Elementary Music Methods

Spring 2014

Instructor: / Dr. Rebekah Burcham / Scheduled Class Time: / Monday & Wednesday 2:00 – 3:15
Office: / 232A / Room: / TEC 1005
Office Hours: / Monday & Wednesday: / 9:30 – 10:45
12:30 – 1:45 / Phone number: / 985 - 549 - 5263
Virtual Office Hours: / Tuesday & Thursday / 11:15-1:45 / Email address: /

Prerequisites: EDUC 201 and 211; EPSY 301; MUS 303 and 304

Course description:

(3 credit hours). Music Curriculum for the Elementary School. Includes study of current methods and materials, planning for music instruction, and presentation of music lessons to elementary school children.


Campbell, P. S., & Scott-Kassner, C. (2006). Music in childhood: From preschool through elementary grades (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson Schirmer Books.

Related Items:

One three-ringed notebook w/dividers / Materials for manipulatives for Practicum lesson
Materials for practicum (audio recordings, etc.) / Membership in MENC
Video recording materials/equipment / Stapler
Access 3 hole punch / Audio playback equipment

Conceptual Framework of the College of Education and Human Development:

In order to successfully plan, develop, and implement curricula to meet the needs of diverse learners in today’s world and to prepare candidates for the future, the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) has identified four critical components of The Effective Educator: Professional Standards (PS), Knowledge of Learner (KL), Strategies and Methods (SM), and Content Knowledge (CK). The Conceptual Framework provides direction for the development of effective professionals. Diversity is an integral part of each component, and Technology is emphasized throughout all programs in the educational unit (diversity) (technology).

Course objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to demonstrate:

1. Knowledge of music curriculum for the elementary schools. [PS, SM, KL, CK]

2. Knowledge of print and technological materials and resources for teaching elementary classroom music. [SM, CK]

3. Current methods and procedures for elementary school music teaching. [KL, SM]

4. Skill in planning, implementing, and assessing music lessons for the elementary classroom. [PS,


5. Ability to teach music lessons to children of diverse backgrounds and abilities. [KL, SM]

6. Skill in performing on classroom instruments--recorder, Orff instruments, autoharp, and resonator bells. [SM, CK]

7. Ability to integrate music into the elementary school curriculum. [PS, SM, CK]

8. Ability to teach lessons in elementary settings consistent with the theoretical framework

of stage and phase, social learning, and instructional theories. [KL, CK]


If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, Room 117, Mims Hall. No accommodations will be granted without documentation from the Office of Disability Services.

Important Dates:

Tuesday, January 21 - 1st day of classes

Monday - Wednesday, March 3-5 - Mardi Gras Holiday

Friday –Friday, April 18-25 – Spring Break

Friday, May 9 - Last Day of Class

Monday-Friday, May 12-16 - Final Exams

Monday, May 19 - Last day to return rental textbooks without a fine.

Dropping the class:

The final date to drop during the fall semester is 12:30 p.m., Friday, March 14, 2014.

When a student withdraws from a class or resigns from the University on or before the designated withdrawal deadline, the appropriate grade shall be “W”. Students who remain in the course after the deadline will receive the appropriate grade as assigned by the instructor based on work done in the course.

Communication/Contacting the Instructor:

First attempt to contact the instructor: Person to person conversation during office hours or by appointment.

E-mail communication with students will be made through an SELU e-mail address only. Contact the instructor if you have any questions or problems through e-mail. In the case of emergency students may contact the instructor by phone (#5263).

Class Procedures/Policies/Expectations:

Attendance policy:

Attendance will be taken daily.

Attendance at every class meeting is required. Tardiness, absence or leaving class early for any reason will result in a deduction of participation points.

The instructor will not drop students for excessive absences.

Professional behavior:

Appropriate behavior for a prospective teacher is to be exhibited in this class, and will be taken into consideration in the grading process for this course. Demonstration of professional characteristics expected of a teacher will be assessed in this course. Responsibility, dependability, and a cooperative spirit must be exhibited in the classroom and in field experiences. The instructor will complete a professional attributes assessment scale at the end of the semester.


Students are expected to participate in all activities during class. Students that do not participate in class activities will receive zero (0) points for the day in which they do not participate. Students that participate in some activities but not all activities will receive only partial credit. Points for partial participation are given at the discretion of the instructor.

Activities such as reading, completing work for another class, writing in journals/calendars/agendas or other activity not directly related to the music portion of 313 during music class is considered nonparticipation. Points will be deducted for nonparticipation at the discretion of the instructor.

Cell phones, laptops, tablets, ereaders or other electronic devices must be turned off upon entering the classroom and remain off the duration of class time:

You are not to leave your cell phone, laptop, tablet, ereader or other electronic device on the table/desk during class. These devices must not be visible during class.

Using one of the mentioned devices during class without the permission of the instructor will result in the loss of participation points. This includes checking for messages or time and entering dates into the phone. Points will be deducted for nonparticipation at the discretion of the instructor.

Instructor’s expectations regarding student behavior/classroom decorum:

“Free discussion, inquiry, and expression is encouraged in this class. Classroom behavior that interferes with either (a) the instructor’s ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of students to benefit from the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include routinely entering class late or departing early; use of beepers, cellular telephones, or other electronic devices; repeatedly talking in class without being recognized; talking while others are speaking; or arguing in a way that is perceived as “crossing the civility line.” In the event of a situation where a student legitimately needs to carry a beeper/cellular telephone to class, prior notice and approval of the instructor is required.” Classroom behavior that is deemed inappropriate and cannot be resolved by the student and the faculty member may be referred to the Office of Judicial Affairs for administrative or disciplinary review as per the Code of Student Conduct that may be found at http://www.selu.edu/admin/stu_affairs/handbook/.

