Detailed Project Report Format
The template for DPR would essentially include (not limited to) information on following.
1. Covering Letter
2. Abstract of the Project
Sl. No. / Item / Details1 / Name of Project
2 / Name of the Value Chain Partners
1. Main promoting company
2. Marketing partner/ company
3. Associated partners
3 / Responsible persons & contact details (Name/ Designation/ Ph. no./ Email id)
4 / Crop
5 / Base line indicators-
1. Existing Productivity
2. Income per ha
6 / Area in ha
7 / No. of Farmers
8 / Name of Districts and Taluka
9 / Objective of the Project
10 / Major interventions in the project
11 / Project Period
12 / Expected outcomes
· Crop productivity improvement
· Expected Incremental increase in farmers income
1. Increase in crop productivity in Kgs per Ha.
2. Reduction in cost of production and
3. Quality of produce
13 / Procurement targets in MT
14 / Total Project Cost Rs. in crore & % share
A. Govt.
B. Private Partner
C. Farmer
15 / Year wise cost
3. Detailed Project Report
1) Project Title
2) Objective
3) Benefits of the project
4) Expected contribution to the growth of agriculture and allied sector
5) Project area (geographical)and area coverage in hectares
6) Number of farmers to be covered-district/ block wise
7) Company Profile
a. Mention previous experience if any.
b. Turnover in India and number of years in operation.
c. Operational Offices and Man power in State with Office address and
Contact numbers of key persons for project with designations.
d. If inputs comprise a part of the project, mention production site, production capacity, warehousing and compliance to environmental safety standards.
e. Agricultural Extension experience of the company..
8) Background—Mention the present status of the commodity selected for the project
9) Present Constrains
10) Scope of the project. (mention Quantitative and Qualitative scope)
11) Interventions planned through the project with brief description/reasoning regarding production (growth ),infrastructure and marketing
12) Components of the Interventions with brief descriptions about implementation and impact
13) Component wise Details: Proposed Interventions
Sl. No / Component / Unit / Unit Cost / No. of Units / Total Cost / Cost Sharing / Remarks ( Indicate name of schemes)Govt / Private / Farmers
Central schemes / State Schemes / Total Govt.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
14) Value chain-how to establish from production to marketing(producer to end user)
15) Partners in the Project—Brief description with Name, Address and Experience in doing the job. Role of Value chain partners at various stages of the project
16) End product-fresh produce or processed product or for domestic/export market
17) Procurement strategy-farmers door step/collection center/processing center or any other option
18) Expected market value of the farmers’ produce. (Mention how the lead organization would help the farmers in accessing the right market for the produce)
19) Man power commitment from the organization for the project. (mention details of existing manpower and additional committed for the project)
20) Infrastructure commitment from the organization for the project.
21) Details of Cost of the Project.
Cost Share RatioCost on production (%)
Government share (%)
Company share(%)
Farmer share(%)
Expenditure per farmer other than infrastructure
Per farmer government contribution ( other than infrastructure)
22) Year wise phasing of the project-physical and financial
Sl. No / Year / Component / Total Cost / Year wise investment / TotalGovt / Private / Farmer
Central schemes / State Schemes / Total Govt.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
23) Duration of the project. Start date and end date.
Calendar of Project Implementation
Sl.No. / Duration / Activities to be performed / CostI / Cost to Company/ Cost to Government/Cost to Farmer for each of this activities.
24) Use of CSR funds in the area of operation and its details.
25) Closing remarks by the Organization.
26) Any other relevant/specific information
26) Sign and Seal of the authorized representative.