Purpose: To promote and maintain school spirit and encourage academic and performance achievement.



Candidates for the PHS Dance Team must be currently enrolled in Prince William Schools and is planning to attend Patriot High in the fall. The dance team auditions are open to grades 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th.


Each candidate will be required to attend a pre-clinic meeting with at least one parent. The Director will discuss the requirements of the audition and selection process as well as the responsibilities of the dance team program. Attendance will be required of all candidates at the DANCE clinic, and only excused absences will be accepted. The Director must approve excuses in advance. All excuses must be submitted in writing. All registration/ medical release forms are due on the first day of Clinic. You cannot participate without the signed release forms. ______initial


Each candidate must have a grade point average of 2.0 or 70%. The semester grades will be used to determine academic eligibility to audition and must be provided at the clinic for tryouts. ______initial


Parents and dancers will sign and return a form stating that they have read the policies outlined for the dance team program and understand the rules/regulations for auditions, selection, and participation.



A panel of certified judges will be selected by the Director and will consist of a minimum of three adult judges. These judges will evaluate each candidate individually and as a group dancer. The candidates will be judged on the basis of the qualities listed on the attached sample audition sheet. Each candidate will be assisted in these dance techniques during clinic. After tallying the scores, (dance performance, teacher evaluations, clinic evaluation and skill rating) the number of dancers will be determined based on the natural break of the scores and set score total. In case of a tie in scores above the natural break, the judges may call back the tied participants as well as additional participants. Teacher evaluations will be factored into the judging criteria. See attached sheet!


The Director will specify attire for auditions and practices (navy or red Soffee shorts and white t-shirt). No dance team accessories or clothing may be worn during auditions.


The captain and co-captain candidates must also have at least 1+ year of formal dance training and must be a previous member of the Patriot Dance Team in order to be considered for a captain and co-captain positions. Those with the highest scores, of the teacher recommendations, the Director recommendation, and tryout tally will be considered for the captains of the 2013-14 school year.


DANCER must be PRESENT at all the clinic days in order to tryout. The Director will administer an evaluation given during the week of clinic. This evaluation will not determine the dancer’s technical ability. It will reflect willingness to put forth effort, be on time, follow directions, cooperate, and work with others. This will be averaged in the final tryout score. Only designated school personnel will be allowed in the audition area.


Patriot Dance Team will perform at the following activities and events. These activities will be finalized with other support staff including the Cheer Coach and Band Director.

a. All varsity football games, Pep rallies and estimated 4-5 Friday basketball games

b. All competitions, parades, and trips as determined by the Director

c. Booster Events: Each dancer and parent must work the concession stand a minimum of TWO times during the 2013-2014 school year ______int. ______Parent’s Int.

d. Special performances to which the Dance Team is invited

The Patriot Dance Team will consist of 12+ dancers (no more than 24) with high technical scores. There will be a set score for the number of dancers to make prior to the tryouts and this will assist with the selection process. Once the number of dancers on the PHS Dance Team have been determined, funds for choreography and costumes will be reassessed and may result in additional charges.

The Patriot STARLETTES will be recognized first as a Spirit team and secondly as a competitive dance team. All members will be expected to participate in activities that promote and maintain school spirit including competitions as selected by the Dance Directors. If a conflict occurs between a scheduled Dance Team activity and outside interest, the Dance Team activity takes precedence. Dance Team performances, including trips, come before other performances or travel opportunities. All practices, performances and competitions are mandatory. The Dance Team cannot reach its goals if members are late or absent. It is imperative that the monthly calendars are referenced before scheduling doctor appointments, work, or make up school work. Dancers are expected to attend the entire practice, performance and/or competition unless arrangements have been made with the Directors prior to the event, with the exception of family emergencies. Monthly calendars will be provided as soon as possible for planning. You must be able to attend all practices the week of competition in order to perform. ______initial

One week prior to performances, Dancers will be expected to “know” the routine and perform it in a small group (performance ready auditions) to determine if the Dancer is performance ready. It is at the discretion of the Director and/coach to determine if the Dancer is performance ready and will be eligible to perform/compete. It is the responsibility of the Dancer to practice routines outside of scheduled practices to be performance ready! Captains will be available to assist Dancers who need additional help outside of scheduled practices. Dancers should not wait until a few days prior to performance ready auditions to prepare. The PHS Dance Team is a TEAM ! All Dancers should give 110% effort during all practices, performances and competitions.


SECTION 1: Academics, Attitude, Attendance, Appearance, and Dismissal

Dancers are subject to all rules and regulations of Prince William County Schools. They must also follow guidelines and procedures of Patriot High School and PWCS.

Dancers are expected to maintain an academic standing set forth by Prince William County School. Grades will be checked at every distribution interval.

a. Grades will be checked at the first progress report. If a dancer fails a class or falls below set standards, she will be put on monitor status. This means that she will be able to participate in all performances, but her grades will be monitored very closely and academic help will be available, if needed.

b. If a dancer placed on monitor status earns below a 2.0 GPA for the first next nine week reporting period, the dancer will be directed to seek academic tutoring.

c. The dancer may participate in performances once the second progress reports are checked and the student has pulled up the grade.

SECTION 2: Positive

Dancers are expected to maintain a positive attitude and a high standard of behavior and appearance.

