Aggie Backers

Please make checks payable to: Aggie Backers (contributions are tax deductible)

q New Membership

q Renewal Membership – If renewing and information has not changed, you do not need to complete the remainder of the form.

Name: (as you would like listed on all SLO FFA Programs/Events):


Contact Person(s):

Mailing Address:

E-Mail Address:


Student Name:

Volunteer for: q BBQ, q Scholarship Committee, q Board Member, q Barn Bash,

q new ideas for fundraising… q other______

Your Support is Appreciated!

Aggie Backers

P.O. Box 12956

San Luis Obispo, CA 93406-2956

Questions? Call Sharon Lewis, Membership Chair, 542-9055; or

What the Aggie Backers supported in the recent years!

ü  Helped purchase a new 9 passenger suburban for the Agriculture Department (2010)!

ü  Funding for several leadership conferences including Chapter Officer, Greenhand, Regional Officer, State Conference and the trip to National Convention, N.Y. and Washington D.C.

ü  Purchases supplies and paid traveling fees for CDE (Career Development Event) Teams such as Parliamentary Procedure Debate Teams, Farm Power, Floral Design, Marketing Plan, and Ag Issues Team.

ü  Provided funding for the construction of new Floral Design storage shed done by Ag Mechanics class.

ü  Awarded over 25 outstanding seniors with scholarships. (Scholarships ranging from $100 to $1000)

ü  Provided funding for numerous classroom supplies and for FFA Activities such as the Chapter Officer Retreat, Year End Awards Banquet, and Welcome Back Barbecue.

ü  Major school farm improvements (Phase I) in 2010. Beginning Phase II (Gate / Entryway) Fall 2011.

ü  Provide funding for many additional classroom lab activities and supplemental resources.

ü  Provide Mid State Fair Livestock Loans for students in need of financial assistance to raise animals.

ü  Provided funding to begin the renovation of the Ornamental Horticulture area. (2011)

ü  Purchasing an additional vehicle to transport students to activities. (2011 / 2012)

What do the members do to help!

ü  Planning of events and fundraisers such as drive thru barbecues, Mid State Fair family barbecue and the Annual Aggie Backer Barn Bash.

ü  Chair committees and volunteer to help at various FFA activities hosted at San Luis Obispo Ag Dept.

ü  Help drive students to events and support the Agriculture Teachers. Act as a Resource for the Ag Dept.

ü  Help with set up at the fair and with the barbecue for our chapter.

ü  Act as an officer on the Board of Directors and allocate funds.

What we need!

ü  More parents to get involved and to take an active role in this booster club.

ü  New ideas and suggestions to help our students and department succeed.

ü  Fundraising! We are growing bigger and bigger each year and have a record number of students involved. We NEED help! There are 7 sections of freshmen Ag Integrated Science in 2011 – 2012. (~250 freshmen)

What we have!

ü  Three GREAT teachers, a GREAT program, and exceptional students that need support.

ü  Extraordinary and dedicated students.

ü  A very active and established booster club with GREAT parents!

How to Help!

ü  Become a general member and/or become a board member. Encourage other parents to get involved.

ü  Attend meetings and offer any suggestions, help and/or volunteer to be a chair of a committee.

ü  Donate supplies or help for special projects / events throughout the year.

ü  Assist with FFA Activities hosted by SLO FFA throughout the year and help with fundraisers.