17.02.1 Countable Athletically Related Activities
Countable athletically related activities include any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by one or more of an institution's coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches) and must be counted within the weekly and daily limitations under Bylaw and Administrative activities (e.g., academic meetings, compliance meetings) shall not be considered as countable athletically related activities.Revised: 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03)
17.02.2 Contest
A contest is any game, match, exhibition, scrimmage or joint practice session with another institution’s team, regardless of its formality, in which competition in a sport occurs between an intercollegiate athletics team or individual representing a member institution and any other team or individual not representing the intercollegiate athletics program of the same member institution.
17.02.3 Contest, Countable, Institutional
A countable contest for a member institution, in those sports for which the limitations are based on the number of contests, is any contest by the member institution against an outside team in that sport, unless a specific exemption for a particular contest is set forth in this bylaw. Contests, including scrimmages, by separate squads of the same team against different outside teams shall each count as one contest.
17.02.4 Contest, Countable, Individual Student-Athlete
A countable contest for an individual student-athlete in a sport is any contest in which the student-athlete competes while representing the member institution (see Bylaw 17.02.8) individually or as a member of the varsity, subvarsity or freshman team of the institution in that sport, unless a specific exemption for a particular contest is set forth in this bylaw.
17.02.5 Date of Competition
A date of competition is a single date on which any game(s), match(es), meet(s), exhibition(s), scrimmage(s) or joint practice session(s) with another institution’s team takes place, regardless of its formality, between an intercollegiate athletics team or individual representing a member institution and any other team or individual not representing the intercollegiate athletics program of the same member institution.
17.02.6 Date of Competition, Countable, Institutional
A countable date of competition for a member institution, in those sports for which the limitations are based on the number of dates of competition, is a single date on which the institution’s team in a sport engages in competition in that sport against an outside team, unless a specific exemption for a particular date of competition is set forth in this bylaw. Required Minimum Number of Student-Athletes
For individual sports, a member institution shall be considered to have participated in competition that constitutes a date of competition if the minimum number of student-athletes participating on one or more teams, at one or more sites, on behalf of the institution on that date equals or exceeds the minimum number established for that sport, unless otherwise restricted in this bylaw for a particular sport (e.g., golf, tennis). (See Bylaw for listings of minimum numbers of student-athletes per sport.)
17.02.7 Date of Competition, Countable, Individual Student-Athlete
A countable date of competition for an individual student-athlete is any date on which a student-athlete competes while representing the institution (see Bylaw 17.02.8) individually or as a member of the varsity, subvarsity or freshman team, unless a specific exemption for a particular date of competition is set forth in this bylaw.
17.02.8 Intercollegiate Competition
Intercollegiate competition is considered to have occurred when a student-athlete in either a two-year or a four-year collegiate institution does any of the following:
(a)Represents the institution in any contest against outside competition, regardless of how the competition is classified (e.g., scrimmage, exhibition or joint practice session with another institution’s team) or whether the student is enrolled in a minimum full-time program of studies;
(b)Competes in the uniform of the institution, or, during the academic year, utilizes any apparel (excluding apparel no longer utilized by the institution) or equipment received from the institution that includes institutional identification (see Bylaw for regulations governing the use of equipment during the summer); or (Revised: 1/16/93, 1/11/94)
(c)Competes and receives expenses (e.g., transportation, meals, room or entry fees)
from the institution for the competition.
17.02.9 Outside Competition
Outside competition is athletics competition against any other athletics team (including an alumni team) that does not represent the intercollegiate athletics program of the same institution.
17.02.10 Outside Team
An outside team is any team that does not represent the intercollegiate athletics program of the member institution or a team that includes individuals other than eligible student-athletes of the member institution (e.g., members of the coaching staff, ineligible student-athletes, members of the faculty).
