Saint Birinus School

Drug Related Incident Policy


The aim of St Birinus School is to provide an excellent education in a healthy, safe, supportive learning environment, where people are valued and make positive contributions to the School community, and where students enjoy and achieve and go on to attain social and economic well-being as responsible, independent members of society.


St Birinus School does notaccept the misuse of drugs, alcohol or tobacco by members of the school, or the illegal supply of these substances.

The school is committed to the health and safety of its members and will take action to safeguard their well-being.

Every student is entitled to benefit from an approach to drug related incidents of the highest standard. The school acknowledges the importance of its pastoral role in the welfare of young people, and through the general ethos of the school, will seek to persuade students in need of support to come forward.

Aims of the policy

·  To support the school’s endeavour to maintain the safety and well-being of all pupils and staff.

·  To clarify legal responsibilities, entitlement and obligations.

·  To support all members of the school community by providing clear guidance and procedures on drug-related issues to ensure clarity and consistency.

·  To maintain a safe, civilised environment, free from harmful and illegal drug activity.


This policy not only considers such illegal substances as defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act but also considers the education and sanctions the school will undertake with regard to the supplying and use of solvents, alcohol and tobacco.

Teachersare legally"in loco parentis". This is defined as giving teachers the delegated authority to act as a wise, responsible and careful parent/carer would.

In dealing with drug-related incidents a school has a duty of care to the “whole school body”. This includes students, employees and members of the public with a legitimate right to be on the school premises.

Under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 it is an offence to allow premises for which you are responsible to be used for smoking cannabis or opium, or the production or supply of controlled drugs.

The remit of this policy applies to conduct whilst on the school premises, on journeys between school and home as well as on school visits, journeys and other activities, whether supervised by teaching staff or not.

The bringing of any harmful or illegal substance or article on to school premises is a very serious offence which will carry sanctions. (This includes drugs, alcohol and tobacco).

Drugs or alcohol on school premises

The legal definition of premises of a school includes everything within the property boundaries including buildings, out buildings, playgrounds, fields and also extends to include other settings such as vehicles, boats, marquees or any venue managed by the school at the time e.g. premises of a school trip or visit.

1)  Medicines - The School has a policy/procedure for the administration of medicines which follows statutory guidelines and that must be followed for everyone’s safety.

2)  Alcohol - No alcohol will be consumed during the course of the school day. Parents and visitors who are suspected to be under the effects of alcohol will be asked to leave the premises for the safety of the whole school. If a student is under the influence of drugs or alcohol then they will be taken to Pupil Services by a senior member of staff and asked to remain under the supervision of a member of staff. Parents and carers will be informed immediately and asked to collect their child from

3)  Smoking - The school is a no smoking area at all times. Students are not permitted to bring to school smoking materials, including matches and lighters. In the interests of health and safety, should a student be found in possession of any of these on school premises, they will be confiscated and parents informed. If a student is found to be smoking on site or in the vicinity of the school site e.g. outside the school gates, they will sanctioned as per the Behaviour Policy. If a student is in association with a smoker then they will Be sanctioned as per the Behaviour Policy

4)  E Cigarettes / “Vaping” - All forms of e-cigarettes are banned from the St Birinus School site and the same sanctions will apply to the use of e-cigarettes on and off the school site as apply to smoking cigarettes.

5)  Illegal drugs - No illegal drugs are allowed to be brought into, or used on school premises. If a student is found to be in possession of an illegal drug they will be excluded from school pending further investigation. The sale and supply of illegal drugs in school may result in permanent exclusion from the school.

6)  Solvents - The school will ensure that any potentially hazardous substances are stored safely, and students will be supervised if it is necessary that they come into contact with them in the course of their work. Students are not permitted to be in possession of sniffable products.

7)  Nitrous Oxide (NOS) - The use of nitrous oxide is banned at St Birinus School and severe sanctions will be used should students not respect this rule.

Drugs-related incidents

A drugs related incident may be any of the following:

·  The discovery of drugs or other related items on the school premises.

·  The possession of drugs by an individual on the school premises.

·  The use of drugs by an individual on the school premises.

·  The supplying of drugs on the school premises.

·  Individuals disclosing information about their personal drug use.

·  Rumours or reports of parents, staff or pupils using drugs.

