Marquette County ATV Club, Inc. Minutes

Meeting: Monday, October 20, 2014 at the Longbranch Saloon, Germania, opened at 7:10 PM by Vice President, Don H., in absence of President Scotty Z.

Attendance: Laureen S., Mark S., Donna R., Don H., Missy H., Wayne P., John & Sherri C., Russ & Jan P., Darren & Jasmin Z., George W., Marlene W., William B., Steve W., Bill W., Maureen W., Dick P., Judy P., Nora B., Dan V., Kalinda R., Tom B., Marsha S., Roger N.

Minutes from September 13, 2014 meeting provided by Secretary, Laureen S. Motion to accept George W., second by Bill W.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Donna gave her report; new members, some business members have paid, decals, scavenger hunt, 50/50, posts, postage, publishing, post office box renewal for 2 years, ink, repair of grounds. The annual audit to be done in 2 weeks by Maureen W. Motion to accept, Mark S., second by Bill W.

Board Meetings:

Township of Crystal Lake: George W., need to visit their meeting because half of the road we need is shared with them, other half with Township of Neshkoro. The board members are for opening it up for to routes. Public hearings are going to be taking place with these items on the agenda. Township members are needed to show up at the meeting on November 13th, Thursday, at 7:30 pm. Be there!

Village of Endeavor: Signed copy of Ordinance sent Donna on the 14th.

Town of Moundville: will be signing the ordinance tomorrow, Oct. 21st. The public hearing was last month.

Township of Westfield: Still need to working on route from Westfield Township, on M, to Harris Township.

Township of Oxford: Cty Hwy CX needs to be approved, and all routes approved; they are set up as every 3 years.

Township of Montello: we would like the road past the funeral home.

City of Montello: Rustic Inn. John C. to work on the city of Montello.

Fundraisers: The Scavenger Hunt was held on Saturday, October 18th with Bill and Maureen W in charge of it. There were 14 entries and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. Some asked if one could be held in spring.

John C. said that Lakeside Bar and Grill will have a gun raffle for us where the difference between the sale of tickets and guns is given to the club. Amount can be between $400 and $500. Half the tickets were gone in 10 days, so get your tickets soon. He mentioned that it is a camouflaged deer rifle.

Sondalle’s Town and Pump will also do a meat raffle, but would need 3 to 4 club members to participate. John C., to check on this.

Montello Chamber puts on a Kids Christmas party on Dec.12-14th and need donations. Buffalo Lake Lodge, 200 limit; gifts, party, 4-5 crafts for them to do. Cost about $4000.00 so need help. Motion by Rick P. to donate $100.00 to them, second John C.

Donna mentioned the Salvation Army needs bell ringers also, our club can advertise when we ring. Let her know at our Nov. 8th meeting.

Membership dues, motion by Bill W to keep them the same amount, passed. Business memberships, when, 1 or 2 years, too high? Will have to discuss this.

Sign Committee: Donny H., is waiting for spring to get the information signs because of all the new routes we have added recently, and are working on. He will get lists of those needed.

Planning Committee: Briggsville is showing interest in routes. Asked to go to Buffalo, please. Donna going there, doesn’t sound promising. Definitely cannot go near Muir Park, they are very against anything that might cause problems there. John C. says Douglas wants us to come there.

Map Committee: orders 100 of them, small lots, because a lot of new items and business members coming in. The ads have been updated, changed some of the map to clean it up for ease of reading. The small ones cost us $0.75 each, large ones $1.75 each. Haystack needs some maps, others too. Check on those that you have given maps to, and bring in the money for the treasurer.

New Business:

Shara Riders is the new club in Waushara County that Sheila of the Hideaway started.

Monroe Prairie is losing some trails, and need to expand their routes, asking us for help with their proposal. Is nice to have them ask us. They have Friendship routes, need Adams routes. They need to go through Springfield, Shawn’s place(recreational officer in Adams County), have opposition.

There is a club in Columbia County trying to come to Marquette County routes.

Elections: Donny H., vice president of the club, will wait until next year to go up for re-election. That will break up the elections of club board members so they are not all the same year. Secretary is also up next year. Need to vote for president and treasurer this month. Scotty was unanimously voted back in as president; Donna was unanimously voted back in as treasurer.

Meeting times, Mondays no longer viable. Move to the second Saturday of the month now, at 10:00 am. Motion made by Mark S., second by Maureen W. Unanimously passed.

Need to get the by-laws updated, then approve at meeting.

Donny H. proposed trail bosses for the areas, John C. agreed to handle Montello, Russ agreed to be one also. Will have a committee meeting, watch Facebook, it will be announced. Remember to clean up ditches when you can.

November 1st Montello township and city routes close.

Carry: ATV rally in Westfield next fall, use Cty grounds and camp there. Have races, pulls, etc.

Christmas party or event.

Club ride on Sunday, October 26th with Bill and Maureen W. Start at their home.

Propose to have a club ride, in Clark County before March 15, 2015. Can be very fun with snow, ice, and water.

50/50 raffle held by George W., Donna won, $40.00 to her and the club.

Meeting place list to be put together by Dennis and Sue.

Meeting: The next meeting is Saturday November 8, 2014 at Yahoo’s, downtown Montello at 10:00 am.

Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm by Maureen W.; second by Bill W.