Top of Form
17.02.11 Practice Units
In determining the first permissible preseason practice date, an institution shall count back from its first scheduled contest, one unit for each day beginning with the opening of classes, one unit for each day classes are not in session in the week of the first scheduled intercollegiate contest and two units for each other day in the preseason practice period, except that the institution shall not count any units during the preseason when all institutional dormitories are closed, the institution's team must leave campus, and practice is not conducted. (Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, Revised: 1/10/92, 4/14/03) Sunday
Sundays are excluded from the counting.(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91) Week
The "week" of the first scheduled intercollegiate contest is defined as the six days, excluding Sunday, preceding the date of competition (even if one or more of the days fall into different traditional calendar weeks).(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91) Opening Day of Classes
The "opening day of classes" is defined as the first day of classes as listed in the member institution’s official catalog. Required freshman orientation is not considered to be the opening day of classes for the academic year.(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91)
Top of Form First Day of Practice
The first day of practice may be conducted on the day when the last practice unit occurs, which is determined by counting backward from the day of the first permissible regularly scheduled contest. For example, in football or women’s volleyball, practice may be held on the day that the 29th practice unit actually occurs, counting backward from the day of the first permissible regularly scheduled contest. (Adopted: 12/10/97, Revised: 4/14/03)
17.02.13 Voluntary Athletically Related Activities.Effective Date: Aug 01, 2004
In order for any athletically related activity to be considered "voluntary," all of the following conditions must be met:(Adopted: 4/18/01)
(a)The student-athlete must not be required to report back to a coach or other athletics
department staff member (e.g., strength coach, trainer, manager) any information
related to the activity. In addition, no athletics department staff member who
observes the activity (e.g., strength coach, trainer, manager) may report back to the
student-athlete's coach any information related to the activity;
(b)The activity must be initiated and requested solely by the student-athlete. Neither
the institution nor any athletics department staff member may require the student-
athlete to participate in the activity at any time. However, it is permissible for an
athletics department staff member to provide information to student-athletes related
to available opportunities for participating in voluntary activities (e.g., times when
the strength and conditioning coach will be on duty in the weight room or on the
track). In addition, for students who have initiated a request to engage in voluntary
activities, the institution or an athletics department staff member may assign specific
times for student-athletes to use institutional facilities for such purposed and inform
the student-athletes of the time in advance;
(c)The student-athlete's attendance and participation in the activity (or lack thereof) may
not be recorded for the purposes of reporting such information to coaching staff
members or other student-athletes; and
(d)The student-athlete may not be subjected to penalty if he or she elects not to
participate in the activity. In addition, neither the institution nor any athletics
department staff member may provide recognition or incentives (e.g., awards) to a
student-athlete based on his or her attendance or performance in the activity.
[Note: Coaching staff members may be present during permissible skill-related instruction pursuant to Bylaw](Revised: 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04)
17.02.14 Student-Athlete Discretionary TimeI-A/I-AA
Student-athlete discretionary time is time that a student-athlete may only participate in athletics activities at his or her discretion. There shall be no required workouts and institutions are not permitted to recommend that student-athletes engage in weight-training or conditioning activities; however, if the student-athlete opts to workout, the strength and conditioning coach may monitor the facility in use for health and safety purposes.(Adopted: 4/24/03 effective 5/1/03; to begin implementation at the beginning of the 2003 summer conditioning period)
17.1.1 Playing Season
The playing (i.e., practice and competition) season for a particular sport is the period of time between the date of an institution’s first officially recognized practice session and the date of the institution’s last practice session or date of competition, whichever occurs later. An institution is permitted to conduct officially recognized practice and competition each academic year only during the playing season as regulated for each sport in accordance with the provisions of this bylaw. The institution must conduct the same playing season for varsity and subvarsity teams in the same sport.(Revised: 1/10/92) Playing Season - Athletically Related Activities
The playing (i.e., practice and competition) season for a particular sport is the only time within which a member institution is permitted to conduct countable athletically related activities (see Bylaw 17.02.1) except as set forth in Bylaws and 17.11.6.(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91)
17.1.2 Segments of Playing Season
For all sports other than football and basketball, each member institution may divide the playing season into not more than two distinct segments.(Revised: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97)
17.1.3 Declaration of Playing Season
Each member institution shall determine the playing season for each of the sports referenced under Bylaw 17.02.12. Declaration of the institution’s playing season in each such sport shall be on file in writing in the department of athletics prior to the beginning of the institution’s playing season for that sport. Changes in the declaration for a particular sport are permissible and also shall be filed in writing in the office of the institution’s athletics director.(Revised: 1/11/89) Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations-Playing Season
A student-athlete’s participation in countable athletically related activities (see Bylaw 17.02.1) shall be limited to a maximum of four hours per day and 20 hours per week.(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91) Golf Practice-Round Exception
A practice round of golf may exceed the four-hours-per-day limitation, but the weekly limit of 20 hours shall remain in effect. A practice round played on the day prior to the start of a collegiate golf tournament at the tournament site shall count as three hours, regardless of the actual duration of the round.(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, Revised: 1/16/93) Weekly Hour Limitations -- Outside of Playing Season
(Adopted: 1/10/91 effective 8/1/91, Revised: 1/10/95 effective 8/1/95, 1/14/97, 118/1/00, 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03, 3/10/04)
(a) Sports other than Division I-A and I-AA football.Outside of the playing season during the academic year, only a student-athlete's participation in required weight-training, conditioning and individual skill instruction requested by the student-athlete shall be permitted. A student-athlete's participation in such activities per Bylaw 17.02.1 shall be limited to a maximum of eight hours per week, of which not more than two hours per week may be spent on individual skill workouts.