Procedures for dealing with suspected drug-related incidents and the misuse of substances in school


If a student makes a disclosure that s/he has been using drugs or misusing substances, staff must never promise confidentiality. Disclosure usually indicates a need for help, and the student needs to be made aware straight away that we will need to talk to other adults who are able to help. Such disclosures should be discussed with the Year Leader before action is agreed.


The following lists of warning signs are offered to assist staff in their work. They are not, of course, in themselves, conclusive.

Warning signs of individuals

·  Excessive spending or borrowing of money.

·  Stealing from parents/carers.

·  Attendance pattern changes, or sudden unwillingness to participate in school activities.

·  Unusual outbreaks of temper.

·  Disregard for physical appearance.

·  Lack of appetite.

·  Being the subject of rumours.

Warning signs of groups

·  Being the subjects of rumours.

·  Exchanging money/objects in suspicious circumstances

·  Talking to strangers/ex-students near school premises.

·  Associated briefly with an older student who is not normally part of the group.

·  Use of drugs slang.

Objects or signs which may indicate illegal drug use

·  Foil containers – perhaps discoloured by heat.

·  Metal tins

·  Heat discoloured spoons

·  Cigarette rolling papers with ripped packaging

·  Plastic bags or butane gas containers

·  Hand rolled cigarettes

·  An aromatic smell

·  Cardboard or other tubes

·  Paper (2 inches square) folded to form a square

·  Small bottles, pill boxes

Discovery of an illegal substance – procedures

If an illegal substance is found on School property (or whilst staff/students are engaged in a college activity) the item(s) will be secured, and preferably this should be witnessed, then the local police will be advised as soon as is practicable. Careful physical handling is recommended and protective gloves should be worn where necessary. The school will co-operate fully with the police in any subsequent investigation.

If a student is seen with a suspicious substance, which is believed to be illegal, the student will be invited to empty their bag/s, pockets and locker, as appropriate. Whenever time and circumstance permit it is strongly advised that at least two adults are present when this process is occurring. If the student fails to comply with this request, then it is likely that the parents/carers and the police will be asked to attend.

If it is suspected that a student is in possession of an illegal substance, then the student will be invited to empty their bag/s, pockets and locker, as appropriate. Whenever time and circumstance permit it is strongly advised that at least two adults are present when this process is occurring. If the student fails to comply with this request, then it is likely that the parents/carers will be informed and further action will be taken. It should be emphasised that the outcome of the action will be based on the balance of probability.

The following is the action procedure the school will typically take when evidence is provided that a pupil has brought an illegal substance onto the school premises. (This procedure does not include alcohol or tobacco.)

·  An investigation will be co-ordinated by a Senior Member of Staff, usually the Senior Staff on Duty

·  Consultation with Thames Valley Police to determine whether formal notification is advised.

·  Pupil/s parents/carers informed of the circumstances and notified of the action the school is considering.

·  Probable action of the school (at the Headteacher’s discretion)

o  Pupil is provided the opportunity to write their statement.

o  Pupil is excluded from school pending further investigation.

o  Pupil is permanently excluded from school if there is concern for the health and safety of other pupils as a consequence of drugs being on the school premises.

o  Report to Thames Valley Police.


·  In the case of tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs incidents, students should be given the opportunity to access the school health nurse to gain advice on the cessation of smoking and on the dangers tobacco can cause to health.


If a student requires administration of prescription and non-prescription drugs, they are to hand these in to student services with an accompanying letter from parents/carers authorising the administration of these by staff. Drugs will not be administered without signed consent.

We are a caring community and wish to provide students with opportunities to access support when needed. We aim to do this by working in partnership with parents/carers, governors and health professionals. Our first concern is for the health and safety of our school community and in meeting the pastoral needs of our students.

Appendix 1



A drug is a substance that affects the way in which the body functions physically, emotionally or mentally. This definition includes illegal substances and also legal substances such as: alcohol and tobacco, volatile substances, over the counter and prescription medicines.

Drug misuse

The non-medical use of drugs that are only intended for use in medical treatment, and the use of drugs that have no acceptable medical purpose. Such drugs are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The Act does not cover solvent abuse.

Drug-related incident

Evidence or suspicion of a specific event at school involving one or more unauthorised drugs, and requiring immediate action by school staff.

This policy is the responsibility of the Headteacher. It reflects the DFES 2004 guidance document, Home Office Drugs Strategy 2010, DFE and ACPO Drug Advice for Schools Jan 2012, DfE Exclusion Guidance.

Approved by the Personal Development, Attendance & Behaviour Committee September 2016
Review date: September 2019