requirement” groups.

Discipline 1 Requirement 1

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Requirement 2

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Requirement 3

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Requirement 4

Title of requirement

List course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Requirement 5

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

2. Specific Required Courses in Another Unit Related to Discipline 1

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are explicitly required (if any). Note that required courses in another unit must be approved by the unit. Please indicate the contact person who has given the approval.

Please complete, if appropriate, the following “Discipline 1 Other-Unit Requirement” group.

Discipline 1 Other-Unit Requirement

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Contact person who has given approval


Phone E-mail

Explanatory remarks

3. Elective Requirements in Discipline 1 or in Other Units Related to Discipline 1

List courses, titles, and credits for courses for elective requirements.

Examples of wording that may be used to specify the constraint that defines an elective requirement:

• Complete N courses from the following list (OK to have more than one list of this type).

• Complete N courses from the following list or from any of the previous lists that have yet to be used.

• Complete N additional courses in the major.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number at least X.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number in the range from X to Y.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 1 Elective Requirement” groups.

Discipline 1 Elective Requirement 1

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Elective Requirement 2

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 1 Elective Requirement 3

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

4. Specific Required Courses in Discipline 2

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are specifically required in Discipline 2. You may arrange these requirements into groups, each with a title you may specify, and you may specify minimum grade or GPA requirements for each group.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 2 Requirement” groups.

Discipline 2 Requirement 1

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Requirement 2

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Requirement 3

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Requirement 4

Title of requirement

List course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Requirement 5

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

5. Specific Required Courses in Another Unit Related to Discipline 2

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are explicitly required (if any). Note that required courses in another unit must be approved by the unit. Please indicate the contact person who has given the approval.

Please complete, if appropriate, the following “Discipline 2 Other-Unit Requirement” group.

Discipline 2 Other-Unit Requirement

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Contact person who has given approval


Phone E-mail

Explanatory remarks

6. Elective Requirements in Discipline 2 or in Other Units Related to Discipline 2

List courses, titles, and credits for courses for elective requirements.

Examples of wording that may be used to specify the constraint that defines an elective requirement:

• Complete N courses from the following list (OK to have more than one list of this type).

• Complete N courses from the following list or from any of the previous lists that have yet to be used.

• Complete N additional courses in the major.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number at least X.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number in the range from X to Y.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 2 Elective Requirement” groups.

Discipline 2 Elective Requirement 1

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Elective Requirement 2

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 2 Elective Requirement 3

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

7. Specific Required Courses in Discipline 3

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are specifically required in Discipline 3. You may arrange these requirements into groups, each with a title you may specify, and you may specify minimum grade or GPA requirements for each group.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 3 Requirement” groups.

Discipline 3 Requirement 1

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Requirement 2

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Requirement 3

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Requirement 4

Title of requirement

List course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Requirement 5

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

8. Specific Required Courses in Another Unit Related to Discipline 3

List courses, titles, and credits for courses that are explicitly required (if any). Note that required courses in another unit must be approved by the unit. Please indicate the contact person who has given the approval.

Please complete, if appropriate, the following “Discipline 3 Other-Unit Requirement” group.

Discipline 3 Other-Unit Requirement

Title of requirement

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Contact person who has given approval


Phone E-mail

Explanatory remarks

9. Elective Requirements in Discipline 3 or in Other Units Related to Discipline 3

List courses, titles, and credits for courses for elective requirements.

Examples of wording that may be used to specify the constraint that defines an elective requirement:

• Complete N courses from the following list (OK to have more than one list of this type).

• Complete N courses from the following list or from any of the previous lists that have yet to be used.

• Complete N additional courses in the major.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number at least X.

• Complete N additional courses in the major with course number in the range from X to Y.

Please complete one or more of the following “Discipline 3 Elective Requirement” groups.

Discipline 3 Elective Requirement 1

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Elective Requirement 2

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

Discipline 3 Elective Requirement 3

Title of elective requirement

Constraint that defines this elective requirement (see wording suggestions above)

List of course numbers, titles, and credits (if applicable)

Grade/GPA requirements (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

10. Bridge/Integrative Requirements

Minimum is one course; two are recommended.

List of course numbers, titles, and credits

Explanatory remarks

11. GPA requirements for courses

GPA requirements for courses in Discipline 1 (if applicable)

Corresponding GPA requirements for courses in the existing Discipline 1 major (if applicable)

GPA requirements for courses in Discipline 2 (if applicable)

Corresponding GPA requirements for courses in the existing Discipline 2 major (if applicable)

GPA requirements for courses in Discipline 3 (if applicable)

Corresponding GPA requirements for courses in the existing Discipline 3 major (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

12. Requirements other than GPA

Examples: qualifying exam, thesis, etc.

Requirements other than GPA in Discipline 1 (if applicable)

Corresponding requirements other than GPA in the existing Discipline 1 major (if applicable)

Requirements other than GPA in Discipline 2 (if applicable)

Corresponding requirements other than GPA in the existing Discipline 2 major (if applicable)

Requirements other than GPA in Discipline 3 (if applicable)

Corresponding requirements other than GPA in the existing Discipline 3 major (if applicable)

Explanatory remarks

13a. NU Core 2007

List the required or elective courses in combined major that satisfy NU Core 2007 requirements.

NU Core 2007 Requirement Required or Elective Course


Comparative study of cultures

Experiential learning

Knowledge domains

Arts/humanities level 1

Social science level 1

Science/technology level 1

Knowledge domains level 2

Mathematical/analytical thinking

Level 1

Level 2


First-year writing—satisfied by ENGW 1111 (College Writing, 4 SH) or ENGW 1102 (College Writing—SOL, 4 SH)

Two writing-intensive courses in major

Advanced writing in disciplines

Explanatory remarks

13b. NU Core 2016

List the required or elective courses in combined major that satisfy NU Core 2016 requirements.

NU Core 2016 Requirement Required or Elective Course

Engaging with the natural and designed world

Exploring creative expression and innovation

Interpreting culture

Conducting formal and quantitative reasoning

Understanding societies and institutions

Analyzing and using data

Engaging difference and diversity

Employing ethical reasoning

Writing across audiences and genres

First-year writing—satisfied by ENGW 1111 (College Writing, 4 SH) or ENGW 1102 (College Writing—SOL, 4 SH)

Two writing-intensive courses in major

Advanced writing in disciplines

Integrating knowledge and skills through experience

Capstone Experience

Explanatory remarks


Curriculum Requirements—Page 4 of 9