(c) Division I-AA football. Activities between the institution's last contest and the start of summer conditioning are limited to required weight-training, conditioning and the review of game film. A student-athlete's participation in such activities shall be limited to a maximum of eight hours per week, of which no more than two hours per week may be spent on the viewing offilm. All activities beginning with the start of summer conditioning and outside the playing season shall be conducted pursuant to Bylaw 17.11.6-(a)-(2) and 17.11.6-(b). Institutional Vacation Period and Summer.
A student-athlete may not participate in any countable athletically related activities outside the playing season during any institutional vacation period and/or summer. Certified strength and conditioning coaches, including countable coaches, may design and conduct specific workout programs for student-athletes, provided such workouts are voluntary and conducted at the request of the student-athlete. (Adopted: 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03; Revised: 4/29/04) Skill Instruction.Effective Date: Aug 01, 2004
Participation by student-athletes in individual skill-related instruction [including the activities set forth in Bylaw 17.02.1-(f)] in sports other than football is permitted outside the institution's declared playing season, no more than four student-athletes from the same team are involved in skill-related instruction with their coach(es) at any one time in any facility.(Adopted: 1/10/95 effective 8/1/95; Revised: 1/9/96, 1/14/97 effective 8/1/97, 10/27/98, 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03, 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04) Conditioning Activities
Conditioning drills per Bylaw that may simulate game activities are permissible, provided no offensive or defensive alignments are set up and no equipment related to the sport is used. Computation and Recording of Hour Limitations Definition of Day.
A "day" shall be defined as a calendar day (i.e., 12:01 a.m. to midnight Competition Day.
All competition and any associated athletically related activities on the day of competition shall count as three hours regardless of the actual duration of these activities. Practice Prohibited after Competition.
Practice may not be conducted at any time (including vacation periods) following competition, except between contests, rounds or events during a multiday or multievent competition (e.g., double-headers in softball or baseball, rounds of golf in a multiday tournament). Definition of Week.
A "week" shall be defined as any seven consecutive days to be determined at the institution's discretion. Once the institution determines the seven-day period that shall constitute its week, it shall not change that designation for the remainder of the segment. (Adopted: 1/11/94) Hour-Limitation Record.
Countable hours must be recorded on a daily basis for each student-athlete regardless of whether the student-athlete is participating in an individual or team sport. Any countable individual or group athletically related activity must count against the time limitation for each student-athlete who participates in the activity but does not count against time limitations for other team members who do not participate in the activity. Preseason Practice.
Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities occurring during preseason practice prior to the first day of classes or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier. Vacation Periods and Between Terms.
Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities occurring during an institution’s term-time official vacation period, as listed in the institution's official calendar, and during the academic year between terms when classes are not in session. If such vacation periods occur during any part of a week in which classes are in session, the institution is subject to the daily and weekly hour limitations during the portion of the week when classes are in session and must provide the student-athletes with a day off (see Bylaw, which may be a vacation day. Final-Examination Periods.
Daily and weekly hour limitations apply to countable athletically related activities during final-examination periods and to all official preparatory periods leading to final-examination periods. Multisport Participant.Effective Date: Aug 01, 2004
A multisport student-athlete's participation in countable athletically related activities is limited to a maximum of four hours per day and a total of 20 hours per week.(Adopted: 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04) Required Day Off - Playing Season
During the playing season, all countable athletically related activities (per Bylaw 17.02.1) shall be prohibited during one calendar day per week, except during participation in one conference and postseason championship and any postseason certified bowl games or National Invitation Tournaments, and during participation in NCAA championships. Travel Day
A travel day related to athletics participation may be considered as a day off, provided no countable athletically related activities (see Bylaw 17.02.1) occur during that day. Canceled Competition
When an institution’s competition is canceled prior to the start of competition or canceled prior to the competition being considered a completed event in accordance with the playing rules of that sport, an institution may utilize that day as its required day off, provided the institution does not engage in any further countable athletically related activities during that day. Preseason Practice
An institution is not required to provide student-athletes with one day off per week during preseason practice that occurs prior to the first day of classes, or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier. Vacation Period
It is permissible to utilize a vacation day to satisfy the day-off-per-week requirement. Multiple Conference Championships
An institution that participates in multiple conference championships is not subject to the one-day-off-per-week requirement in the one conference championship that it exempts from its maximum contest limitations. Required Days Off -- Outside of the Playing Season.Effective Date: Aug 01, 2004
Outside the playing season during the academic year, all countable athletically related activities (per Bylaw 17.02.1) are prohibited during two calendar days per week.(Adopted: 4/29/04 effective 8/1/04) No Class Time Missed for Practice Activities
No class time shall be missed for practice activities except when a team is traveling to an away-from-home contest and the practice is in conjunction with the contest.