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World Trade
Organization / RESTRICTED
28 June 2000
Committee on Market Access / Original: English

rectifications and modifications of schedules

Schedule XII – India

The following communication, dated 15 June 2000, has been received from the Permanent Mission of India.


Enclosed herewith are modifications[1] to particular tariff items in Schedule XII of India for circulation to Members in accordance with established procedures in order to give effect to the modifications as per the time-frames set out against each tariff line in the enclosure.


If no objection is notified to the Secretariat within three months from the date of this document, the rectifications and modifications to Schedule XII – India will be deemed to be approved and will be formally certified.


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Sl No. / HS Line / Product Description / Present Bindings/
Unbound / Revised Bindings /
/ Effective From 1.3.2000 / Effective From 1.3.2002 /
1. / 510400 / Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair / 40% / 20%
2. / 510510 / Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in fragments):
- Carded, wool. / 40% / 20%
3. / 510521 / - Wool tops and other combed wool:
-- Combed wool in fragments. / 40% / 20%
4. / 510529 / -- Other. / 40% / 20%
5. / 510530 / - Fine animal hair, carded or combed. / 25% / 20%
6. / 510540 / - Coarse animal hair, carded or combed. / 40% / 20%
7. / 510610 / Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale:
- Containing 85% or more by weight of wool. / 40% / 20%
8. / 510620 / - Containing less than 85% by weight of wool. / 40% / 20%
9. / 510710 / Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale:
- Containing 85% or more by weight of wool. / 40% / 20%
10. / 510720 / - Containing less than 85% by weight of wool. / 40% / 20%
11. / 510810 / Yarn of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for retail sale:
- Carded. / 40% / 20%
12. / 510820 / - Combed. / 40% / 20%
13. / 520411 / Cotton sowing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale:
- Not put up for retail sale:
-- Containing 85% or more by weight of cotton. / 40% / 20%
14. / 520419 / -- Other. / 40% / 20%
15. / 520420 / - Put up for retail sale. / 40% / 20%
16. / 520511 / Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale:
- Single yarn, of uncombed fibres:
-- Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number). / 25% / 20%
17. / 520512 / -- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number). / 25% / 20%
18. / 520513 / -- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number). / 25% / 20%
19. / 520514 / -- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number) / 25% / 20%
20. / 520515 / -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number). / 25% / 20%
21. / 520521 / - Single yarn, of combed fibres:
-- Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number). / 25% / 20%
22. / 520522 / -- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number). / 25% / 20%
23. / 520523 / -- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number). / 25% / 20%
24. / 520524 / -- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number). / 25% / 20%
25. / 520526 / -- Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 106.38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number). / 25% / 20%
26. / 520527 / -- Measuring less than 106.38 decitex but not less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number). / 25% / 20%
27. / 520528 / -- Measuring less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number). / 25% / 20%
28. / 520531 / - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres:
-- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
29. / 520532 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
30. / 520533 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
31. / 520534 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
32. / 520535 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
33. / 520541 / - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres:
-- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn) / 25% / 20%
34. / 520542 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
35. / 520543 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
36. / 520544 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
37. / 520546 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than 106.38 decitex(exceeding 80 metric number but not exceeding 94 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
38. / 520547 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 106.38 decitex but not less than 83.33 decitex(exceeding 94 metric number but not exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
39. / 520548 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn). / 25% / 20%
40. / 520611 / Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale:
- Single yarn, of uncombed fibres:
-- Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number). / 40% / 20%
41. / 520612 / -- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number). / 40% / 20%
42. / 520613 / -- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number). / 40% / 20%
43. / 520614 / -- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number). / 40% / 20%
44. / 520615 / -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number). / 40% / 20%
45. / 520621 / - Single yarn, of combed fibres:
-- Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number). / 40% / 20%
46. / 520622 / -- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number). / 40% / 20%
47. / 520623 / -- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number). / 40% / 20%
48. / 520624 / -- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number). / 40% / 20%
49. / 520625 / -- Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number). / 40% / 20%
50. / 520631 / - Multiple (folded), or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibres:
-- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
51. / 520632 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
52. / 520633 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
53. / 520634 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
54. / 520635 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
55. / 520641 / - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibres:
-- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
56. / 520642 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric number but not exceeding 43 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
57. / 520643 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number but not exceeding 52 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
58. / 520644 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric number but not exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
59. / 520645 / -- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number per single yarn). / 40% / 20%
60. / 520841 / Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200g/m2 :
- Of yarns of different colours:
-- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 9/SQM whichever is higher
61. / 520842 / -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 27/SQM. whichever is higher
62. / 520849 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 200/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 200/Kg whichever is higher
63. / 520851 / - Printed:
-- Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 27/SQM whichever is higher
64. / 520852 / -- Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2 / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 14/SQM whichever is higher
65. / 520853 / -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 21/SQM whichever is higher
66. / 520859 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 36/SQM whichever is higher
67. / 520941 / Woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 200g/m2 :
- Of yarns of different colours:
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 145/Kg whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 145/Kg whichever is higher
68. / Ex 520942 / -- Blue denim. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 30/SQM whichever is higher
69. / 520943 / -- Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 145/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 145/Kg whichever is higher
70. / 520951 / - Printed:
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 24/SQM. whichever is higher
71. / 520952 / -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 24/SQM. whichever is higher
72. / 520959 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 50/SQM. whichever is higher
73. / 521041 / Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres weighing not more than 200 g/m2 :
- Of yarns of different colours:
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 15/SQM. whichever is higher
74. / 521042 / -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher
75. / 521049 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 185/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 185/Kg. whichever is higher
76. / 521051 / - Printed :
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 12/SQM. whichever is higher
77. / 521052 / --3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 15/SQM. whichever is higher
78. / 521059 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 12/SQM. whichever is higher
79. / 521141 / Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man-made fibres weighing more than 200 g/m2 :
- Of yarns of different colours:
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 155/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 155/Kg. whichever is higher
80. / 521142 / -- Denim. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 18/SQM. whichever is higher
81. / 521143 / -- Other fabrics of 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher
82. / 521151 / - Printed:
-- Plain weave. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 12/SQM. whichever is higher
83. / 521152 / -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 12/SQM. whichever is higher
84. / 521159 / -- Other fabrics. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 12/SQM. whichever is higher
85. / 521215 / Other woven fabrics of cotton:
- Weighing not more than 200 g/m2 :
-- Printed. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher
86. / 521224 / - Weighing more than 200 g/m2 :
-- Of yarns of different colours. / Unbound / 30% or Rs. 20/SQM. whichever is higher
87. / 521225 / -- Printed. / Unbound / 40% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher / 35% or Rs. 165/Kg. whichever is higher