Dancers are representatives of Patriot High School and should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner for upholding the integrity and character of Patriot High School.

Dancers must not engage in unfavorable or questionable behavior through electronic media, (i.e. Twitter, personal websites-Facebook, texts, blogs, etc.) in such a way to bring discredit, dishonor or disgrace to the PHS Dance Team, team members or any other PHS student.

The dance team will create their own set of goals and guidelines for the 2013-14 school year to be signed by dance team members.

SECTION 3: Practices and Performances

Dancers are expected to attend all scheduled practices and performances. Monthly calendars that include practices/performances will be distributed as soon as possible. Great effort will be made to not modify the calendar; however, practices/performances may be added/canceled due to unseen circumstances.

a. Unexcused absence will result in a dancer being sidelined for at least one performance. Repeated unexcused absences will result in a dancer being dismissed.

b. With the exception of personal illness or death in the immediate family, all other absences are unexcused unless prior approval is obtained from the Director. If it is absolutely necessary for a dancer to be absent from a scheduled activity, the Dancer’s parent must submit a written request two weeks in advance.

c. Any dancer who misses a scheduled practice is responsible for learning missed choreography and contacting a captain in order to be notified of announcements. If a student misses more than one practice due to academic reasons they will not be able to participate in the performance for that week.


The year’s expenses will be distributed at a parent meeting to take place after the new team has been selected. This list will include the estimated cost of uniforms, accessories, and possible camp/choreo fees. The list is subject to change. Dancers are encouraged to participate in all approved fund-raisers that benefit the team as a whole. BOOSTER MEMBERSHIPS!! (SIGN up DANCETEAM!)

PHS Dance Team members will participate in selling Patriot Cards. Each Dancer will be expected to sell a minimum of FIVE Patriot Cards. Dancers may opt out of selling Patriot Cards, but must submit a payment equal to the cost of FIVE Patriot Cards. Such fundraiser activities will raise funds in the name of the Patriot Dancers in order to purchase needed items for the team, activities and trips.

No uniform may be altered without the approval of the Director. Dancers are expected to take proper care of all uniforms. All uniforms should be ready to be worn for performances at any time. All uniforms should be hand washed. In order to prevent discoloration and shrinking, uniforms should never be dry cleaned or dried in a machine dryer. Uniforms should be stored in a location safe from damage by other clothing or accessories. Any uniform that is not cared for properly is subject to a damage fee equal to the cost of repairing or replacing that item. A rental fee of $50 will be included in the cost of uniforms for each dancer and will not be refunded. The rental fee will offset costs related to uniforms (cleaning, wear and tear, repairs, alterations, etc.).

Patriot Starlettes

ESTIMATED Costs (Excluding fundraisers)

Please note that this is a combined list of things paid for individually as well as things paid for by fundraisers, school, and donations. This is the estimated cost for new team members and returning members. All of the fees are subject to availability and cost of the uniforms and could change after uniform proposals are presented to the school and county. Final amounts will be given to parents at a team meeting after the team has been selected. Although the Dance Team hopes to be able to reduce the costs, please be prepared to pay the estimated costs, if necessary.

Cost / New
Dancer / Returning
Jazz pants and skirt (owned by dancer) / $85 / $85
Red sequin top and shorts (owned by dancer) / $65 / $65
Rental fee of costumes / $50 / $50 / $50
Warm-ups (owned by dancer) / $125 / $125
New HH costume (owned by dancer) / $70 / $70 / $70
Choreography / $100 / $100 / $100
Accessories (shoes, tights, etc.) (owned by dancer)
Dancer will purchase independently – a list will be provided / $70 / $70 / $70
Cost Estimation / $ 550 est. / $300 est.
Payment due by June 30, 2015
Please make all checks payable to: PHS Dance

Should you have any questions please contact:

Kelly Kesler

Patriot High School

Social Science/History

Dance Team/Tennis Team

Kristie Kraynak

Glenkirk Elementary

Gifted Education Resource Teacher

SCA Sponsor

PHS Dance Team

Patriot Dancers 2013-14


We agree that ______will participate in the audition clinic and selection process. We agree to accept the judging system for the selection process and the results of said auditions. We have read the rules and regulations for dancers established in Patriot High Dance Team Contract . We understand these conditions and agree to abide by these rules and regulations if selected as a Patriot Dance Team member for the 2013-14 academic year. We also agree to the participation of Dance Team with the community support of Boosters and Community activities. We also understand that failure to comply with these rules and regulations will result in dismissal from the group and funds paid will not be returned. ______initial

We understand that dance is a strenuous, physical activity requiring strength, stamina, and flexibility. We agree to practice and condition in order to improve physical ability and prevent injury. Understanding the physical requirements and the risk involved, we hereby authorize the staff and appointed supervisors of Patriot High School and Prince William County Schools to provide medical attention in the event of any situation requiring such attention. We understand that clinics, practices, and performances will be supervised, and in the event medical attention is needed, it will be provided by qualified personnel. We waive any claim against Prince William County Schools, its employees, or appointed supervisors for seeking medical attention.

Student Signature______Date ______

Student name (Print) ______

Student’s Email Address______

Student’s cell phone______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parents name (Print) ______

Parent’s Email Address ______TRYOUT #

Cell Phone Number ______

Updated: May 2013