It is university policy that the classroom is not a place for children or other family members, and that students are not to bring their family members for day care or baby-sitting.

Assignments and Exams:

Instructor’s expectations regarding academic integrity:

“Students are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Behavior that violates these standards is not acceptable. Examples are the use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, improper acknowledgment of sources in essays and the use of a single essay or paper in more than one course without permission are considered very serious offenses and shall be grounds for disciplinary action as outlined in the current General Catalogue.”

Instructor’s expectations regarding the detection of plagiarism through the use of SAFEASSIGN:

Students agree by taking this course that all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity to SAFEASSIGN for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the SAFEASSIGN reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the SAFEASSIGN service is subject to the Terms of Use posted on the SAFEASSIGN website.

All written work is to be neat and free of any grammatical errors. As a teacher, your work should be a model for students. Points will be deducted for errors, so proofread carefully. All assignments must be typewritten, APA style unless otherwise stated. Assignments with multiple pages must be stapled together. Assignments with multiple pages that are not stapled will not be accepted.

Late Assignments:

Hardcopies of Assignments and Practicum Requirements are due at the beginning of class (2:00 p.m.) on the date indicated in Dr. Burcham. Assignments and Practicum Requirements that are to be submitted electronically are due by 11:59 p.m. the date indicated in the Dr. Burcham.

A late Assignment or Practicum Requirement is defined as one that is submitted after 2:00 p.m. of the due date (hardcopies) or after 11:59 p.m. of the due date (electronic submission). Late Assignments and Practicum Requirements or Assignments and Practicum Requirements that are not submitted will receive zero credit.

Makeup Exams:

Make-up exams will only be given with prior approval of the professor.


Each student is required to complete and document a total ten (10) hours of field experience in an approved elementary school with an approved elementary general music teacher in grades one through four (1 – 4). Possible addition of 10 field experience hours added during class time or Fridays.

Details outlined in syllabus addendum.

Dress Code:

Southeastern Louisiana University requires each candidate to maintain professional attire and behavior while participating in observation and/or field experience. A candidate should know the dress code and general code of conduct of the district. If a candidate has questions relative to what is appropriate, contact the instructor of the course. Failure to comply with university and district dress code policies may result in disciplinary action. Page 17 lists the accepted dress code for Southeastern Louisiana University.

Lesson Plans:

Details outlined in syllabus addendum.

Practicum Journal:

Details outlined in syllabus addendum.

Instructor’s Evaluation of Teaching:

Details outlined in syllabus addendum.

Video equipment is available for use by enrolled Southeastern Louisiana University students for academic purposes for up to seven (7) consecutive days. Equipment can be picked up and delivered in room 102 of Tinsley Hall. Website: http://www.selu.edu/admin/sps/sps/equipment


Grades will be posted on Moodle. It is the student’s responsibility to check Moodle for their grades. Statistics tracking is enabled on Moodle. Therefore, the instructor can track the number of visits per each student as well as the date and time of each.

A grade of 80%/C is required for this course. Failure to earn a grade of 80%/C will result in the student repeating the course. Students must also receive a rating of three (3) on 80% of all items on the Summative LCET. Failure to receive a rating of three (3) will result in the student receiving a grade of “F” for EDCU 313.

Grading Scale:

A: 100 - 94

B: 93 - 87

C: 86 - 80

D: 79 - 70

F: 69

Class (40%) / % of Final Grade
·  Attendance is required for each class meeting.
·  Attendance will be taken daily.
·  Points will be deducted from the participation grade with each absence for any
·  reason.
·  Points will also be deducted for tardiness and leaving class early for any reason.
·  Students are expected to participate in all activities during class. Students that do not participate in class activities will receive zero (0) points for the day in which they do not participate.
·  Students that participate in some activities but not all will receive only partial credit for not participating in all activities. Points for partial participation are given at the discretion of the instructor.
·  Activities such as reading, completing work for another class, writing in journals/calendars/agendas or other activity not directly related to the music portion of 313 during music class is considered nonparticipation. Points will be deducted for nonparticipation at the discretion of the instructor.
·  Use of cell phone, laptop, tablet, ereader or other electronic devices during class without the permission of the instructor is considered nonparticipation. Points will be deducted for nonparticipation at the discretion of the instructor. / 5
Reflective writing
·  A reading assignment will be given each week of class.
·  Students will be given 2 – 3 questions to answer about the reading at the beginning of class.
·  Starting @ 2:00 students will be given 10 minutes to complete the questions. At 2:10 the papers will be collected (including the papers of those that began answering the questions late). / 5
·  Midterm Exam
·  Final Exam / 5
Profession attributes
·  Professional Attributes Scale
·  Faculty to Candidate Evaluation in PassPort / 5
·  Task Analysis
·  Selecting a Song
·  Teaching a Song by Rote
·  Listening Map
·  Assessment Instrument
·  EDUC 313 Notebook
·  1 – 3 Assignments given at the digression of the instructor. Students will be given at least one (1) week to complete each assignment. / 20
Practicum (60%) Details outlined in syllabus addendum
Observation hours / 10
Field experience journal / 10
Practicum lesson plan(s) / 15
Critique of videotaped lesson / 5
Instructor evaluation of teaching / 20