Remote Sensing Band-Cross Band Issues

All Bands Meeting

January 8-11, 2002

Remote Sensing Band Issues – Internal

Is a forest cover map a business requirement of FIA?

If the RSB recommends a pixel-based phase I methodology how will it be implemented operationally? Further, if we support locally-based phase I products, how do we crosswalk those regional products to a nationally consistent map? Or do we care?

Will the pixel-based products be maintained at the regions or in some national clearinghouse or both? Where does GIS belong?

How many remote sensing analysts does it take to screw in a light bulb?

What are the realistic expectations regarding scientists' role in phase I estimates. Typically, lower GS-level employees do aerial photo interp.

What are the business requirements by region regarding the timeliness (updating) of phase I estimates? Eg. does west Texas need new phase I estimates every five years....or, does southern Georgia need new phase I estimates every year?

What is FIA's commitment (I'm talking about $$$) to remote sensing solutions for inaccessible plots? Do we seek creative/expensive solutions if there is no economic value connected with the resource?

Why haven't we established a clearinghouse for geospatial data, available on the web, with clear instructions for downloading and use by FIA employees who now have GIS and RS capabilities as per the 615 procurement?

Is LiDAR being seriously considered as an operationally applied sensor? If so, how? For inaccessible plots? For variance reduction?

Pilot projects -- are we covering the spectrum? Let's list and organize and publicize what we've got going (in part to address fears that we're 'stuck on P1'...)

10m SPOT -- is it something we want to pursue a federal purchase of right now?

Mike's summary of the utility of NTM and Large Scale photos.

What kind of support, if any, should the RSB provide to programs that are peripheral or tangential to the FIA program; e.g., Global Change research, fire research, etc?

FIA Service Center at NE.

GPS "plot location coordinates" may or may not be accurate depending on what you are comparing the coordinates with. I am afraid that many of the presumably subordinate issues, e.g., image registration, doq accuracies, field crew navigation accuracy, are somehow magically solved by the GPS.

Remote Sensing Band – Management Team

Is a forest cover map a business requirement of FIA?

What are the realistic expectations regarding scientists' role in phase I estimates? Typically, lower GS-level employees do aerial photo interp.

What is FIA's commitment ($$$) to remote sensing solutions for inaccessible plots? Do we seek creative/expensive solutions if there is no economic value connected with the resource?

FIA – USGS Partnership

What kind of support, if any, should the RSB provide to programs that are peripheral or tangential to the FIA program; e.g., Global Change research, fire research, etc?

FIA Service Center at NE.

Remote Sensing – DA Band

What is the status of GPS QA/QC.

GPS "plot location coordinates" may or may not be accurate depending on what you are comparing the coordinates with. I am afraid that many of the presumably subordinate issues, e.g., image registration, doq accuracies, field crew navigation accuracy, are somehow magically solved by the GPS.

We have adopted a mapped-plot annually based inventory system that requires a tremendous 'on plot' time/expense. Couldn't the mapping process be a lab exercise rather than a field one?

Remote Sensing – IM B

If the RSB recommends a pixel-based phase I methodology how will it be implemented operationally? Further, if we support locally based phase I products, how do we crosswalk those regional products to a nationally consistent map? Or do we care?

Will the pixel-based products be maintained at the regions or in some national clearinghouse or both?

Remote Sensing – Analysis Band

Is a forest cover map a business requirement of FIA?

Will the pixel-based products be maintained at the regions or in some national clearinghouse or both?

What are the business requirements by region regarding the timeliness (updating) of phase I estimates? E.g. does west Texas need new phase I estimates every five years....or, does southern Georgia need new phase I estimates every year?

What is FIA's commitment ($$$) to remote sensing solutions for inaccessible plots? Do we seek creative/expensive solutions if there is no economic value connected with the resource?

Why haven't we established a clearinghouse for geospatial data, available on the web, with clear instructions for downloading and use by FIA employees who now have GIS and RS capabilities as per the 615 procurement?

What kind of support, if any, should the RSB provide to programs that are peripheral or tangential to the FIA program; e.g., Global Change research, fire research, etc?

FIA Service Center at NE.

GPS "plot location coordinates" may or may not be accurate depending on what you are comparing the coordinates with. I am afraid that many of the presumably subordinate issues, e.g., image registration, doq accuracies, field crew navigation accuracy, are somehow magically solved by the GPS.

Should FIA have a business requirement for a map, be it a forest/non-forest map, a percent forest cover map, a forest cover type map?

Where does GIS belong?

Remote Sensing – Statistics Band

If the RSB recommends a pixel-based phase I methodology how will it be implemented operationally? Further, if we support locally based phase I products, how do we crosswalk those regional products to a nationally consistent map? Or do we care?

What are the business requirements by region regarding the timeliness (updating) of phase I estimates? E.g. does west Texas need new phase I estimates every five years....or, does southern Georgia need new phase I estimates every year?

Does the assignment of strata to plots have to be from the underlying satellite imagery layer or can it be from a processed layer?

Where does GIS belong?