US History Unit 1 Exam Study Guide Ch. 1-4

Chapter 1& 2

Triangular Trade & “Middle Passage”

Enlightenment Philosophy

- John Locke’s “natural rights” theory

The Great Awakening

French & Indian War

Proclamation of 1763

Stamp Act

Boston Massacre

Boston Tea Party

Intolerable (Coercive) Acts

Sons of Liberty

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense

Declaration of Independence

Loyalists & Patriots

Battle of Saratoga – French Alliance

Battle of Yorktown

Treaty of Paris of 1783

Articles of Confederation

Shays’ Rebellion

Constitutional Convention

The Great Compromise

3/5 Compromise

The Branches of Government

Separation of Powers

Checks & Balances


Federalists vs. Antifederalists

Bill of Rights

George Washington

Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson


XYZ Affair

Alien & Sedition Acts

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

Chapter 3

Thomas Jefferson

Marbury v. Madison - Judicial Review Louisiana Purchase

James Madison

War of 1812

Monroe Doctrine

Henry Clay’s American System

Missouri Compromise

Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin

Andrew Jackson - Jacksonian Democracy

Cherokee Removal - Trail of Tears

Manifest Destiny

Texas Revolution

Mexican-American War

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

California Gold Rush

2nd Great Awakening


Abolitionism: William Lloyd Garrison & Frederick Douglass

Temperance Movement

Seneca Falls Convention

Nat Turner’s Rebellion

Chapter 4

Compromise of 1850: Popular Sovereignty

Underground Railroad – Harriet Tubman

Kansas-Nebraska Act “Bleeding Kansas”

Republican Party

Dred Scott Case

John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry

1860 Election

Civil War Advantages & Disadvantages

Fort Sumter

Ulysses S. Grant & Robert E. Lee

Battle of Antietam

Emancipation Proclamation

Clara Barton & Red Cross

Battles of Gettysburg & Gettysburg Address

Battle of Vicksburg

Appomattox Courthouse

Freedman’s Bureau

Radical Republicans

13th, 14th & 15th Amendments


Hiram Revels

Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

Reconstruction Plans

1876 Election

US History Unit 1 Exam Study Guide Ch. 1-4

US History Unit 1 Exam Study Guide Ch. 1-4


1.  Explain how the philosophy of the Enlightenment and the actions of Britain caused America to declare and fight for its independence in 1776.

2.  Explain the causes and effects of the rise of slavery in the colonies and early America up to 1860.

3.  Causes of American Revolution

4.  Explain how the American colonists, despite being serious underdogs, were able to win the War for Independence against the powerful British Empire.

5.  Causes and Effects of War of 1812

6.  Mexican-American War causes & results

7.  Causes of the Civil War

8.  Advantages & Disadvantages of North & South – What caused a Union Victory?

9.  Results and impact of Civil War

10.  Successes & Failures of Reconstruction Era

11.  Who is the best president of the era Washington, Jefferson, Jackson or Lincoln?

US History Unit 1 Exam Study Guide Ch. 1-4